Reputation: 77
hi guys im trying to take the value of data(0)
and put it into say variable InvoiceNumber. I tried putting an image of my watch screen but i ended up not being allow. but here is what my watch screen would look like.
data(0,1) 1
data(0,2) 2
data(0,3) 3
I have tried
dim InvoiceNumber as variant <br/>
invoiceNumber = data(0)
but i keep getting error. I dont know how to reference just the part of that array. any help would be greatly appreciated.
here is the full code for anyone that would like to see a little more.
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim data As Variant
Dim colummn1 As Variant
Dim obj As Object
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("select * from Table1")
'set obj = new object
While Not rs.EOF
'MsgBox (rs.RecordCount)
'MsgBox (rs.Fields.Count)
data = rs.GetRows(rs.Fields.Count)
Column1 =
End Sub
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Views: 9875
Reputation: 112762
Column1 = data(0,0)
instead of
Column1 =
contains a two-dimensional array. The fist index is the field number, the second index is the row number. Both start at zero. So data(0,0)
is the first field of the first row. data(1,0)
is the second field of the first row.
I would try to make an array of invoices by using a user defined type
Public Type Invoice
Nr As Variant
IssueDate As Variant
Total As Variant
'Or whatever your invoice contains
End Type
Public Sub TestGetRecords()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim data As Variant
Dim numRecords As Long, i As Long
Dim Invoices() As Invoice
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("select * from Table1")
data = rs.GetRows()
numRecords = UBound(data, 2) + 1
ReDim Invoices(0 To numRecords - 1) As Invoice
For i = 0 To numRecords - 1
Invoices(i).Nr = data(0, i)
Invoices(i).IssueDate = data(1, i)
Invoices(i).Total = data(2, i)
Next i
Debug.Print Invoices(0).Total
End Sub
An error in you solution is, that you placed GetRows
in a loop. However, GetRows returns all the rows at once!
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 181
I am finding it a little hard to understand what you are trying to achieve.
You are reading an entire table of data into a recordset object, loading the fields of the recordset object into a two dimensional array and then trying to iterate through the array to output the results to a single variable (or a sum of array values).
Why don't you just use an SQL expression to extract the data directly from your table?
If we can assume you have a table of invoices (say ... "myInvoiceTable") with at least the following fields ...
invoiceID invoiceValue (and probably many others, eg. invoiceDate, clientID, etc.)
you can write an expression something like this
"SELECT SUM(invoiceValue) AS MyTotal FROM myInvoiceTable WHERE invoiceID > xxxx"
This might go into your VBA code like this.
Dim rst as Recordset
Dim strSQL as string
strSQL = "SELECT SUM(invoiceValue) AS MyTotal FROM myInvoiceTable WHERE invoiceID > 400" '-- use an appropriate WHERE clause if needed
Set rst = CurrentDb.Openrecordset(strSQL) '-- the rst object should contain a single value "MyTotal" which is the sum of the fields you are trying to access
MsgBox rst!MyTotal '-- use this value wherever you need to use it
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