Reputation: 3280
Using the following code:
# List all servers
$servers = Get-QADComputer -OSName *server*,*hyper-v*
# Looping through the servers
foreach ($server in $servers) {
$intSize = $intSize + $server.Length
# Writing statusbar
Write-Progress -activity "Scanning servers . . ." -status "Scanned: $i of $($servers.length) - Working on $($" -percentComplete (($i / $servers.length) * 100)
# Pinging the server in Powershell-way!
if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $ -count 1 -Quiet ) {
echo $
$respondingservers = $i - $notresponding
I am looping through my list of my 270 AD servers and counting who is online, running snmp, wmi etc. But what I would like to do is NOT specify what services to check for and get a complete list on every server. I'd like to output this to CSV so I can import it to Excel and sort on the name of the service etc. This of course means that it needs to be output in a sensible manner.
For example, if server X is running DNS SERVER and it ends up in column 4, all of the following DNS SERVER results should end up in the same column in my spreadsheet.
Am I asking for too much or can it be done? Right now I am not even able to output to CSV so any help would be gratefully appreciated.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 5828
Reputation: 16646
You could export services information for your servers like this:
# Pinging the server in Powershell-way!
if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $ -count 1 -Quiet ) {
echo $
$services = $services, (get-wmiobject -ComputerName $ win32_service | select systemname, name, started)
# export information about services to csv file
$services | Export-Csv services.csv -NoTypeInformation
This would produce a csv file with the following structure:
This csv can then be used to create a pivot table in Excel (rows = systemname, columns = name) to display the information you want.
Upvotes: 2