Reputation: 24764
I my ~/.vimrc I use this syn for long lines
augroup longLines
au! filetype zsh,sh,python,vim,c,cpp
\ syn match ColorColumn /\%>80v.\+/ containedin=ALL
augroup END
but this overwrite other syn, with
Why the syn
overwrite other highlight?
this is notorious in the last lines
import settings
have different colors, with syn, the lines lost normal highlight
Upvotes: 3
Views: 458
Reputation: 1
I realize you asked this quite some time ago, but in case if other people ask too, perhaps you could try using the matchadd()
function, instead, like this:
hi def longLine gui=reverse "or guibg=pink, or whatever you prefer
augroup longLines
au! filetype zsh,sh,python,vim,c,cpp
\ call matchadd("longLine", "\\%>80v", 0, 9999)
augroup END
Most importantly, make sure that you do NOT set the guifg
of whatever highlight group you decide to use. That would overwrite your syntax highlighting.
Another important part (for me, at least) is to use matchadd
with 0
as the third parameter so that your Search highlighting remains effective and doesn't get overtaken by the longLine highlighting.
The fourth parameter can be omitted. It's just a constant so that you can :call matchdelete(9999)
to easily remove the highlighting again later, if you want.
See :h matchadd
and :h matchdelete
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 53614
I use the following code:
highlight TooLongLine term=reverse ctermfg=Yellow ctermbg=Red
autocmd BufEnter,WinEnter * if &tw && !exists('b:DO_NOT_2MATCH') |
\ execute '2match TooLongLine /\S\%>'.(&tw+1).'v/' |
\ endif
autocmd BufLeave,WinLeave * 2match
command -nargs=0 -bar Dm let b:DO_NOT_2MATCH=1 | 2match
command -nargs=0 -bar Sm execute '2match TooLongLine /\S\%>'.(&tw+1).'v/' |
\ silent! unlet b:DO_NOT_2MATCH
If you don’t want to be able to remove this highlighting, depend on textwidth and insist on highlighting spaces that go beyond the limit, then you can truncate this to just
2match TooLongLine /.\%>80v/
This solution uses match-highlight
that does not scrap syntax highlighting, but always overrides it.
Upvotes: 2