Reputation: 6077
I'm trying to add transaction support to our database object. This object is a Remoting object. (this to ensure that on the Windows Client, no database connection is required.)
Now I want to add support for transactions; Basically, a client will need to use it like this;
Public Function ExecuteNonQuery(ByVal Query As String) As Integer
Dim intResult As Integer = -1
Using conn As New SqlConnection(Me.strConnectionString)
Using cmd As New SqlCommand(Query, conn)
intResult = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
End Using
End Using
Return intResult
End Function
So the problem I have is that I can't really create a transaction when I use a new connection (using conn...
) in the method above.
So I think I need to move the SqlConnection instance outside of the method and change it into a class-level variable. But this is not best-practice I think. (?) Besides: executing a lot of queries in sequence results in an error: 'internal fatal error'.
Is there anybody who can point me in the right direction? All examples I've found online cover transactions in its simplest way by executing several queries directly in sequence.
edit: it's a little bit like this question. (How to use a single SqlTransaction for multiple SqlConnections in .NET?) . So maybe it is just not possible, but is there a workaround?
edit 2: It also seems that this 'internal fatal error' is raised because the object is used in parallel. Maybe that's just not possible?
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Views: 1566
Reputation: 166
I think you can put the SqlConnection object as a field of the class.
Class SQLHelp
Implements IDisposable
Private ReadOnly _conn As SqlConnection
Private _trans As SqlTransaction
Public ReadOnly Property Connection As SqlConnection
Return _conn
End Get
End Property
Sub New(strConnectionString)
_conn = New SqlConnection(strConnectionString)
_trans = Nothing
End Sub
Public Function ExecuteNonQuery(ByVal Query As String) As Integer
Dim intResult As Integer = -1
If _trans Is Nothing Then
Using cmd As New SqlCommand(Query, _conn)
If _conn.State <> ConnectionState.Open Then
End If
intResult = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
End Using
Using cmd As New SqlCommand(Query, _conn, _trans)
If _conn.State <> ConnectionState.Open Then
End If
intResult = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
End Using
End If
Return intResult
End Function
Public Function BeginTransaction() As SqlTransaction
_trans = _conn.BeginTransaction()
Return _trans
End Function
Public Sub SubmitTransaction()
If Not (_trans Is Nothing) Then
End If
_trans = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub RollbackTransaction()
If Not (_trans Is Nothing) Then
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
If Not (_trans Is Nothing) Then
End If
End Sub
End Class
When you are using this class, you can try the following code.
Using _sqlHelp As New SQLHelp(connectionString)
_sqlHelp.Commit() 'Or _sqlHelp.Rollback()
End Using
What do you think about it?
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 6017
I think you will need to make the connection class level. What I would do is check to see if there is already a connection and then if not create that and the transaction if desired. Tracking it until commit or rollback is called. I don't think there is anything wrong with using a class level private field in a case like this.
Something like this:
Public Class SqlHandler
Implements IDisposable
Private mConnection As SqlConnection
Private mTransaction As SqlTransaction
Private strConnectionString As String
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub New(UseTransaction As Boolean)
mConnection = New SqlConnection
If UseTransaction Then
mTransaction = mConnection.BeginTransaction()
End If
End Sub
Public Function ExecuteNonQuery(ByVal Query As String) As Integer
Dim intResult As Integer = -1
Using mConnection As SqlConnection
Using cmd As New SqlCommand(Query, mConnection, mTransaction)
cmd.Transaction = mTransaction
intResult = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
End Using
End Using
Return intResult
End Function
Public Sub Commit()
If mTransaction IsNot Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
#Region "IDisposable Support"
Private disposedValue As Boolean ' To detect redundant calls
Protected Overridable Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)
If Not Me.disposedValue Then
If disposing Then
If mTransaction IsNot Nothing Then
End If
If mConnection IsNot Nothing Then
End If
End If
End If
Me.disposedValue = True
End Sub
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
' Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(disposing As Boolean) above.
End Sub
#End Region
End Class
I didn't test this, but it should give you the idea of what I mean. Just make sure to close and dispose of your connection and transaction under each possible set of circumstances.
Upvotes: 1