Reputation: 358
I'm trying to add ordering/re-ordering to a resource in Active Admin. I understand that you can sort by the different columns for viewing while logged in. What I'd like to do is be able to order items so they display in a specific order on the front end. Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
I have a sort column in the database already.
Also I'd like to display the items in that specific order on in the admin section.
Anyone have any ideas on how I'd accomplish this?
Upvotes: 10
Views: 6136
Reputation: 306
I implemented this recently using a column called position on my HomeSlide model.
ActiveAdmin.register HomeSlide do
config.sort_order = 'position_asc'
index do
column :title
# This action is called by javascript when you drag and drop a column
# It iterates through the collection and sets the new position based on the
# order that jQuery submitted them
collection_action :sort, :method => :post do
params[:home_slide].each_with_index do |id, index|
HomeSlide.update_all(['position=?', index+1], ['id=?', id])
render :nothing => true
Add this to your active_admin javascripts (coffee script)
sendSortRequestOfModel = (model_name) ->
formData = $('#' + model_name + ' tbody').sortable('serialize')
formData += "&" + $('meta[name=csrf-param]').attr("content") + "=" + encodeURIComponent($('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr("content"))
type: 'post'
data: formData
dataType: 'script'
url: '/admin/' + model_name + '/sort'
jQuery ($) ->
# home page slides
if $('body.admin_home_slides.index').length
$( "#home_slides tbody" ).disableSelection()
$( "#home_slides tbody" ).sortable
axis: 'y'
cursor: 'move'
update: (event, ui) ->
Upvotes: 26
Reputation: 2182
Do you have a separate frontend controller then? For the activeadmin part of your question:
It is possible to have a
config.sort_order = 'lastname_asc'
config.sort_order = 'created_at_desc'
declaration inside the ActiveAdmin.register block of your model / resource.
In your model, you could put something like
default_scope :order => "id DESC"
Reading your question though it seems appropriate for you to read some documentation, Here is a part copied from
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :published, where(:published => true)
scope :featured, where(:featured => true)
def self.latest_article
order('published_at desc').first
def self.titles
Which allows you to call the methods like this:
Good luck.
Upvotes: 0