Reputation: 2506
I'm trying to attach a JQuery datepicker to a text field on a form, but I'm not sure how to use the icons that come with the JQuery download.
I have all of the stylesheets in my app/assets/stylesheets folder and there is a subfolder called images which I have also put in the stylesheets folder. I saw a different StackOverflow post saying that I shouldn't put those images into my app/assets/images folder.
Then in my .coffee file I have
$ -> $('.datepicker').datepicker({
buttonImageOnly : true,
buttonImage : "calendar.gif",
showOn : "button"
The problem is that I don't have a file called calendar.gif. I've seen a lot of examples for buttonImage and all of them reference files that I don't have. What I do have is several .png files that seem to have all of the icons for the theme in them. Is there something else that I am supposed to download or am I putting the big .png file in the wrong place?
I have tried so many different values for buttonImage that I wont bother to list them all. Here is a selection of stuff I've tried: ui-icon-calendar images/ui-icon-calculator.png images/.ui-icon-calculator.png images/ui-icon-calculator Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Views: 678
Reputation: 2890
This is how I load my datepicker:
= normal_div_if @purchase_order.errors[:date].empty? do
= f.label :date, "Date, class: "compulsory"
- if @purchase_order.new_record?
= f.text_field :date, id: "datepicker", class: "small"
- else
= f.text_field :date, id: "datepicker", class: "small", value: l( (my custom javascript)
$ ->
# Initiate date picker
$("#datepicker").datepicker({dateFormat: "dd-mm-yy", changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, showOn: "button", buttonImage: "<%= asset_path('calendar.png') %>", buttonImageOnly: true});
I put my calendar image is at assets/images/calendar.png
You can get the calendar image at for free.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 126
I think you're asking about using the datepicker field with the icon trigger. This variant is demonstrated on this page:
If this is the case, it appears that the icon image is not an asset that is included with jQuery UI. You will need to create or find a calendar icon.
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