Reputation: 758
I current have a bare repo thats acts as a central repo for my team. The bare repo currently only have a branch "master". How can I create more branches on the bare repo?
Upvotes: 30
Views: 26477
Reputation: 10695
To create a new branch (locally) called branchname
git branch branchname
Then to sync it with the remote repository like GitHub (if applicable)
git push origin branchname
And to use it for development / make the branch the active branch
git checkout branchname
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 9650
git update-ref refs/heads/new_branch refs/heads/master
In that bare repository if you have direct access to it. You may supply any reference (a tag for instance) or a commit in the last argument.
Below is a test script:
$ mkdir non-bare-orig
$ cd non-bare-orig/
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in D:/Temp/bare-branch/non-bare-orig/.git/
$ touch file1
$ git add --all && git commit -m"Initial commit"
[master (root-commit) 9c33a5a] Initial commit
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 file1
$ touch file2
$ git add --all && git commit -m"Second commit"
[master 1f5673a] Second commit
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 file2
$ git tag some_tag
$ touch file3
$ git add --all && git commit -m"Third commit"
[master 5bed6e7] Third commit
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 file3
$ cd ../
$ git clone --bare non-bare-orig bare-clone
Cloning into bare repository 'bare-clone'...
$ cd bare-clone/
$ git update-ref refs/heads/branch1 refs/heads/master
$ git update-ref refs/heads/branch2 some_tag
$ git update-ref refs/heads/branch3 9c33a5a
$ git branch -vv
branch1 5bed6e7 Third commit
branch2 1f5673a Second commit
branch3 9c33a5a Initial commit
* master 5bed6e7 Third commit
Upvotes: 15
Reputation: 132071
Usually you don't create branches directly in the bare repository, but you push branches from one work repository to the bare
git push origin myBranch
Update: Worth to mention
Like Paul Pladijs mentioned in the comments with
git push origin localBranchName:remoteBranchName
you push (and create, if not exists) your local branch to the remote with a different branch name, that your local one. And to make it complete with
git push origin :remoteBranchName
you delete a remote branch.
Upvotes: 23