Reputation: 35
Ok, so I recently got some help from some people on this form with learning how to loop through form controls with similar names in VB.Net. I am now working on converting this entire application over to a Web Application, and I am stuck in the same position. Could anyone help me figure out what I am doing wrong here. I know it must be something simple, but it is alluding me. I am attaching the code that works in VB.Net:
Public Conn As ADODB.Connection
Public Rs As ADODB.Recordset
Public Sql As String
Public Sub ConnOpenClose()
Conn = New ADODB.Connection
Conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & databaseLocation & ""
End Sub
Rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Sql = "SELECT * FROM INVOICES WHERE CurrentStatus<>'Checked-Out' ORDER BY INVOICES.CurrentStatusNum, INVOICES.OpenedDate,OpenedTime;"
SortCategory = ""
Rs.Open(Sql, Conn)
If Rs.EOF = False Then
For a = 1 To 20
If Rs.EOF = True Then
Me.Controls("lblStatus" & a).Text = ""
Me.Controls("lblStatus" & a).Visible = False
Me.Controls("lblInvoice" & a).Text = ""
Me.Controls("lblInvoice" & a).Visible = False
Me.Controls("lblSystemMakeModel" & a).Text = ""
Me.Controls("lblSystemMakeModel" & a).Visible = False
cmdScrollDown.Enabled = False
If SortCategory <> Rs.Fields("CurrentStatus").Value Then
SortCategory = Rs.Fields("CurrentStatus").Value
tempInteger = a
If Rs.Fields("CurrentStatus").Value = "Checked In" Then
Me.Controls("lblStatus" & a).Text = Rs.Fields("CurrentStatus").Value & " - Total: " & Me.Controls("lblCheckedIn").Text
ElseIf Rs.Fields("CurrentStatus").Value = "On Bench" Then
Me.Controls("lblStatus" & a).Text = Rs.Fields("CurrentStatus").Value & " - Total: " & Me.Controls("lblOnBench").Text
ElseIf Rs.Fields("CurrentStatus").Value = "Update" Then
Me.Controls("lblStatus" & a).Text = Rs.Fields("CurrentStatus").Value & " - Total: " & Me.Controls("lblUpdate").Text
ElseIf Rs.Fields("CurrentStatus").Value = "Contact Us" Then
Me.Controls("lblStatus" & a).Text = Rs.Fields("CurrentStatus").Value & " - Total: " & Me.Controls("lblContactUs").Text
ElseIf Rs.Fields("CurrentStatus").Value = "Finished" Then
Me.Controls("lblStatus" & a).Text = Rs.Fields("CurrentStatus").Value & " - Total: " & Me.Controls("lblFinished").Text
ElseIf Rs.Fields("CurrentStatus").Value = "To Be Scrapped" Then
Me.Controls("lblStatus" & a).Text = Rs.Fields("CurrentStatus").Value & " - Total: " & Me.Controls("lblToBeScrapped").Text
Me.Controls("lblStatus" & a).Text = Rs.Fields("CurrentStatus").Value
End If
Me.Controls("lblStatus" & a).Visible = True
Me.Controls("lblInvoice" & a).Text = ""
Me.Controls("lblInvoice" & a).Visible = False
Me.Controls("lblSystemMakeModel" & a).Text = ""
Me.Controls("lblSystemMakeModel" & a).Visible = False
Me.Controls("lblStatus" & a).Text = Rs.Fields("CurrentStatus").Value
Me.Controls("lblStatus" & a).Visible = False
Me.Controls("lblInvoice" & a).Text = Rs.Fields("InvoiceID").Value & " - " & Rs.Fields("CustomerFName").Value & " " & Rs.Fields("CustomerLName").Value & " (" & DateDiff("d", Rs.Fields("OpenedDate").Value, Now()) & " days)"
Me.Controls("lblInvoice" & a).Visible = True
If Rs.Fields("LastStopSystem").Value = True Then
If Rs.Fields("ReturningSystem").Value = True Then
Me.Controls("lblSystemMakeModel" & a).Text = "LS - " & Rs.Fields("TypeOfSystem").Value & " - " & Rs.Fields("SystemMakeModel").Value & " RETURN"
Me.Controls("lblSystemMakeModel" & a).ForeColor = Color.Red
Me.Controls("lblSystemMakeModel" & a).Text = "LS - " & Rs.Fields("TypeOfSystem").Value & " - " & Rs.Fields("SystemMakeModel").Value
Me.Controls("lblSystemMakeModel" & a).ForeColor = Color.DarkGreen
End If
Me.Controls("lblSystemMakeModel" & a).Visible = True
Me.Controls("lblSystemMakeModel" & a).Font = New Font(Me.Controls("lblSystemMakeModel" & a).Font, FontStyle.Bold)
If Rs.Fields("ReturningSystem").Value = True Then
Me.Controls("lblSystemMakeModel" & a).Text = Rs.Fields("TypeOfSystem").Value & " - " & Rs.Fields("SystemMakeModel").Value & " RETURN"
Me.Controls("lblSystemMakeModel" & a).ForeColor = Color.Red
Me.Controls("lblSystemMakeModel" & a).Text = Rs.Fields("TypeOfSystem").Value & " - " & Rs.Fields("SystemMakeModel").Value
Me.Controls("lblSystemMakeModel" & a).ForeColor = Color.Black
End If
Me.Controls("lblSystemMakeModel" & a).Visible = True
Me.Controls("lblSystemMakeModel" & a).Font = New Font(Me.Controls("lblSystemMakeModel" & a).Font, FontStyle.Regular)
End If
End If
End If
If Rs.EOF = False Then cmdScrollDown.Enabled = True
End If
Here is what I have so far, and in some regards it is working, but I cannot get the loop through form elements to work. Please help me.
