Reputation: 324
To set an icon on a file or directory is straight forward using the "Get Info" dialog in Finder.
But how do you do this using the command line?
Upvotes: 9
Views: 9035
Reputation: 324
Here is a bash script "" for it
# Sets an icon on file or directory
# Usage iconimage.jpg /path/to/[file|folder]
icon=/tmp/`basename $iconSource`
# Create icon from the iconSource
cp $iconSource $icon
# Add icon to image file, meaning use itself as the icon
sips -i $icon
# Take that icon and put it into a rsrc file
DeRez -only icns $icon > $rsrc
# Apply the rsrc file to
SetFile -a C $iconDestination
if [ -f $iconDestination ]; then
# Destination is a file
Rez -append $rsrc -o $iconDestination
elif [ -d $iconDestination ]; then
# Destination is a directory
# Create the magical Icon\r file
touch $iconDestination/$'Icon\r'
Rez -append $rsrc -o $iconDestination/Icon?
SetFile -a V $iconDestination/Icon?
# Sometimes Finder needs to be reactivated
#osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to quit'
#osascript -e 'delay 2'
#osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to activate'
rm $rsrc $icon
Upvotes: 12
Reputation: 21
Assuming that we have icns-file already. Create temp resource file which points to icns-file:
$ echo "read 'icns' (-16455) \"Icon.icns\";" >> Icon.rsrc
Append the resource file as value of extended attribute "" to a file:
$ Rez -a Icon.rsrc -o FileName.ext
Show the icon of the file:
$ SetFile -a C FileName.ext
Append resource file as value of extended attribute "" to a magic icon file inside current folder:
$ Rez -a Icon.rsrc -o Icon$'\r'
Show the icon of current folder:
$ SetFile -a C .
Hide the magic icon file inside current folder (press ⇧⌘. to show/hide hidden files in Finder):
$ SetFile -a V Icon$'\r'
Icon data is stored as value of extended attribute "" (Terminal command "xattr -p FileName.ext" prints the value). For a folder there is magic (which is empty and hidden) file Icon$'\r'
inside the folder. To extract icon data from extended attribute "" into plain text resource file (from which we know correct icns-type identifier "-16455"):
$ DeRez -only icns FileWithIcon.ext > Icon.rsrc
$ DeRez -only icns /Folder/With/Icon/Icon$'\r' > Icon.rsrc
Under macOS 10.13 High Sierra command $ sips -i ImageFile.icns/png/jpg
generates error --addIcon is no longer supported
. Switch -i
means "--addIcon" as extended attribute "" onto this file itself using the content of this image file.
Upvotes: 2