Reputation: 6443
What is the best/easiest way to build a minimal task queue system for Linux using bash and common tools?
I have a file with 9'000 lines, each line has a bash command line, the commands are completely independent.
command 1 > Logs/1.log
command 2 > Logs/2.log
command 3 > Logs/3.log
My box has more than one core and I want to execute X tasks at the same time. I searched the web for a good way to do this. Apparently, a lot of people have this problem but nobody has a good solution so far.
It would be nice if the solution had the following features:
command; command
)ls > /tmp/ls.txt
)Bonus points if it works on other Unix-clones without too exotic requirements.
Upvotes: 7
Views: 3859
Reputation: 1
Task Queue + Parallelized + Dynamic addition
Using a FIFO, this script fork itself to process the queue. This way, you can add commands to the queue on the fly (when the queue is already started).
Usage: ./queue Command [# of children] [Queue name]
Example, with 1 thread:
./queue "sleep 5; echo ONE" ./queue "echo TWO"
Example, with 2 thread:
./queue "sleep 5; echo ONE" 2 ./queue "echo TWO"
Example, with 2 queues:
./queue "sleep 5; echo ONE queue1" 1 queue1 ./queue "sleep 3; echo ONE queue2" 1 queue2
ONE queue2 ONE queue1
The script (save it as "queue" and chmod +x queue):
#Print usage
[[ $# -eq 0 ]] && echo Usage: $0 Command [# of children] [Queue name] && exit
#Param 1 - Command to execute
#Param 2 - Number of childs in parallel
[[ $# -gt 1 ]] && MAXCHILD="$2"
#Param 3 - File to be used as FIFO
[[ $# -gt 2 ]] && FIFO="$3"
#Number of seconds to keep the runner active when unused
#Associate file descriptor 3 to the FIFO
exec 3<>"$FIFO"
while read -u 3 -t $TIMEOUT line; do
#max child check
while [ `jobs | grep Running | wc -l` -ge "$MAXCHILD" ]; do
sleep 1
#exec in backgroud
(eval "$line")&
rm $FIFO
#fork if the runner is not running
lsof $FIFO >/dev/null || ($0 "QueueRunner" "$MAXCHILD" "$FIFO" &)
#send the command to the runner
echo "$COMMAND" > $FIFO
#Create the FIFO file
[[ -e "$FIFO" ]] || mkfifo "$FIFO"
#Start the runner if in the runner fork, else put the command in the queue
[[ "$COMMAND" == "QueueRunner" ]] && runner || writer
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1736
You could see my tasks queue written on bash:
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 33740
GNU Parallel is a more general tool for parallelizing than PPSS.
If runfile contains:
command 1 > Logs/1.log
command 2 > Logs/2.log
command 3 > Logs/3.log
you can do:
cat runfile | parallel -j+0
which will run one command per CPU core.
If your commands are as simple as above you do not even need runfile but can do:
seq 1 3 | parallel -j+0 'command {} > Logs/{}.log'
If you have more computers available to do the processing you may want to look at the --sshlogin and --trc options for GNU Parallel.
Upvotes: 11
This is a specific case, but if you are trying to process a set of files and produce another set of output files, you can start #cores number of processes, and check if an output file exists before processing it. The example below converts a directory of .m4b files to .mp3 files:
Just run this command as many times as you have cores:
ls *m4b|while read f; do test -f ${f%m4b}mp3 || mencoder -of rawaudio "$f" -oac mp3lame -ovc copy -o ${f%m4b}mp3; done &
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 769
You can use the xargs command, its --max-procs does what you want. For instance Charlie Martin solution becomes with xargs:
tr '\012' '\000' < |xargs --null --max-procs=$X bash -c
I tested it with this file for instance:
date "+%Y-%m-%d" >"The Date".txt
wc -c <'The Date'.txt >'The Count'.txt
Upvotes: 0
Similar distributed-computing fun is the Mapreduce Bash Script:
And thanks for pointing out ppss!
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 112404
Well, this is a kind of fun question anyway.
Here's what I'd do, assuming bash(1) of course.
for example.trap signalHandler SIGCHLD
s.So now, it runs the first N
commands, then waits. When the first child terminates, the wait returns, it reads another line, runs a new command, and waits again.
Now, this is a case that takes care of many jobs terminating close together. I suspect you can get away with a simpler version:
cat |
while read cmd
eval $cmd &
if $((count-- == 0))
Now, this one will start up the first 15 commands, and then run the rest one at a time as some command terminates.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 6443
Okay, after posting the question here, I found the following project which looks promising: ppss.
Edit: Not quite what I want, PPSS is focused on processing "all files in directory A".
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1412
Can you convert your command list to a Makefile? If so, you could just run "make -j X".
Upvotes: 15