Public Conn As OleDbConnection
Public Rs As OleDbDataAdapter
Public DS As New DataSet
Public Sql As String
Public oControl As Label
Public Sub ConnOpenClose()
'If Conn.State = ConnectionState.Open Then Conn.Close()
Conn = New OleDbConnection
Conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;data source=C:\inetpub\CompTracking.mdb"
End Sub
Public Function FindAControl(ByVal controls As ControlCollection, ByVal toFind As String) As Control
If controls IsNot Nothing Then
For Each oControl As Control In controls
If oControl.ID.Equals(toFind, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Then
Return oControl
ElseIf oControl.HasControls Then
Dim oFoundControl As Control
oFoundControl = FindAControl(oControl.Controls, toFind)
If oFoundControl IsNot Nothing Then
Return oFoundControl
End If
End If
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Sub RefreshItems()
lblCheckedIn.Text = "0"
lblOnBench.Text = "0"
lblUpdate.Text = "0"
lblContactUs.Text = "0"
lblFinished.Text = "0"
lblToBeScrapped.Text = "0"
lblLastStop.Text = "0"
lblReturns.Text = "0"
moveIndex = 0
Sql = "SELECT * FROM Invoices WHERE CurrentStatus<>'Checked-Out' ORDER BY INVOICES.CurrentStatusNum, INVOICES.OpenedDate,OpenedTime"
Rs = New OleDbDataAdapter(Sql, Conn)
Rs.Fill(DS, "Invoices")
For i = 0 To DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows.Count - 1
If DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(i).Item("CurrentStatus") = "Checked In" Then
lblCheckedIn.Text = Convert.ToInt16(lblCheckedIn.Text) + 1
ElseIf DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(i).Item("CurrentStatus") = "On Bench" Then
lblOnBench.Text = Convert.ToInt16(lblOnBench.Text) + 1
ElseIf DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(i).Item("CurrentStatus") = "Update" Then
lblUpdate.Text = Convert.ToInt16(lblUpdate.Text) + 1
ElseIf DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(i).Item("CurrentStatus") = "Contact Us" Then
lblContactUs.Text = Convert.ToInt16(lblContactUs.Text) + 1
ElseIf DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(i).Item("CurrentStatus") = "To Be Scrapped" Then
lblToBeScrapped.Text = Convert.ToInt16(lblToBeScrapped.Text) + 1
ElseIf DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(i).Item("CurrentStatus") = "Finished" Then
lblFinished.Text = Convert.ToInt16(lblFinished.Text) + 1
End If
If DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(i).Item("LastStopSystem") = True Then
lblLastStop.Text = Convert.ToInt16(lblLastStop.Text) + 1
End If
If DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(i).Item("ReturningSystem") = True Then
lblReturns.Text = Convert.ToInt16(lblReturns.Text) + 1
End If
lblTotalCheckedIn.Text = "Checked In: " & lblCheckedIn.Text
lblTotalOnBench.Text = "On Bench: " & lblOnBench.Text
lblTotalUpdate.Text = "Update: " & lblUpdate.Text
lblTotalContactUs.Text = "Contact Us: " & lblContactUs.Text
lblTotalToBeScrapped.Text = "To Be Scrapped: " & lblToBeScrapped.Text
lblTotalFinished.Text = "Finished: " & lblFinished.Text
lblTotalLastStop.Text = "LS Systems: " & lblLastStop.Text
lblTotalReturns.Text = "Returns: " & lblReturns.Text
Sql = "SELECT * FROM Invoices WHERE CurrentStatus<>'Checked-Out' ORDER BY INVOICES.CurrentStatusNum, INVOICES.OpenedDate,OpenedTime"
SortCategory = ""
Rs = New OleDbDataAdapter(Sql, Conn)
Rs.Fill(DS, "Invoices")
For a = 1 To 20
If ((a - 1) + moveIndex) > (DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows.Count - 1) Then
'exceeds total number of records, display blank fields
oControl = TryCast(FindAControl(Me.Controls, "lblStatus" & a), Label)
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Text = ""
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Visible = False
oControl = TryCast(FindAControl(Me.Controls, "lblInvoice" & a), Label)
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Text = ""
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Visible = False
oControl = TryCast(FindAControl(Me.Controls, "lblSystemMakeModel" & a), Label)
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Text = ""
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Visible = False
cmdScrollDown.Enabled = False
If sortCategory <> DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(a + moveIndex).Item("CurrentStatus") Then
sortCategory = DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(a + moveIndex).Item("CurrentStatus")
If DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(a + moveIndex).Item("CurrentStatus") = "Checked In" Then
oControl = TryCast(FindAControl(Me.Controls, "lblStatus" & a), Label)
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Text = "Checked In - Total: " & lblTotalCheckedIn.Text
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Visible = False
ElseIf DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(a + moveIndex).Item("CurrentStatus") = "On Bench" Then
oControl = TryCast(FindAControl(Me.Controls, "lblStatus" & a), Label)
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Text = "On Bench - Total: " & lblTotalOnBench.Text
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Visible = False
ElseIf DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(a + moveIndex).Item("CurrentStatus") = "Update" Then
