Am I missing something obvious here, I cannot find a way to assign an ImageIndex to a Subitem of a TListView.
I have the Listview set in vsReportMode with 2 columns, I can easily assign an ImageIndex to the first column Items, something like:
ListView1.Items[0].ImageIndex := 0;
ListView1.Items[1].ImageIndex := 1;
ListView1.Items[2].ImageIndex := 2;
I thought I could assign an ImageIndex to it's SubItems, something like this (which obviously does not work because the property does not seem to exist with SubItems)
ListView1.Items[0].SubItems[0].ImageIndex := 0;
ListView1.Items[1].SubItems[0].ImageIndex := 1;
ListView1.Items[2].SubItems[0].ImageIndex := 2;
Am I confusing myself again or is there no such property for SubItem Images?
Upvotes: 5
Views: 10617
Reputation: 125749
Use SubItemImages
LI: TListItem;
i: Integer;
ListView1.ViewStyle := vsReport;
for i := 0 to 1 do
with ListView1.Columns.Add do
Caption := 'Column ' + IntToStr(i);
for i := 0 to ImageList1.Count - 1 do
LI := ListView1.Items.Add;
LI.Caption := Format('Item %d', [i]);
LI.ImageIndex := i;
LI.SubItems.Add(Format('SubItem %d', [i]));
LI.SubItemImages[0] := i; // SubItems[ColumnIndex] := ImageIndex;
This results in
Upvotes: 13