
Reputation: 8617

Matlab histc with vector bins

If I have two matrices A and B of size [m x n] and [p x n], and I want to find the counts of the number of times each row of B appears in A, for example:

>> A = rand(5,3)

A =

    0.1419    0.6557    0.7577
    0.4218    0.0357    0.7431
    0.9157    0.8491    0.3922
    0.7922    0.9340    0.6555
    0.9595    0.6787    0.1712

>> B = [A(2,:); A(1,:); A(2,:); A(3,:); A(3,:); A(4,:); A(5,:)] 

B =

    0.4218    0.0357    0.7431
    0.1419    0.6557    0.7577
    0.4218    0.0357    0.7431
    0.9157    0.8491    0.3922
    0.9157    0.8491    0.3922
    0.7922    0.9340    0.6555
    0.9595    0.6787    0.1712

with the answer in this case being

ans =

     1     2     2     1     1

although unlike this example, in general m >> p

If A and B were vectors matlab's histc would do the job, but there doesn't seem to be an equivalent if the bins are vectors.

Currently I do it by:

for i=1:length(B)
    indices(i) = find(abs(A/B(i,:)-1) < 1e-15); 
    % division requires a tolerance due to numerical issues
histc(indices, 1:size(A,1))

ans =

     1     2     2     1     1

but since I have many such matrices B, and both A and B are large, this is horribly slow. Any ideas how to improve on this?


Looking at the methods so far, I have the following data:

A                    7871139x3                188907336  double                       
B                        902x3                    21648  double                       

To make things quicker I'm just going to use the first 10 rows of B

B = B(1:10,:);

Note that for the full application I (currently) have >10^4 of such matrices (this will eventually be >10^6 ....)

My first method:

tic, C = get_vector_index(A,B); toc
Elapsed time is 36.630107 seconds.

bdecaf's method (can be reduced to ~25 seconds by removing the if statement and using L1 distance instead of L2 distance)

>> tic, C1 = get_vector_index(A,B); toc
Elapsed time is 28.957243 seconds.
>> isequal(C, C1) 

ans =


oli's pdist2 method

>> tic, C2 = get_vector_index(A,B); toc
Elapsed time is 7.244965 seconds.

>> isequal(C,C2)

ans =


oli's normalisation method

>> tic, C3 = get_vector_index(A,B); toc
Elapsed time is 3.756682 seconds.

>> isequal(C,C3)

ans =


Finally I came up with another method, where I search the first column, then I search the second column within the hits of the first column, recursing until the columns are exhausted. This is the fastest so far ....

N = size(A,2);
loc = zeros(size(B,1),1);
for i=1:size(B,1)
    idx{1} = find(A(:,1)==B(i,1));
    for k=2:N, 
        idx{k} = idx{k-1}(find(A(idx{k-1},k)==B(i,k))); 
    loc(i) = idx{end};
C = histc(loc, 1:size(A,1));

which results in:

>> tic, C4 = get_vector_index(A,B); toc
Elapsed time is 1.314370 seconds.

>> isequal(C, C4)

ans =


Also note that using intersect is much slower:

>> tic, [~,IA] = intersect(A,B,'rows'); C5 = histc(IA,1:size(A,1)); toc
Elapsed time is 44.392593 seconds.

>> isequal(C,C5)

ans = 


Upvotes: 3

Views: 2536

Answers (4)


Reputation: 8617

I actually put this solution as an edit in the question, but for the sake of accepting an answer I'll put the solution in here too:

N = size(A,2);
loc = zeros(size(B,1),1);
for i=1:size(B,1)
    idx{1} = find(A(:,1)==B(i,1));
    for k=2:N, 
        idx{k} = idx{k-1}(find(A(idx{k-1},k)==B(i,k))); 
    loc(i) = idx{end};
C = histc(loc, 1:size(A,1));

which results in:

>> tic, C4 = get_vector_index(A,B); toc
Elapsed time is 1.314370 seconds.

>> isequal(C, C4)

ans =


Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 4732

I would solve it like this:

indices = zeros(size(A,1),1);
for i=1:size(B,1)
    distances = sum( ( repmat(B(i,:),size(A,1),1)-A ).^2 ,2);
    if md < 1e-9
      indices(im) = indices(im)+1;

if you remove the if it will just sort into the nearest bin.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 16065

Actually, a simpler way of doing that is:


it compute all pairwise distances and threshhold and count.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 16065

Maybe you could normalize them such that you check that their dot product is 1

A = rand(5,3);
B = [A(2,:); A(1,:); A(2,:); A(3,:); A(3,:); A(4,:); A(5,:)];
A2=bsxfun(@times,A,1./sqrt(sum(A.^2,2))); %%% normalize A
B2=bsxfun(@times,B,1./sqrt(sum(B.^2,2))) %%% normalize B
sum(A2*B2'>1-10e-9,2) %%% check that the dotproduct is close to 1

ans =


If you need something even faster but approximated, I recommand you to use the flann library, which is for fast approximated nearest neighbor:

Upvotes: 1

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