Most of the how do write Java example X in Clojure examples I've seen are neat snippets or algorithms. I'm wondering how to construct programs with Clojure. My working Java example is only 81 lines, but shows a User object which interacts with a MessageServer object. Additionally loads objects from a space-delimited text file. Also can imagine having to add more fields and methods on User.
How do I write this Java program in idiomatic Clojure?
// To run, just do:
// % echo "iradik 555-5555" > users.txt && javac && java User users.txt 555-5555
// Result should be:
// Messages for user iradik with phone 555-5555 are Hello!, Hello Again!
import java.util.*;
public class User {
public static class PhoneNumberNotFoundException extends RuntimeException { }
String id;
String phoneNumber;
String[] messages;
private static Map<String, User> PHONE_MAP = new HashMap<String, User>();
public void getTextMessages() {
if (messages == null || MessageServer.isChanged(this)) {
public void printTextMessages() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
if (messages.length > 0) {
for (int i = 1; i < messages.length; ++i) {
builder.append(", ");
System.out.println("Messages for user " + id + " with phone " + phoneNumber + " is " + builder.toString());
public static User getUserForPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber) {
User user = PHONE_MAP.get(phoneNumber);
if (user == null) { throw new PhoneNumberNotFoundException(); }
return user;
public static void initializeFromFile(String filename) throws IOException {
FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(filename);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fstream));
String strLine;
while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
String[] d = strLine.split(" ");
User user = new User(); = d[0];
user.phoneNumber = d[1];
PHONE_MAP.put(user.phoneNumber, user);
* Run this:
* echo "steve 555-5555" > users.txt && javac && java User users.txt 555-5555
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
User user = User.getUserForPhoneNumber(args[1]);
class MessageServer {
static boolean isChanged(User user) {
return true;
static void getMessages(User user) {
user.messages = new String[] {"Hello!", "Hello Again!"};
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Here's some code snippets which hopefully is enough to get you started. I've put some users in the file resources/users.txt
steve 555-5551234
bill 555-4441234
linus 555-3331234
You can experiment with the code via the repl instead of the command line
(ns textmsgs.core
(:require [ :as csv]
[ :as io]))
(defrecord User [id phone])
(defn users-from-file
"Reads a space delimited file of users"
(with-open [r (io/reader filename)]
(map (partial apply ->User)
(csv/read-csv r :separator \space)))))
(defn print-text-messages
"Prints all the text messages for user"
(printf "Messages for %s with phone %s is %s"
(:id user) (:phone user) (apply str (interpose \, (:messages user)))))
;; This is an in memory phone book
(def phone-db
(agent (into {}
(map #(vector (:phone %) %)
(users-from-file "resources/users.txt")))))
(defn text
"Send a text message to a number"
[number msg]
(send phone-db
(fn [db]
(if (contains? db number)
(update-in db [number :messages] conj msg)
(do (println "No such number" number)
;; Some things to try:
;; (text "555-3331234" "Hey linus")
;; (print-text-messages (@phone-db "555-3331234"))
Upvotes: 10