
Reputation: 3966

Django -- loading a CSV file into database problems

I have a Django project powered by a MySQL database. I fed the database a CSV file (via raw SQL statements) with some 600 records. That went smoothly (almost, there was one error of Field 'customer_id' doesn't have a default value - no idea why). The problem is that these records are not showing up in the webapp itself.

For example, the CSV file contained a list of about 600 records describing client contact info. When I fire up the Django test server and go to the client contact page (which should list all the contact records -- the 600) nothing is there. Further, when I go into the Admin section and view the client contact records, there is nothing there -- However it shows that there is a total of 600 records right beside the pagination buttons. Also, there are 7 pages (7 pagination buttons) of records -- of course, there is nothing on any page.

What the heck?!

EDIT for More Details

The file I am trying to import is called subset_ressy_esc.csv and a couple of lines of it look like this:

R0138,Y,1432 MyRoad Ct,MyCity, MyProv,H0H 0H0,N,100.00,0,1,1
R0140,Y,268 MyStreet Link,MyCity,MyProv,H0H 0H0,N,100.00,0,1,1
R0142,Y,10994 123 St,MyCity,MyProv,H0H 0H0,N,0.00,1,0,0

And the fields they represent (in the same order shown above) are:

systemID (pk), isRessy, systemAddress, systemCity, systemProvince, systemPostalCode, isHoseBibb, servicePreauthAmt, noWorkRequired, SUAuthorized, BDAuthorized

Now the isRessy and isHoseBibb fields are select style fields, where the user selects from a drop down, while the noWorkReqd, SUAth, and BDAuth are booleans. The serviceAmt is a decimal (dollar) amt.

To import this data, I go into the mySql interpreter mysql -u garfonzo -p and run the following command:

mysql> load data local infile '/home/garfonzo/subset_ressy_esc.csv' into table systems_system fields terminated by ',' lines terminated by '\n' (systemID, isRessy, systemAddress, systemCity, systemProvince, systemPostalCode, isHoseBibb, servicePreauthAmt, noWorkRequired, SUAuthorized, BDAuthorized);
Query OK, 684 rows affected, 1 warning (0.01 sec)
Records: 684  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> show warnings;
| Level   | Code | Message                                             |
| Warning | 1364 | Field 'systemOwner_id' doesn't have a default value |

When I do a SELECT * FROM systems_system I spits out all 684 records, with all the right data. When I open the django project, nothing is listed but the admin has 7 pages of systems, without a single system actually present -- just 7 pages of nothing.

Any ideas?

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Views: 580

Answers (3)


Reputation: 3966

Looking at the warning of Field systemOwner_id doesn't have a default value didn't really bother me. But it suddenly dawned on my that I am not importing a value for that field, and that field cannot be empty. So, (for testing purposes) I changed my model so that that field systemOwner_id can be null, ran the same MySQL import and, voila, all systems are present. Nice!!

Thanks for the help -- working through this on this Q&A has helped solve my problem.


Upvotes: 0

Visgean Skeloru
Visgean Skeloru

Reputation: 2263

Are you sure that you have actually saved those records via .save() method? What does console show? I mean have you tried to manually iterate in shell? ( shell) And lastly have you tried to restart the server?

Admin should not require __str__ nor __unicode__.

Upvotes: 1

Peter Rowell
Peter Rowell

Reputation: 17713

Interesting. The fact that the admin shows the correct record count means that the table names match (that was my first thought). So it sees the app, the table, and the record count. My guess is one of two things:

  1. You did not define a __str__() or __unicode__() method for the class, or

  2. You did not set up the matching classes correctly and you are display a blank field.

My money is on number one.

Upvotes: 1

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