Reputation: 1013
I am testing a recommendation system that is built according to Simon Funk's algorithm. (written by Timely Dev.
The problem is, all Incremental SVD algorithms try to predict the rating for user_id and movie_id. But in a real system, this should produce a list of new items to the active user. I see that some people used kNN after Incremental SVD, but if I don't miss something, I lose all the performance gain if I use kNN after creating the model by Incremental SVD.
Anyone has any experience with Incremental SVD/Simon Funk method, and tell me how to produce list of new recommended items?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3961
Reputation: 4601
Here is a simple Python code based on Yelp Netflix code. If you install Numba it will go at C speeds.
import os
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
class DataLoader:
def __init__(self):
def create_review_matrix(file_path):
data = np.array([[int(tok) for tok in line.split('\t')[:3]]
for line in open(file_path)])
ij = data[:, :2]
ij -= 1
values = data[:, 2]
review_matrix = sparse.csc_matrix((values, ij.T)).astype(float)
return review_matrix
movielens_file_path = '%s/Downloads/ml-100k/u1.base' % os.environ['HOME']
my_reviews = DataLoader.create_review_matrix(movielens_file_path)
user_reviews = my_reviews[8]
user_reviews = user_reviews.toarray().ravel()
user_rated_movies, = np.where(user_reviews > 0)
user_ratings = user_reviews[user_rated_movies]
movie_reviews = my_reviews[:, 201]
movie_reviews = movie_reviews.toarray().ravel()
movie_rated_users, = np.where(movie_reviews > 0)
movie_ratings = movie_reviews[movie_rated_users]
user_pseudo_average_ratings = {}
user_pseudo_average_ratings[8] = np.mean(user_ratings)
user_pseudo_average_ratings[9] = np.mean(user_ratings)
user_pseudo_average_ratings[10] = np.mean(user_ratings)
users, movies = my_reviews.nonzero()
users_matrix = np.empty((3, 3))
users_matrix[:] = 0.1
movies_matrix = np.empty((3, 3))
movies_matrix[:] = 0.1
result = users_matrix[0] * movies_matrix[0]
otro = movies_matrix[:, 2]
otro[2] = 8
# Requires Movielens 100k data
import numpy as np, time, sys
from data_loader import DataLoader
from numba import jit
import os
def get_user_ratings(user_id, review_matrix):
Returns a numpy array with the ratings that user_id has made
:rtype : numpy array
:param user_id: the id of the user
:return: a numpy array with the ratings that user_id has made
user_reviews = review_matrix[user_id]
user_reviews = user_reviews.toarray().ravel()
user_rated_movies, = np.where(user_reviews > 0)
user_ratings = user_reviews[user_rated_movies]
return user_ratings
def get_movie_ratings(movie_id, review_matrix):
Returns a numpy array with the ratings that movie_id has received
:rtype : numpy array
:param movie_id: the id of the movie
:return: a numpy array with the ratings that movie_id has received
movie_reviews = review_matrix[:, movie_id]
movie_reviews = movie_reviews.toarray().ravel()
movie_rated_users, = np.where(movie_reviews > 0)
movie_ratings = movie_reviews[movie_rated_users]
return movie_ratings
def create_user_feature_matrix(review_matrix, NUM_FEATURES, FEATURE_INIT_VALUE):
Creates a user feature matrix of size NUM_FEATURES X NUM_USERS
with all cells initialized to FEATURE_INIT_VALUE
:rtype : numpy matrix
:return: a matrix of size NUM_FEATURES X NUM_USERS
with all cells initialized to FEATURE_INIT_VALUE
num_users = review_matrix.shape[0]
user_feature_matrix = np.empty((NUM_FEATURES, num_users))
user_feature_matrix[:] = FEATURE_INIT_VALUE
return user_feature_matrix
def create_movie_feature_matrix(review_matrix, NUM_FEATURES, FEATURE_INIT_VALUE):
Creates a user feature matrix of size NUM_FEATURES X NUM_MOVIES
with all cells initialized to FEATURE_INIT_VALUE
:rtype : numpy matrix
:return: a matrix of size NUM_FEATURES X NUM_MOVIES
with all cells initialized to FEATURE_INIT_VALUE
num_movies = review_matrix.shape[1]
movie_feature_matrix = np.empty((NUM_FEATURES, num_movies))
movie_feature_matrix[:] = FEATURE_INIT_VALUE
return movie_feature_matrix
def predict_rating(user_id, movie_id, user_feature_matrix, movie_feature_matrix):
Makes a prediction of the rating that user_id will give to movie_id if
he/she sees it
:rtype : float
:param user_id: the id of the user
:param movie_id: the id of the movie
:return: a float in the range [1, 5] with the predicted rating for
movie_id by user_id
rating = 1.
