Reputation: 125
I'm trying to write a batch script to detect if an EFI partition is already mounted in Windows.
Ultimately, my goal is to use mountvol /S
(mount EFI system partition) only if the EFI partition is not already mounted.
The diskpart
utility with the list volume
command has some potentially helpful information as does mountvol
by itself, but it looks like both of these will require some string parsing.
Is there a better way?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 5612
Reputation: 467
For mount EFI partition in Windows eg. Win10. Change ur account to Administrator and right click on the window sign(on the left side) and select "Command Prompt(Admin)" then write 'diskpart' then 'select disk 1'(or '0' try it) then 'select partition 1' then 'assign letter=b' and YUP ;).
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 706
I'm not sure there is any easier way... but the parsing isn't that big of a deal. Here is something that should do what you need:
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
echo list volume > listvol.tmp
REM Checks for "efisys" in the list volume function. If it finds it, checks status. If not healthy sets var to No
for /F "tokens=6-9 delims= " %%G IN ('diskpart /s listvol.tmp') DO IF /I %%G==efisys set mounted=%%J
if '%mounted%'=='Healthy' set mounted=Yes
if not '%mounted%'=='Yes' set mounted=No
echo Is EFI drive mounted?
echo %mounted%.
del listvol.tmp
Edited because I was parsing for wrong value.
Upvotes: 5