
Reputation: 61

Animate a path like it's drawn on a canvas

I'm a newbie in WPF and please, guide me in the right direction for this problem.

I have built a WPF application which contains all the functionality of that of a road map view control. I.e. the road map can be zoomed in/out, panned in all directions using mouse, keyboard and the controls provided. I have mapped the roads as paths drawn using Expression Blend.

Currently I am looking for a way to animate a selected road, as if it was drawn by a pencil/pen/marker. Is this possible? So far, I've been able to animate the opacity and color of the path. I've search a lot for this functionality with no luck. May be I do not search for the correct terms. I hope someone of you could shed some light on to this matter.

Thanks in advance. Am sorry, if I sound crazy :) Programming is my way of being crazy :D

Upvotes: 6

Views: 3367

Answers (4)


Reputation: 13306

The way I've tackled this issue is the following: I've created a new FrameworkElement and I've added a property which is the percent of path to draw. Then I can animate this property.

XAML of the window:

<Window x:Class="Demo.MainWindow"
        Background="DarkSlateGray" ResizeMode="NoResize" WindowStyle="None"
        mc:Ignorable="d" Foreground="White"  WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen"
        Title="MainWindow" SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight">
        <Style TargetType="{x:Type Window}">
            <Setter Property="WindowChrome.WindowChrome">
                    <WindowChrome CaptionHeight="32" UseAeroCaptionButtons="False" ResizeBorderThickness="0" GlassFrameThickness="0"
                                  CornerRadius="0" NonClientFrameEdges="None"/>
    <Canvas Width="300" Height="300" Margin="24">
        <demo:AnimatedPath x:Name="path" Stroke="White" StrokeThickness="2" Data="F1 M 236.748,300.578C 233.384,300.578 230.142,299.787 227.021,298.207C 223.131,295.127 218.085,288.784 211.884,279.179L 209.939,275.289C 209.656,271.925 210.426,267.001 212.249,260.517C 214.073,254.032 214.721,249.088 214.195,245.684C 214.195,243.09 212.898,238.815 210.304,232.857C 208.764,231.317 207.852,230.547 207.568,230.547L 203.678,228.602C 198.247,229.899 186.646,232.037 168.875,235.015C 151.104,237.994 138.855,240.78 132.128,243.374C 127.427,244.671 123.658,245.319 120.821,245.319C 117.7,245.319 114.195,244.792 110.304,243.739L 107.994,243.739C 106.94,244.549 103.566,247.741 97.8723,253.313C 92.1783,258.886 86.7984,264.073 81.7325,268.875C 76.6667,273.678 73.2219,276.727 71.3982,278.024C 68.5613,280.091 63.9007,283.262 57.4164,287.538C 50.9321,291.814 46.2513,295.127 43.3739,297.477C 34.2959,297.477 29.7569,295.005 29.7569,290.061C 28.2168,281.51 31.3374,272.553 39.1186,263.192L 76.079,228.967C 88.5208,214.701 102.391,197.062 117.69,176.049C 132.989,155.036 144.792,139.747 153.1,130.182C 155.694,126.292 159.98,119.808 165.957,110.73C 171.935,101.652 176.282,94.7721 178.997,90.0913C 181.712,85.4104 185.147,79.3111 189.301,71.7934C 193.455,64.2757 196.697,57.0821 199.027,50.2128C 201.358,43.3435 203.293,36.1399 204.833,28.6019C 204.833,28.3587 205.42,25.9677 206.596,21.4287C 207.771,16.8897 208.237,14.3567 207.994,13.8299C 213.951,5.52188 220.03,1.24631 226.231,1.00314L 230.912,0.577606C 236.099,0.577606 240.507,2.40134 244.134,6.04874C 247.761,9.69614 249.453,13.7083 249.21,18.0852L 246.109,59.3618C 245.826,63.4955 245.491,68.9362 245.106,75.684C 244.721,82.4317 244.397,87.8116 244.134,91.8238C 243.87,95.8359 243.617,98.7539 243.374,100.578C 243.617,113.546 243.678,123.273 243.556,129.757C 243.435,136.241 243.181,145.907 242.796,158.754C 242.411,171.601 242.219,181.388 242.219,188.116C 244.813,190.709 247.913,192.006 251.52,192.006C 252.047,192.006 253.475,192.199 255.805,192.584C 258.136,192.969 259.949,193.293 261.246,193.556C 262.543,193.82 264.043,194.215 265.745,194.742C 267.447,195.269 268.875,196.049 270.03,197.082C 271.185,198.116 272.148,199.402 272.918,200.942C 273.202,201.469 273.272,202.513 273.131,204.073C 272.989,205.633 272.796,206.677 272.553,207.204C 269.716,209.797 262.199,214.073 250,220.03C 248.946,220.274 247.913,220.922 246.9,221.976C 245.603,225.623 246.12,232.239 248.45,241.824C 250.78,251.408 251.945,256.849 251.945,258.146C 252.188,260.496 252.705,264.073 253.495,268.875C 254.286,273.678 254.802,277.376 255.046,279.97C 255.289,282.563 254.762,285.603 253.465,289.088C 252.168,292.573 249.838,295.613 246.474,298.207C 243.637,299.787 240.395,300.578 236.748,300.578 Z M 139.909,204.833C 141.449,204.833 144.813,204.772 150,204.651C 155.187,204.529 159.017,204.407 161.489,204.286C 163.961,204.164 167.589,203.901 172.371,203.495C 177.153,203.09 181.104,202.634 184.225,202.128C 187.345,201.621 190.851,200.851 194.742,199.818C 198.632,198.784 202.138,197.619 205.258,196.322L 207.994,194.377L 209.514,175.289L 209.514,157.416L 209.149,123.131L 209.149,105.258C 204.975,107.852 200.689,113.556 196.292,122.371C 191.895,131.185 187.872,137.275 184.225,140.638C 179.037,149.23 170.608,160.851 158.936,175.502C 147.264,190.152 140.132,199.281 137.538,202.888C 137.295,203.171 137.497,203.566 138.146,204.073C 138.794,204.58 139.382,204.833 139.909,204.833 Z " PercentToDraw="1"/>
        <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="MouseDown">
                    <DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="path" Storyboard.TargetProperty="PercentToDraw" From="0" To="1" Duration="0:0:5"/>

