Reputation: 23
I'm trying to remove of all members of a list appearing after a sublist [z,z,z] in Prolog.
f.ex removeafterZZZ([a,b,c,z,z,z,a], X) -> X = [a,b,c,z,z,z].
I have the methods sublist and join given.
% first argument is a sublist of the second argument
sublist(Sublist, List):-
join(_List1, List2, List),
join(Sublist,_List3, List2).
% we get the list in third argument by joining lists from first two arguments
join([], L, L).
join([Head | Tail1], List2, [Head | Tail3]):-
join(Tail1, List2, Tail3).
So I've been thinking of 3 possible input "options":
1) []
2) something like [a,b,c], [a,b,c,z,z] , where the output automatically would be == input
3) something like [a,b,c,z,z,z,a]
So i thought of 3 Rules:
removeafterZZZ([],[]). %for empty lists
removeafterZZZ(List,X) := %for lists with no [z,z,z] sublist
not ( sublist ( [z,z,z], List)) ,
X = List.
removeafterZZZ([H|T], X) := %for lists with sublist [z,z,z]
join(H, X, X), %join the head of list with X
removeafterZZZ(T, X). %call function again with tail
So that obviously doesn't work this way, how do i know if i already wrote z,z,z into the output list? Should I use a counter? How?
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Views: 751
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Even if it is homework a complete response has already been given so...
remove_after([], _, []).
remove_after([H|L], P, O) :-
( append(P, _, [H|L])
-> O = P
; O = [H|O1],
remove_after(L, P, O1) ).
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Reputation: 22196
If you're allowed to use append (it's a standard list predicate supplied with prolog), here's a generic method to remove a suffix --
% removeAfterSuff(Original List, Suffix To Remove, Result)
removeAfterSuff(X, [], X) :- !.
removeAfterSuff(X, Y, X) :- \+ sublist(Y,X).
removeAfterSuff(X, Y, Z) :- append(A, B, X), append(Y, _, B), append(A,Y,Z).
It uses a cut, so it's a bit ugly, but otherwise predicate 2 will give a bunch of results if you pass in [] (yeah yeah, red cut, whatever).
Here's how it works, if the suffix is NOT a member of the list, option 2 activates and X and Z are equal. Otherwise it says "there exist two lists, A and B that can make my original list. This second list, B, starts with my suffix, and then contains everything (and I don't care what that stuff is). Since I know that A is everything before the suffix, then my result is A concatenated with Y."
Note that this will give you multiple results for a list like
Edit to add: You can remove the first line if you're okay with an empty list returning results like
removeAfterSuff([a,b,c], [], Z).
Z = []
Z = [a]
Z = [a,b]
Z = [a,b,c]
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Reputation: 69934
I think you need to worry about three cases (so three rules...)
Think of how you would solve this in a traditional language - you walk the list until it ends or you find a [z,z,z]
pattern in the middle.
Upvotes: 1