Reputation: 11880
I'm a functional programming newbie. I'd like to know how to implement numpy.where() in python, scala or haskell. A good explanation would be helpful to me.
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There are two use cases for where; in one case, you have two arrays, and in the other, you only have one.
In the two-item case, numpy.where(cond)
, you get a list of indices where the condition-array is true. In Scala, you would normally
(cond, cond.indices).zipped.filter((c,_) => c)._2
which obviously is less compact, but this isn't a fundamental operation that people normally use in Scala (the building blocks are different, de-emphasizing indices, for example).
In the three-item case, numpy.where(cond,x,y)
, you get either x
or y
depending on whether cond
is true (x
) or false (y
). In Scala,
(cond, x, y),tx,ty) => if (c) tx else ty)
performs the same operation (again less compact, but again, not typically a fundamental operation). Note that in Scala you can more easily have cond
be a method that tests x
and y
and produces true or false, and then you would
(x, y),ty) => if (c(tx,ty)) tx else ty)
(although typically even when being brief you'd name the arrays xs
and ys
and the individual elements x
and y
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Reputation: 40797
In Haskell, doing it for n-dimensional lists, as the NumPy equivalent supports, requires a fairly advanced typeclass construction, but the 1-dimensional case is easy:
select :: [Bool] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
select [] [] [] = []
select (True:bs) (x:xs) (_:ys) = x : select bs xs ys
select (False:bs) (_:xs) (y:ys) = y : select bs xs ys
This is just a simple recursive procedure, examining each element of each list in turn, and producing the empty list when every list reaches its end. (Note that these are lists, not arrays.)
Here's a simpler but less obvious implementation for 1-dimensional lists, translating the definition in the NumPy documentation (credit to joaquin for pointing it out):
select :: [Bool] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
select bs xs ys = zipWith3 select' bs xs ys
where select' True x _ = x
select' False _ y = y
To achieve the two-argument case (returning all indices where the condition is True; credit to Rex Kerr for pointing this case out), a list comprehension can be used:
trueIndices :: [Bool] -> [Int]
trueIndices bs = [i | (i,True) <- zip [0..] bs]
It could also be written with the existing select
, although there's not much point:
trueIndices :: [Bool] -> [Int]
trueIndices bs = catMaybes $ select bs (map Just [0..]) (repeat Nothing)
And here's the three-argument version for n-dimensional lists:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}
class Select bs as where
select :: bs -> as -> as -> as
instance Select Bool a where
select True x _ = x
select False _ y = y
instance (Select bs as) => Select [bs] [as] where
select = zipWith3 select
Here's an example:
GHCi> select [[True, False], [False, True]] [[0,1],[2,3]] [[4,5],[6,7]]
You would probably want to use a proper n-dimensional array type instead in practice, though. If you just want to use select
on an n-dimensional list for one specific n, luqui's advice (from the comments of this answer) is preferable:
In practice, instead of the typeclass hack, I would use
(zipWith3.zipWith3.zipWith3) select' bs xs ys
(for the three dimensional case).
(adding more compositions of zipWith3
as n increases.)
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 85653
In python from numpy.where.__doc__
If `x` and `y` are given and input arrays are 1-D, `where` is
equivalent to::
[xv if c else yv for (c,xv,yv) in zip(condition,x,y)]
Upvotes: 5