The class:

using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;

namespace Demo;

public sealed class AnimatedPath : FrameworkElement
    readonly List<double> _segmentLengths = [];

    double _totalLength;

    PathGeometry _flattenedPathGeometry = null!;

    public static readonly DependencyProperty DataProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(nameof(Data), typeof(Geometry), typeof(AnimatedPath), new PropertyMetadata(null!, DataChangedCallback));

    static void DataChangedCallback(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        var animatedPath = (AnimatedPath)d;
        animatedPath._totalLength = 0;
        var data = (Geometry?)e.NewValue;
        if (data is null) return;
        animatedPath._flattenedPathGeometry = data.GetFlattenedPathGeometry();
        for (int i = 0; i < animatedPath._flattenedPathGeometry.Figures!.Count; i++)
            PathFigure figure = animatedPath._flattenedPathGeometry.Figures![i]!;
            Point previousPoint = figure.StartPoint;
            for (int j = 0; j < figure.Segments!.Count; j++)
                PathSegment segment = figure.Segments![j]!;
                switch (segment)
                    case PolyLineSegment polyLine:
                            for (int k = 0; k < polyLine.Points!.Count; k++)
                                Point point = polyLine.Points![k];
                                double segmentLength = (point - previousPoint).Length;
                                animatedPath._totalLength += segmentLength;
                                previousPoint = point;

                    case LineSegment lineSegment:
                            double segmentLength = (lineSegment.Point - previousPoint).Length;
                            animatedPath._totalLength += segmentLength;
                            previousPoint = lineSegment.Point;

    public static readonly DependencyProperty FillProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(nameof(Fill), typeof(Brush), typeof(AnimatedPath), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null!, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender));

    public static readonly DependencyProperty StrokeProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(nameof(Stroke), typeof(Brush), typeof(AnimatedPath), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White), FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender));

    public static readonly DependencyProperty StrokeThicknessProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(nameof(StrokeThickness), typeof(ushort), typeof(AnimatedPath), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata((ushort)0, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender));

    public static readonly DependencyProperty PercentToDrawProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(nameof(PercentToDraw), typeof(double), typeof(AnimatedPath),
        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(1.0, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender));

    public double PercentToDraw
        get => (double)GetValue(PercentToDrawProperty);
        set => SetValue(PercentToDrawProperty, value);

    public Geometry? Data
        get => (Geometry?)GetValue(DataProperty);
        set => SetValue(DataProperty, value!);

    public Brush? Fill
        get => (Brush?)GetValue(FillProperty);

        set => SetValue(FillProperty, value!);

    public Brush? Stroke
        get => (Brush?)GetValue(StrokeProperty);

        set => SetValue(StrokeProperty, value!);

    public ushort StrokeThickness
        get => (ushort)GetValue(StrokeThicknessProperty);

        set => SetValue(StrokeThicknessProperty, value);

    protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext)
        if (Data is null) return;

        var pen = new Pen(Stroke!, StrokeThickness);

        if (PercentToDraw >= 1)
            drawingContext.DrawGeometry(Fill!, pen, Data!);

