Reputation: 368
According to jro suggestion I am modifying my question and problem I have.
url('^$','pMass.views.index', name='index') #Index is the main view with form input type text and submit
#If search value is match then it will render result.html template
#View will find search value and render result.html template if request is not ajax
#If request is ajax then same view will create new queryset and render to same template page (result.html)
def index(request):
error = False
cid = request.GET
if 'cnum' in request.GET:
cid = request.GET['cnum']
if not cid:
error = False
expcount = Experiment.objects.count()
allmass = SelectedIon.objects.count()
if request.is_ajax():
value = request.GET.get('value')
if value is None:
result = SelectedIon.objects.filter(monoiso__iexact=value).select_related()
template = 'result.html'
data = {
return render_to_response(template, data,
defmass = 0.000001
massvalue = float(cid)
masscon = defmass * massvalue
highrange = massvalue + masscon
lowrange = massvalue - masscon
myquery = SelectedIon.objects.select_related().filter(monoiso__range=(lowrange, highrange))
querycount = myquery.count()
return render_to_response('result.html', {'query': cid, 'high':highrange, 'low':lowrange, 'sections':myquery, 'qcount':querycount, })
return render_to_response('index.html', {'error': error, 'exp': expcount,'mass':allmass,})
# I have divided template into two container: main (left) & container (right)
# Left container is for search match (e.g value/title) with hyperlink
# Right container is for detail of the match value
# For right container I have created jQuery tabs (tab1, tab2, tab3)
# The content of the right container in the tab will update according to the link in the left.
#Layout is given below
! tab1 ! tab2 ! tab3 !
! 434.4456 ! Show Default Match 1 Record !
! 434.4245 ! & left hyperlink onclick show it's value record !
! 434.4270 ! detail. I have design tab with JQuery !
! 434.2470 ! !
! 434.4234 ! !
==Left container(result.html)==
#I am looping through the queryset/list of values that was match with template for tag
#The template variable is given a hyperlink so after clicking it's detail information
will be shown on right container
<script type="text/javascript" src="/media/jquery-1.2.6.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
value = $ ('').val();
$('div#tab_content')empty().load('{%url index%}?query'= +value);
<div id="main">
<table align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="1" bordercolor="#996600">
{% for section in sections %}
<td><a href="#" id="{{%section.monoiso%}}">{{section.monoiso}}</a></td>
{% endfor %}
<a href.... id="{{%section.monoiso%}}"
, how can I use same id value for querying in the index view and response in the result.html?Suggestions, comments and answer are appreciated.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1973
Reputation: 9474
Some starting points. First, the view you call via Ajax does not necessarily have to return a json-object: the data can also be returned as a string using django.http.HttpResponse
(or render_to_response
, which boils down to the same thing). This means you can also return an entirely generated template as usual.
Assuming your posted view is found at /index/(?<tab>\d+)/(?<match>\d+)/
being the tab index, match
being the match index), your javascript could look like this:
$("ul.tabs li").click(function() {
$("ul.tabs li").removeClass("active"); // Remove any "active" class
$(this).addClass("active"); // Add "active" class to this tab
$(".tab_content").hide(); // Hide all tab content
// Construct the url based on the current index
match_name = $("ul.match li").index($("ul.match"));
url = "/index/" + $("ul.tabs li").index($(this)) + "/" + match_name + "/";
// Asynchronous ajax call to 'url'
new $.ajax({
url: url,
async: true,
// The function below will be reached when the request has completed
success: function(transport)
$(".tab_content").html(transport); // Put data in the div
$(".tab_content").fadeIn(); // Fade in the active content
I didn't test this, but something along these lines should do. Note that for this to work with your current code, you view's index
function needs to allow for a parameter. If you just want to test it with the same page for each tab, make the url look like this: url = "/index/";
so that it'll most likely work right away.
Upvotes: 1