Reputation: 1564
I'm currently making a program that saves Chinese Words onto a text file. I create the text file in java, and then try and write words to it. However, the text file I create is never encoded in UTF-8. This is the code I'm using, why doesn't it work? I was told that there was a bug inherent in Java but I have no idea how to get around it.
public void createFile(String name) {
try {
BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(
new FileOutputStream(name +".txt"), "UTF-8"));
catch( e) {
System.err.println("Something went wrong.");
Also, do I have another option aside from text files with which I could still use UTF encoding?
Also I'm testing its encoding by opening the TextEdit application and trying to write Chinese characters. Could this also be a problem?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2098
Reputation: 1439
Try the following code. It worked for me. The file was written out as UTF-8. I was able to open it with Notepad++, which verified that the encoding was UTF-8. The characters encoded correctly. I got the characters from
package testutf8; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class TestUTF8 { public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException { String str = "Unicode Character Map, 0x4E00 - 0x4FFF\n" + "4E00 一 丁 丂 七 丄 丅 丆 万 丈 三 上 下 丌 不 与 丏\n" + "4E10 丐 丑 丒 专 且 丕 世 丗 丘 丙 业 丛 东 丝 丞 丟\n" + "4E20 丠 両 丢 丣 两 严 並 丧 丨 丩 个 丫 丬 中 丮 丯\n" + "4E30 丰 丱 串 丳 临 丵 丶 丷 丸 丹 为 主 丼 丽 举 丿\n" + "4E40 乀 乁 乂 乃 乄 久 乆 乇 么 义 乊 之 乌 乍 乎 乏\n" + "4E50 乐 乑 乒 乓 乔 乕 乖 乗 乘 乙 乚 乛 乜 九 乞 也\n" + "4E60 习 乡 乢 乣 乤 乥 书 乧 乨 乩 乪 乫 乬 乭 乮 乯\n" + "4E70 买 乱 乲 乳 乴 乵 乶 乷 乸 乹 乺 乻 乼 乽 乾 乿\n" + "4E80 亀 亁 亂 亃 亄 亅 了 亇 予 争 亊 事 二 亍 于 亏\n" + "4E90 亐 云 互 亓 五 井 亖 亗 亘 亙 亚 些 亜 亝 亞 亟\n" + "4EA0 亠 亡 亢 亣 交 亥 亦 产 亨 亩 亪 享 京 亭 亮 亯\n" + "4EB0 亰 亱 亲 亳 亴 亵 亶 亷 亸 亹 人 亻 亼 亽 亾 亿\n" + "4EC0 什 仁 仂 仃 仄 仅 仆 仇 仈 仉 今 介 仌 仍 从 仏\n" + "4ED0 仐 仑 仒 仓 仔 仕 他 仗 付 仙 仚 仛 仜 仝 仞 仟\n" + "4EE0 仠 仡 仢 代 令 以 仦 仧 仨 仩 仪 仫 们 仭 仮 仯\n" + "4EF0 仰 仱 仲 仳 仴 仵 件 价 仸 仹 仺 任 仼 份 仾 仿\n" + "4F00 伀 企 伂 伃 伄 伅 伆 伇 伈 伉 伊 伋 伌 伍 伎 伏\n" + "4F10 伐 休 伒 伓 伔 伕 伖 众 优 伙 会 伛 伜 伝 伞 伟\n" + "4F20 传 伡 伢 伣 伤 伥 伦 伧 伨 伩 伪 伫 伬 伭 伮 伯\n" + "4F30 估 伱 伲 伳 伴 伵 伶 伷 伸 伹 伺 伻 似 伽 伾 伿\n" + "4F40 佀 佁 佂 佃 佄 佅 但 佇 佈 佉 佊 佋 佌 位 低 住\n" + "4F50 佐 佑 佒 体 佔 何 佖 佗 佘 余 佚 佛 作 佝 佞 佟\n" + "4F60 你 佡 佢 佣 佤 佥 佦 佧 佨 佩 佪 佫 佬 佭 佮 佯\n" + "4F70 佰 佱 佲 佳 佴 併 佶 佷 佸 佹 佺 佻 佼 佽 佾 使\n" + "4F80 侀 侁 侂 侃 侄 侅 來 侇 侈 侉 侊 例 侌 侍 侎 侏\n" + "4F90 侐 侑 侒 侓 侔 侕 侖 侗 侘 侙 侚 供 侜 依 侞 侟\n" + "4FA0 侠 価 侢 侣 侤 侥 侦 侧 侨 侩 侪 侫 侬 侭 侮 侯\n" + "4FB0 侰 侱 侲 侳 侴 侵 侶 侷 侸 侹 侺 侻 侼 侽 侾 便\n" + "4FC0 俀 俁 係 促 俄 俅 俆 俇 俈 俉 俊 俋 俌 俍 俎 俏\n" + "4FD0 俐 俑 俒 俓 俔 俕 俖 俗 俘 俙 俚 俛 俜 保 俞 俟\n" + "4FE0 俠 信 俢 俣 俤 俥 俦 俧 俨 俩 俪 俫 俬 俭 修 俯\n" + "4FF0 俰 俱 俲 俳 俴 俵 俶 俷 俸 俹 俺 俻 俼 俽 俾 俿\n"; FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("tmp.txt"); Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF-8"); out.write(str); out.close(); } }
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 14276
This may be a TextEdit usage issue.
If there are no non-ASCII characters in the file you're writing, TextEdit's algorithm to determine encoding will likely land on ASCII or a Latin-1 variant.
You can specify a text file's encoding in the File->Open dialog. I'm not sure whether TextEdit remembers this decision on future double-clicks of this file.
Upvotes: 1
First, files themselves don't have encodings. They're a bunch of 0s and 1s. If you write "asdf" in utf-8, it's completely indistinguishable from plain old ascii7.
If you were writing in, say, utf-16, then the byte-order mark (BOM) would be a pretty clear indication that it's written in utf-16, even with an empty string, but utf-8 does not require such a marker to be present.
Therefore, your editor has no way of knowing that this file is supposed to be written in utf-8. You could write utf-8's BOM to your file by:
However, in this case, out
would have to be an OutputStream, such as the FileOutputStream. (BufferedWriter and OutputStreamWriter do not accept byte arrays for input.)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2147
I noticed that you didn't close your stream:
Of course you didn't include the code that wrote the actual characters either...
Upvotes: 0