Reputation: 2877
I'm not sure if this is something you can do in a single select statement without nesting selects.
I am grouping my results and I want to know IF a field inside the entire grouping contains a condition, display yes. With this it will just take the first row from the group and check the condition instead of all the rows in the group
if(field = 'condition','yes','no') as field_found
Upvotes: 3
Views: 6607
Reputation: 48179
Since you are already doing a group by, you should be able to add a MAX() as a column having the condition you are expecting and just add that to the group... such as
MAX( if( field LIKE '%condition%','1', '2' )) as ExtraOrderBy,
... rest of query ...
group by
order by
In this case, the order by is the ordinal column in the SQL list instead of explicit retyping the MAX( IF() ) condition... So, if the condition is true, mark it with "1", otherwise "2" will float all those that qualify to the top of the list... Then, you could sub-order by other things like last name, first name, or other fields you have queried.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2877
if(GROUP_CONCAT(field) LIKE '%condition%','yes','no')
SELECT first_name,last_name, CONCAT(physical_address," ",physical_address2," ",city, " ",zip) as address, MONTHNAME(install_date) as billing_month, IFNULL(status.quantity,0) as total_measures_instalclient2d,IFNULL(client1_measures,"") as client1_measures,IFNULL(client2_measures,"") as client2_measures,IFNULL(client1_quantity,0) as client1_quantity,IFNULL(client2_quantity,0) as client2_quantity,if(GROUP_CONCAT(measure_list.measure_type) LIKE '%Outreach/ Assessment%','yes','no') as outreach_invoiced,GROUP_CONCAT(IF(client='Client1',CONCAT(percent*100,"%-",measure_list.measure_type),NULL)) as client1_percent,GROUP_CONCAT(IF(client='Client2',CONCAT(percent*100,"%-",measure_list.measure_type),NULL)) as client2_percent,work_order.notes FROM customers
INNER JOIN measure on measure.customer_id = customers.customer_id
INNER JOIN measure_list on measure_list.measure_list_id = measure.measure_list_id
INNER JOIN work_order on work_order.work_order_id = measure.work_order_id
INNER JOIN billing on billing.workmanship = work_order.workmanship AND billing.measure_type = measure_list.measure_type
SELECT customers.customer_id,SUM(quantity) as quantity,GROUP_CONCAT(IF(client='Client1',measure_description,NULL)) as client1_measures,GROUP_CONCAT(IF(client='client2',measure_description,NULL)) as client2_measures,SUM(IF(client='client1',quantity,0)) as client1_quantity,SUM(IF(client='client2',quantity,0)) as client2_quantity FROM customers
INNER JOIN measure on measure.customer_id = customers.customer_id
INNER JOIN measure_list on measure_list.measure_list_id = measure.measure_list_id
INNER JOIN work_order on work_order.work_order_id = measure.work_order_id
INNER JOIN billing on billing.workmanship = work_order.workmanship AND billing.measure_type = measure_list.measure_type
WHERE measure_list.measure_type NOT IN ('measure1','measure2')
GROUP BY customers.customer_id
) as status on status.customer_id = customers.customer_id
WHERE measure_list.measure_type IN ('measure1','measure2')
GROUP BY customers.customer_id
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 12680
example table: id, score
SELECT score FROM table t2 WHERE =
FROM table t1
does that work?
Upvotes: 1