I'm working on to fetch data from database and show on excel. I am using Apache poi library to generate excel.
here's the snippet for generating excel.
public class GenerateReport {
public void showReport() {
List<T> t = sampleDao.getAllData();
HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet();
HSSFRow row = null;
HSSFCell column = null;
HSSFRow row1 = sheet.createRow(1);
HSSFCell c11 = row1.createCell(1);
HSSFCell c12 = row1.createCell(2);
HSSFCell c13 = row1.createCell(3);
HSSFCell c14 = row1.createCell(4);
HSSFCell c15 = row1.createCell(5);
for (final T sampleT: t) {
....algo and what should be written
FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
"attachment; filename=\"Sample Report");
//getter setter for DAO
public void setSampleDao(
SampleDao sampleDao) {
this.sampleDao = sampleDao;
public SampleDao getSampleDao() {
return sampleDao;
getAllData() method returns data which needs to be displayed via query.
I need help how to get data and what should be written in this for loop
for (final T sampleT: t) {
....algo and what should be written
There's a condition that if c14.setCellValue("YES/NO"); is Yes, then under this cell c15.setCellValue("Action"), a particular action is to be written.
ID Date Time YES/NO Action
Yes/No data is coming from database (sampleDao.getAllData();) , if Yes is present then i will have write a particular action in Action Column, after fetching the second data, it will check the previous Yes/No, if both are same/ or changed, i need to write Action according to it.
Can somebody help me
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You can set data in cell like this
Cell cell = row.getCell(excelColNum);
if (cell == null) {
cell = row.createCell(excelColNum);
cell.setCellValue( cellValue);
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When you have written so much, I fail to understand why its difficult to fill up the loop.
Here's the algorithm/pseudo code...
String previousYesNo=null":
int rowcounter=2;
for (final T sampleT: t) {
create hssf row with rowcounter
create hssf cell for the 5 columns
set data to all the columns from the sampleT object
String yesNo=sampleT.getYesNO();
if(previousYesNo!=null && prviousYesNo.equals(yesNo)){
set action cell value to something
set action cell value to something else
To set data in cells:
HSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(rowIdx);
HSSFCell cell = row.getCell(colIdx);
//if its a string.. otherwise choose the correct cell type
cell.setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(data));
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