I created an application to calculate remaining days in Android. I also have live wallpaper application.
Now I want to set that remaining days in live wallpaper screen. How can I do that?
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import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.TimeZone;
public class DateTest {
public class DateTest {
static SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy");
public static void main(String[] args) {
//diff between these 2 dates should be 1
Date d1 = new Date("01/01/2007 12:00:00");
Date d2 = new Date("01/02/2007 12:00:00");
//diff between these 2 dates should be 1
Date d3 = new Date("03/24/2007 12:00:00");
Date d4 = new Date("03/25/2007 12:00:00");
Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance();cal1.setTime(d1);
Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance();cal2.setTime(d2);
Calendar cal3 = Calendar.getInstance();cal3.setTime(d3);
Calendar cal4 = Calendar.getInstance();cal4.setTime(d4);
printOutput("Manual ", d1, d2, calculateDays(d1, d2));
printOutput("Calendar ", d1, d2, daysBetween(cal1, cal2));
printOutput("Manual ", d3, d4, calculateDays(d3, d4));
printOutput("Calendar ", d3, d4, daysBetween(cal3, cal4));
private static void printOutput(String type, Date d1, Date d2, long result) {
System.out.println(type+ "- Days between: " + sdf.format(d1)
+ " and " + sdf.format(d2) + " is: " + result);
/* This method is used to find the no of days between the given dates */
public static long calculateDays(Date dateEarly, Date dateLater) {
return (dateLater.getTime() - dateEarly.getTime()) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
/** Using Calendar - THE CORRECT WAY**/
public static long daysBetween(Calendar startDate, Calendar endDate) {
Calendar date = (Calendar) startDate.clone();
long daysBetween = 0;
while (date.before(endDate)) {
date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
return daysBetween;
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You can use web service if client have Internet access or you can store date some where and update is , its simple if you knowledge of Java
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