oControl = TryCast(FindAControl(Me.Controls, "lblStatus" & a), Label)
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Text = "Update - Total: " & lblTotalUpdate.Text
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Visible = False
ElseIf DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(a + moveIndex).Item("CurrentStatus") = "Contact Us" Then
oControl = TryCast(FindAControl(Me.Controls, "lblStatus" & a), Label)
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Text = "Contact Us - Total: " & lblTotalContactUs.Text
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Visible = False
ElseIf DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(a + moveIndex).Item("CurrentStatus") = "To Be Scrapped" Then
oControl = TryCast(FindAControl(Me.Controls, "lblStatus" & a), Label)
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Text = "To Be Scrapped - Total: " & lblTotalToBeScrapped.Text
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Visible = False
ElseIf DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(a + moveIndex).Item("CurrentStatus") = "Finished" Then
oControl = TryCast(FindAControl(Me.Controls, "lblStatus" & a), Label)
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Text = "Finished - Total: " & lblTotalFinished.Text
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Visible = False
oControl = TryCast(FindAControl(Me.Controls, "lblStatus" & a), Label)
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Text = DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(a + moveIndex).Item("CurrentStatus")
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Visible = False
End If
oControl = TryCast(FindAControl(Me.Controls, "lblInvoice" & a), Label)
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Text = ""
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Visible = False
oControl = TryCast(FindAControl(Me.Controls, "lblSystemMakeModel" & a), Label)
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Text = ""
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Visible = False
oControl = TryCast(FindAControl(Me.Controls, "lblStatus" & a), Label)
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Text = DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(a + moveIndex).Item("CurrentStatus")
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Visible = False
oControl = TryCast(FindAControl(Me.Controls, "lblInvoice" & a), Label)
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Text = DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(a + moveIndex).Item("InvoiceID") & " - " & DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(a + moveIndex).Item("CustomerFName") & " " & DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(a + moveIndex).Item("CustomerLName") & " (" & DateDiff("d", DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(a + moveIndex).Item("OpenedDate"), Now()) & " days)"
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Visible = True
oControl = TryCast(FindAControl(Me.Controls, "lblSystemMakeModel" & a), Label)
If DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(a + moveIndex).Item("LastStopSystem") = True Then
If DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(a + moveIndex).Item("ReturningSystem") = True Then
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Text = ""
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Red
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Text = ""
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.DarkGreen
End If
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Visible = True
If DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows(a + moveIndex).Item("ReturningSystem") = True Then
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Text = ""
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Red
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Text = ""
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Black
End If
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then oControl.Visible = True
End If
End If
End If
If (19 + moveIndex) > (DS.Tables("Invoices").Rows.Count - 1) Then cmdScrollDown.Enabled = True
End Sub
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2259
Reputation: 44931
What you need first is a recursive method to find the specific control in the form's controls collection:
Private Function FindAControl(ByVal controls As ControlCollection, ByVal toFind As String) As Control
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(toFind) Then
Throw New ArgumentException("toFind is null or empty")
End If
If controls IsNot Nothing Then
For Each oControl As Control In controls
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(oControl.ID) AndAlso oControl.ID.Equals(toFind, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Then
Return oControl
ElseIf oControl.HasControls Then
Dim oFoundControl As Control
oFoundControl = FindAControl(oControl.Controls, toFind)
If oFoundControl IsNot Nothing Then
Return oFoundControl
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
You can call this as:
Dim oControl As Label
oControl = TryCast(FindAControl(Me.Controls, "lblStatus" & a), Label)
If oControl IsNot Nothing Then
oControl.Text = ""
End If
Upvotes: 1