Reputation: 830
I am trying to build a URL dynamically, i have a product feature table which holds the url. The purpose of this exercise is for a user to click on a link; then the user can click on another link (rockwall and step-ladder are individual features). Each time a user clicks on a link i need to append the next feature.
So far i have
<cfset filterURL = "" />
<cfif IsDefined('url.feat') AND url.feat NEQ "">
<cfquery name="geturl" datasource="#application.dsn#">
SELECT txt_feat_url
FROM tbl_features
WHERE uid_features=<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#url.feat#">
<cfset filterURL = filterURL & "_" & geturl.txt_feat_url>
Its not appending though?
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Views: 186
Reputation: 2706
You are setting filterURL = ""
at the top. So, in the following line you are just appending geturl.txt_feat_url to a blank string:
<cfset filterURL = filterURL & "_" & geturl.txt_feat_url>
That is why you are ending up with values such as "_monkey-bar" instead of "climbing-frames_rockwall-ladder_monkey-bar".Where are you expecting the value of filterURL to come from, is it the URL scope?
Upvotes: 1