        // Partial draw
        double lengthToDraw = _totalLength * PercentToDraw;
        int lengthIndex = 0;
        foreach (PathFigure figure in _flattenedPathGeometry.Figures!)
            Point previousPoint = figure.StartPoint;
            for (int j = 0; j < figure.Segments!.Count; j++)
                PathSegment segment = figure.Segments![j]!;
                switch (segment)
                    case PolyLineSegment polyLine:
                            for (int k = 0; k < polyLine.Points!.Count; k++)
                                if (_segmentLengths[lengthIndex] > lengthToDraw) return;
                                Point point = polyLine.Points![k];
                                drawingContext.DrawLine(pen, previousPoint, point);
                                previousPoint = point;

                    case LineSegment lineSegment:
                            if (_segmentLengths[lengthIndex] > _segmentLengths.Count) return;
                            drawingContext.DrawLine(pen, previousPoint, lineSegment.Point);
                            previousPoint = lineSegment.Point;

In the OnRender() method, I first approximate the total length of the path by converting it to a flattened version with GetFlattenedPathGeometry(). At the same time, I build a lookup table which will allow me to stop when I've drawn up to the requested length.

Animate path demo

Upvotes: 0

Corentin Pane
Corentin Pane

Reputation: 4943

TL;DR: We take advantage of the PointAnimationUsingPath. We animate a point along the path and build a Clip geometry as the point is moving.

Full answer:

I start by drawing a sample Path in a Grid for demonstration purposes. Put the actual Path data in resources because we will re-use it later.

        <PathGeometry x:Key="path">
                <BezierSegment Point1="10 30" Point2="100 100" Point3="200 10" />
    <Path x:Name="myPath" StrokeThickness="5" Stroke="Black" Data="{StaticResource path}" />

Then I define an empty Clip geomtery for the Path:

    <GeometryGroup x:Name="geometryGroup" FillRule="Nonzero"/>

So far, the Path disappeared because it is clipped to an empty geometry. What we have left to do is progressively add points back in this clipping geometry to reveal the Path. For that, we need an object to animate. I suggest to create a FrameworkPoint for the demonstration:

public class FrameworkPoint : FrameworkElement {
    public static DependencyProperty CenterProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("Center", typeof(Point), typeof(FrameworkPoint));
    public Point Center { get => (Point)GetValue(CenterProperty); set => SetValue(CenterProperty, value); }

    public event Action<Point> CoordinatesChanged;

    protected override void OnPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) {
        if (e.Property == CenterProperty) {

This is an object with only one property of type Point, and this property is animatable. Let's add our (invisible) point in the Grid and animate it on our Path:

<local:FrameworkPoint x:Name="myPoint">
        <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Loaded">
                    <PointAnimationUsingPath Duration="00:00:10"
                                             PathGeometry="{StaticResource path}"/>

At start-up, the FrameworkPoint will invisibly follow the Path over the indicated time (10 seconds). All is left to do is build our Clip as the point moves:

public partial class MainWindow : Window {
    public MainWindow() {
        myPoint.CoordinatesChanged += MyPoint_CoordinatesChanged;

    private void MyPoint_CoordinatesChanged(Point obj) {
        geometryGroup.Children.Add(new EllipseGeometry(obj, 5, 5));

This won't give perfect results for fast animations because the sampling won't be good enough but it could give you ideas!

Upvotes: 3



I don't won't it to be amidst of comments, here's a great post:


and here's is Charles Petzold's take on the problem:


Upvotes: 1

Josh C.
Josh C.

Reputation: 4363

I am not quite sure if this is what you are looking for, but I'll give it a shot.

The animation would be a bit complex. It would actually be a series of animations, one for each point in your path minus the first point. You would want to add point to the animated path, one at a time, from the source path. Each time you add a point, that point starts at the previous point, and travels to the desired point. The animation would move the newly added point along over time, giving the effect of that segment being "drawn". When that animation completes, you iterate to your next point and begin the next animation.

Upvotes: 1

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