
Reputation: 435

Repost: Creating a RSS feed with PHP

I asked how to do this before but it seems I needed to put more code to really get an answer.

I have a reddit type site, and I am trying to create a rss feed this is the code, but I get a Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Query failed'

Here its the code:


class Article extends Model 
    private $id;
    private $user_id;
    private $url;
    private $title;
    private $description;
    private $ranking;
    private $points;

    function __construct($title = ' ', $description = ' ', $url = ' ', $username = ' ', $created = ' ', $modified = '') {


    function getId(){
        return $this->id;

    private function setId($value){
        $this->id = $value;

    function getUsername(){
        return $this->username;

    function setUsername($value){
        $this->username = $value;

    function getUrl(){
        return $this->url;

    function setUrl($value){
        $this->url = $value;

    function getTitle()
        return $this->title;

    function setTitle($value) {

        $this->title = $value;

    function getDescription() {
        return $this->description;

    function setDescription($value)
        $this->description = $value;

    function getPoints()
        return $this->points;

    function setPoints($value) {
        $this->points = $value;

    function getRanking()
        return $this->ranking;

    function setRanking($value)
        $this->ranking = $value;

    function calculateRanking()
        $created = $this->getCreated();
        $diff = $this->getTimeDifference($created, date('F d, Y h:i:s A'));
        $time = $diff['days'] * 24;
        $time += $diff['hours'];
        $time += ($diff['minutes'] / 60);
        $time += (($diff['seconds'] / 60)/60);

        $base = ($time + 2);

        if($base > 0)
            $this->ranking = ($this->points - 1) / pow($base, 1.5);
            $this->ranking = 0;

    function vote($user,$amount=1)
        if($this->has_voted($user) == false) 
            $this->points += $amount;

    function log_vote($user) 
            $db = parent::getConnection();
            $query = "insert into votes (article_id, username) values ($this->id, '$user')";           
            $results = parent::execSql($query);
        catch(Exception $e){
            throw $e;

    function  has_voted($user) 
            $db = parent::getConnection();
            $query = "select id from votes where username = '$user' and article_id  = $this->id";
            $results = parent::execSQL($query);
            if($results->num_rows == 1) {
                return true;                 
                return false;

        catch(Exception $e){
            throw $e;
    function getUrlDomain()
        /* We extract the domain from the URL
         * using the following regex pattern

        $url = $this->getUrl();
        $matches = array(); 
        if(preg_match('/http:\/\/(.+?)\//', $url, $matches))
            return $matches[1];
            return $url;

    function getTimeDifference( $start, $end )
        //echo "start is $start, end is $end";
        $uts['start']      =    strtotime( $start );
        $uts['end']        =    strtotime( $end );
        if( $uts['start']!==-1 && $uts['end']!==-1 )
            if( $uts['end'] >= $uts['start'] )
                $diff    =    $uts['end'] - $uts['start'];
                if( $days=intval((floor($diff/86400))) )
                    $diff = $diff % 86400;
                if( $hours=intval((floor($diff/3600))) )
                    $diff = $diff % 3600;
                if( $minutes=intval((floor($diff/60))) )
                    $diff = $diff % 60;
                $diff    =    intval( $diff );
                return( array('days'=>$days, 'hours'=>$hours, 'minutes'=>$minutes, 'seconds'=>$diff) );
                echo( "Ending date/time is earlier than the start date/time");
            echo( "Invalid date/time data detected");
        return( false );

    function getElapsedDateTime()
        $db = null;
        $record = null;

        $record = Article::getById($this->id);
        $created = $record->getCreated();         

        $diff = $this->getTimeDifference($created, date('F d, Y h:i:s A'));
        //$diff = $this->getTimeDifference($created, date_add(date('F d, Y h:i:s A'),new DateInterval("5H")));
        //echo 'new date is '.date('F d, Y h:i:s A');

        if($diff['days'] > 0 )
            if($diff['days'] < 2 ) { return sprintf("%d dia", $diff['days']); }

            else return sprintf("%d dias", $diff['days']);
        else if($diff['hours'] > 0 )
            if($diff['hours'] < 2 ) { return sprintf("%d hora", $diff['hours']); }

            else return sprintf("%d horas", $diff['hours']);
        else if($diff['minutes'] > 0 )
            if($diff['minutes'] < 2 ) { return sprintf("%d minuto", $diff['minutes']); }

            else return sprintf("%d minutos", $diff['minutes']);
            if($diff['seconds'] < 2 ) { return sprintf("%d segundo", $diff['seconds']); }

            else return sprintf("%d segundos", $diff['seconds']);

    function save() {

            Here we do either a create or
            update operation depending
            on the value of the id field.
            Zero means create, non-zero

            $this->title = addslashes($this->title);
            $this->description = addslashes($this->description);

            $db = parent::getConnection();
            if($this->id == 0 )
                $query = 'insert into articles (modified, username, url, title, description, points )';
                $query .= " values ('$this->getModified()', '$this->username', '$this->url', '$this->title', '$this->description', $this->points)";
                createRSS(); //  ++++++ rss  +++++++
            else if($this->id != 0)
                $query = "update articles set modified = NOW()".", username = '$this->username', url = '$this->url', title = '".$this->title."', description = '".$this->description."', points = $this->points, ranking = $this->ranking where id = $this->id";

            $lastid = parent::execSql2($query);

            if($this->id == 0 )
                $this->id = $lastid;

        catch(Exception $e){
            throw $e;

    function delete()
            $db = parent::getConnection();
            if($this->id != 0)
            {                ;
                /*$comments = $this->getAllComments();
                foreach($comments as $comment)
                $query = "delete from articles where id = $this->id";

        catch(Exception $e){
            throw $e;

    static function getAll($conditions = ' ')
        /* Retrieve all the records from the
         * database according subject to
         * conditions

