
Reputation: 2675

how can I restart a "do-while" loop after breaking out of a foreach loop?

I have a small snippet of code from my config script, the idea is the configuration is loaded then each key is checked for the hostname that has been entered. But if a configuration is found to contain the same hostname then it is rejected and displays a warning message that a configruation with that hostname already exists.

The problem is I need the foreach loop that checks for the existance of the hash key to restart the do-while loop so another hostname can be tried or the user can ^C out of the script.

Here is the snippet;

my $host;
do {
    print "Enter the hostname or IP of the ESXi server: ";
    chomp($host = <STDIN>);

    if ($host eq '') {
        print "You must enter a hostname or IP address!\n";
    } elsif ($host ne '') {

        # We need to catch duplicate configurations for we don't do the same work twice
        foreach (keys %config) {
            if ($config{$_}{host} ne $host) {
            } elsif ($config{$_}{host} eq $host) {
                warn "Configuration for $host already exists!\n";

        if ($ping_obj->ping($host)) {
            $config{$config_tag}{host} = $host;
        } elsif (! $ping_obj->ping($host)) {
            print RED . "Ping test for \'$host\' failed" . RESET . "\n";

} while ($config{$config_tag}{host} eq 'undef');

This is what the template hash looks like.

my %template = (
    host => 'undef',
    port => 'undef',
    login => {
        user => 'undef',
        password => 'undef',
    options => {
        snapshots => "0",
        compress => "0",

        # This is expressed as an array
        exclude => 'undef',

Upvotes: 4

Views: 1841

Answers (3)


Reputation: 67930

I'm not sure why you are trying to use do ... while, when while seems more natural.

Some notes:

  • You do not need to double check your if-statements. If e.g. $host eq '' is true, then $host ne '' must be false. Per definition.
  • If you are not going to use $host outside the loop, which I assume you are not, since you store it in the hash, you should put my $host inside the loop, to restrict the scope.

Some tips:

  • You can use redo to restart the loop.
  • You can use smart matching to do away with the for loop.

while ($config{$config_tag}{host} eq 'undef') {
    print "Enter the hostname or IP of the ESXi server: ";
    chomp(my $host = <STDIN>);
    if ($host eq '') {
        print "You must enter a hostname or IP address!\n";
    } else {
        # We need to catch duplicate configurations 
        my @host_list = map { $_->{host} } values %config 
        if ($host ~~ @host_list) {
            warn "Configuration for $host already exists!\n";
    if ($ping_obj->ping($host)) {
        $config{$config_tag}{host} = $host;
    } else {
        print RED . "Ping test for \'$host\' failed" . RESET . "\n";

Upvotes: 1

Brad Gilbert
Brad Gilbert

Reputation: 34130

Why do you have 3 elsifs where a simple else would do?
I mean, they only test for the exact opposite of what the associated if tested for.

if ($host eq '') {
} elsif ($host ne '') {
if ($config{$_}{host} ne $host) {
} elsif ($config{$_}{host} eq $host) {
if ($ping_obj->ping($host)) {
} elsif (! $ping_obj->ping($host)) {

I would use a normal while loop, instead of a do{...}while(...) loop.

    goto RESTART;



In this loop you are only using the keys of %config to find the associated value, so why don't you use values %config instead.

foreach (keys %config) {
    if ($config{$_}{host} ne $host) {
    } elsif ($config{$_}{host} eq $host) {
        warn "Configuration for $host already exists!\n";


for( values %config ){
  if( $_->{host} ne $host ){
  } else {

If you're using 5.10.0 or later you could use a smart match (~~) instead, which would make it clearer what you're testing.

my @hosts = map{ $_->{host} } values %config;
if( $host ~~ @hosts ){

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 118695

If there is ever a use for a goto LABEL statement in Perl, this is it.

do {
    START:     # could also go right before the "do"
    if (...) {
        warn "Configuration exists. Start over.\n";
        goto START;
} while (...);

Upvotes: 5

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