Reputation: 976
i have a script that get all the info i need about my SharePoint farm :
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint") > $null
$farm = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPFarm]::Local
$websvcs = $farm.Services | where -FilterScript {$_.GetType() -eq [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebService]}
$webapps = @()
foreach ($websvc in $websvcs) {
write-output "Web Applications"
write-output ""
foreach ($webapp in $websvc.WebApplications) {
write-output "Webapp Name -->"$webapp.Name
write-output ""
write-output "Site Collections"
write-output ""
foreach ($site in $webapp.Sites) {
write-output "Site URL --> -->" $site.URL
write-output ""
write-output "Websites"
write-output ""
foreach ($web in $site.AllWebs) {
write-output "Web URL --> --> -->" $web.URL
write-output ""
write-output "Lists"
write-output ""
foreach ($list in $web.Lists) {
write-output "List Title --> --> --> -->" $list.Title
write-output ""
foreach ($group in $web.Groups) {
write-output "Group Name --> --> --> -->" $group.Name
write-output ""
foreach ($user in $group.Users) {
write-output "User Name --> --> --> -->" $user.Name
write-output ""
i want to make the output to an XML file and then connect the xml file to HTML and make a site of it for manager use
how can i do it ?
thanks for the help !
Upvotes: 2
Views: 15345
Reputation: 7696
Here is an update to iHunger's answer:
$procs = get-Process
$xml = "<xml>"
foreach($proc in $procs)
$xml += "<process name='" + $proc.Name + "' id='Proc_"+$proc.Id+"'>"
$xml += "<modules>"
foreach($module in $proc.Modules)
$xml += "<module>"
$xml += $module.ModuleName
$xml += "</module>"
$xml += "</modules>"
$xml += "</process>"
$xml += "</xml>"
$path = "c:\temp\proc1.xml"
See Reading, updating and writing XML document with PowerShell
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 83
I would say you have 2 options that should be fairly easy:
The simplest way would be, instead of using write-output, build up a string as your xml.
$procs = get-Process
$xml = "<xml>"
foreach($proc in $procs)
$xml += "<process name='" + $proc.Name + "' id='Proc_"+$proc.Id+"'>"
$xml += "<modules>"
foreach($module in $proc.Modules)
$xml += "<module>"
$xml += $module.ModuleName
$xml += "</module>"
$xml += "</modules>"
$xml += "</process>"
$xml += "</xml>"
$xml | out-File -FilePath c:\temp\proc1.xml
Or - you could build up your output as a psobject and then try one of the PowerShell cmdlets to output it as XML. Probably the more robust way to do it, since you can then use other PowerShell cmdlets via the pipeline. That would look something like this:
$procs = get-Process
$processObject = @()
foreach($proc in $procs)
$procInfo = new-Object PSObject
$procInfo | add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Process" $proc.Name
$procInfo | add-Member NoteProperty -Name "ID" $proc.Id
$moduleInfo = @()
foreach($module in $proc.Modules)
$moduleInfo += $module.ModuleName
$procInfo | add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Module" $moduleInfo
$processObject += $procInfo
$processObject | export-Clixml c:\temp\procs.xml
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 1863
If you want to output the objects to XML, you can try the Export-Clixml command. For example :
dir | Export-Clixml c:\temp\output.xml
If you want directly an HTML page, you can use the commande ConvertTo-Html :
dir | ConvertTo-Html > c:\temp\output.html
You can customize the later command with head, title, body and CSS.
Upvotes: 1