Reputation: 1572
I'm trying to get a grip on how currency formatting works in the .NET framework. As I understand it, Thread.CurrentCulture.NumberFormatInfo.CurrencySymbol contains the local culture's currency symbol.
But as I see it, in the real world there's not a clear 1-to-1 relation between a specific culture and the currency symbol. For instance, I may be located in UK but I bill my invoices in Euro. Or I may live in Iceland and receive invoices from US suppliers in USD. Or I may live in Sweden but my bank account uses Euro. I realize that in some cases you may just want to assume that the local currency is the one to use, but often this isn't the case.
In these cases, would I clone the CultureInfo and set the currency symbol manually on the clone and then use the clone when formatting an amount? Even if the currency symbol is not valid, I think that it would still make sense to use other properties of the NumberFormatInfo, such as CurrencyDecimalSeparator.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2741
Reputation: 16718
Absolutely. I've done it using a technique based on a blog post by Matt Weber. Here's an example that uses your culture's format for currency (decimal places, etc.), but uses the currency symbol and number of decimal places appropriate for a given currency code (so one million Yen in the en-US culture would be formatted as ¥1,000,000
You can, of course, modify it to pick and choose which properties of the current culture and currency's culture are retained.
public static NumberFormatInfo GetCurrencyFormatProviderSymbolDecimals(string currencyCode)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currencyCode))
return NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo;
var currencyNumberFormat = (from culture in CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.SpecificCultures)
let region = new RegionInfo(culture.LCID)
where String.Equals(region.ISOCurrencySymbol, currencyCode,
select culture.NumberFormat).First();
//Need to Clone() a shallow copy here, because GetInstance() returns a read-only NumberFormatInfo
var desiredNumberFormat = (NumberFormatInfo)NumberFormatInfo.GetInstance(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Clone();
desiredNumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalDigits = currencyNumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalDigits;
desiredNumberFormat.CurrencySymbol = currencyNumberFormat.CurrencySymbol;
return desiredNumberFormat;
Upvotes: 6