Reputation: 5042
I try to connect my server with putty. It throws Network error: Connection timed out. Is there any special server settings I need to do before try with putty?
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Views: 33717
Reputation: 2023
Verify which port the server is listening for Putty on.
Then, make sure this port is open on your router (if you are not in the same network as the SSH server).
If you have both of these set correctly, and you can connect to the SSH server inside the network - it is likely that the outside network you are on is blocking the traffic.
You can use nmap to check which ports a computer is listening on:
nmap <serverAddress>
will give you a result like this:
22/tcp open ssh
25/tcp open smtp
139/tcp open netbios-ssn
445/tcp open microsoft-ds
5900/tcp open vnc
Upvotes: 2