        $db = null;
        $results = null;
        $records = array();
        $query = "select id, created, modified, username, url, title, description, points, ranking from articles $conditions";
            $db = parent::getConnection(); 
            $results = parent::execSql($query);

            while($row = $results->fetch_assoc())
                $r_id = $row['id'];
                $r_created = $row['created'];
                $r_modified = $row['modified'];

                $r_title = $row['title'];
                $r_description = $row['description'];

                    $r_title = stripslashes($r_title);
                    $r_description = stripslashes($r_description);

                $r_url = $row['url'];
                $r_username = $row['username'];
                $r_points = $row['points'];
                $r_ranking = $row['ranking'];

                $article = new Article($r_title, $r_description , $r_url, $r_username, $r_created, $r_modified);
                $article->id = $r_id;
                $article->points = $r_points;
                $article->ranking = $r_ranking;
                $records[] = $article;
        catch(Exception $e)
            throw $e;

        return $records;

    static function getById($id)
     *  Return one record from the database by its id */

        $db = null;
        $record = null;

            $db = parent::getConnection();
            $query = "select id, username, created, modified, title, url, description, points, ranking from articles where id = $id";
            $results = parent::execSQL($query);
            if(!$results) {
                throw new Exception ('Record not found', EX_RECORD_NOT_FOUND);

            $row = $results->fetch_assoc();

                $row['title'] = stripslashes($row['title']);
                $row['description'] = stripslashes($row['description']);

            $article = new Article($row['title'], $row['description'], $row['url'], $row['username'], $row['created'], $row['modified']);
            $article->id = $row['id'];
            $article->points = $row['points'];
            $article->ranking = $row['ranking']; 
            return $article;

        catch (Exception $e){
            throw $e;

    static function getNumberOfComments($id)
     *  Return one record from the database by its id */

        $db = null;
        $record = null;

            $db = parent::getConnection();
            $query = "select count(*) as 'total' from comments where article_id = $id";
            $results = parent::execSQL($query);
            if(!$results) {
                throw new Exception ('Comments Count Query Query Failed', EX_QUERY_FAILED);

            $row = $results->fetch_assoc();
            $total = $row['total'];

            return $total;

        catch (Exception $e){
            throw $e;

    function deleteAllComments()
     *  Return one record from the database by its id */

        $db = null;
            $db = parent::getConnection();
            $query = "delete from comments where article_id = $this->id";
            $results = parent::execSQL($query);
            if(!$results) {
                throw new Exception ('Deletion Query Failed', EX_QUERY_FAILED);
        catch (Exception $e){
            throw $e;

    function getAllComments($conditions = ' ')
        /* Retrieve all the records from the
         * database according subject to
         * conditions
        $conditions = "where article_id = $this->id";
        $comments = Comment::getAll($conditions);
        return $comments; 

    static function getTestData($url)
        $page = file_get_contents($url);



    function createRSS() 
        $articles = Article::getAll("order by created desc limit $offset, $num_items");
        $num_articles = count($articles);       

        // open a file pointer to an RSS file
        $fp = fopen ("rss.xml", "w");
        if (!$fp) {
            // Can't write to a file

        fwrite ($fp, "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1' ?>\n");
        fwrite ($fp, "<rss version='2.0' xmlns:atom=\"http://www.kiubbo.com/rss.xml\"><channel>\n");
        fwrite ($fp, "<title>Kiubbo.com</title>\n");
        fwrite ($fp, "<atom:link href='http://www.kiubbo.com/rss.xml' rel='self' type='application/rss+xml' />\n");
        fwrite ($fp, "<link>http://www.kiubbo.com/</link>\n");
        fwrite ($fp, "<description>Todas las Noticias Fotos y Videos.</description>\n");
        fwrite ($fp, "<language>es-mx</language>\n");
        fwrite ($fp, "<docs>http://www.kiubbo.com/rss.xml</docs>\n");
        fwrite ($fp, "<image>\n");
        fwrite ($fp, " <title>Kiubbo.com</title>\n");
        fwrite ($fp, " <url>http://www.kiubbo.com/Logot.png</url>\n");
        fwrite ($fp, " <link>http://www.kiubbo.com</link>\n");
        fwrite ($fp, "</image>\n");

        for($index = 0; $index < $num_articles; $index++){

        $url = $articles[$index]->getUrl();
        $title = $articles[$index]->getTitle(); // ok?

        $search = array(
        '@<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>@si', // Strip out javascript
        '@<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>@si', // Strip out HTML tags
        '@([\r\n])[\s]+@', // Strip out white space
        '@&(quot|#34);@i', // Replace HTML entities
        '@&#(\d+);@e'); // evaluate as php
        $replace = array(
        ' ',

        $content = preg_replace($search, $replace, $content);
        $title = preg_replace("/&/", 'y', $title);
        $content = preg_replace("/&/", 'y', $content);

        fwrite ($fp, "<item>\n");
        fwrite ($fp, " <title>$title</title>\n");
        fwrite ($fp, " <link>$url</link>\n");
        fwrite ($fp, "<guid>http://www.kiubbo.com</guid>\n");
        fwrite ($fp, "</item>\n");
        fwrite ($fp, "</channel></rss>\n");
        fclose ($fp);



Regards Carlos

Upvotes: 0

Views: 583

Answers (1)

Tim Hoolihan
Tim Hoolihan

Reputation: 12396

I'm not at a machine with php to test this, but you have queries with variables as follows...

"select id from votes where username = '$user' and article_id  = $this->id"

I'm fairly certain that you need to bracket or concatenate when using objects...

"select id from votes where username = '$user' and article_id  = ${this->id}"


"select id from votes where username = '$user' and article_id  = " . $this->id

Upvotes: 2

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