for f in range(user_feature_matrix.shape[0]):
rating += user_feature_matrix[f, user_id] * movie_feature_matrix[f, movie_id]
# We trim the ratings in case they go above or below the stars range
if rating > 5: rating = 5
elif rating < 1: rating = 1
return rating
def sgd_inner(feature, A_row, A_col, A_data, user_feature_matrix, movie_feature_matrix, NUM_FEATURES):
K = 0.015
squared_error = 0
for k in range(len(A_data)):
user_id = A_row[k]
movie_id = A_col[k]
rating = A_data[k]
p = predict_rating(user_id, movie_id, user_feature_matrix, movie_feature_matrix)
err = rating - p
squared_error += err ** 2
user_feature_value = user_feature_matrix[feature, user_id]
movie_feature_value = movie_feature_matrix[feature, movie_id]
#for j in range(NUM_FEATURES):
user_feature_matrix[feature, user_id] += \
LEARNING_RATE * (err * movie_feature_value - K * user_feature_value)
movie_feature_matrix[feature, movie_id] += \
LEARNING_RATE * (err * user_feature_value - K * movie_feature_value)
return squared_error
def calculate_features(A_row, A_col, A_data, user_feature_matrix, movie_feature_matrix, NUM_FEATURES):
Iterates through all the ratings in search for the best features that
minimize the error between the predictions and the real ratings.
This is the main function in Simon Funk SVD algorithm
:rtype : void
rmse = 0
last_rmse = 0
print len(A_data)
num_ratings = len(A_data)
for feature in xrange(NUM_FEATURES):
iter = 0
while (iter < MIN_ITERATIONS) or (rmse < last_rmse - MIN_IMPROVEMENT):
last_rmse = rmse
squared_error = sgd_inner(feature, A_row, A_col, A_data, user_feature_matrix, movie_feature_matrix, NUM_FEATURES)
rmse = (squared_error / num_ratings) ** 0.5
iter += 1
print ('Squared error = %f' % squared_error)
print ('RMSE = %f' % rmse)
print ('Feature = %d' % feature)
return last_rmse
LAMBDA = 0.02
movielens_file_path = '%s/Downloads/ml-100k/u1.base' % os.environ['HOME']
A = DataLoader.create_review_matrix(movielens_file_path)
from import mmread, mmwrite
mmwrite('./data/A', A)
user_feature_matrix = create_user_feature_matrix(A, NUM_FEATURES, FEATURE_INIT_VALUE)
movie_feature_matrix = create_movie_feature_matrix(A, NUM_FEATURES, FEATURE_INIT_VALUE)
users, movies = A.nonzero()
A = A.tocoo()
rmse = calculate_features(A.row, A.col,, user_feature_matrix, movie_feature_matrix, NUM_FEATURES )
print 'rmse', rmse
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1
Assume you have n users and m items. After incremental SVD you have k trained features. To get the new items for a given user multiply the 1xk user feature vector and the kxm item feature matrix together. You end up with the m ratings for each item for that user. Then just sort them, remove ones they have already seen, and show some number of new ones.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 3844
The way to produce recommended movies:
For the theory: pretend there are only two dimensions (comedy and drama). If I love comedies, but hate dramas, my feature vector is [1.0, 0.0]
. If you compare me against the following movies:
Comedy: [1.0, 0.0] x [1.0, 0.0] = 1
Dramedy: [0.5, 0.5] x [1.0, 0.0] = 0.5
Drama: [0.0, 1.0] x [1.0, 0,0] = 0
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 66886
I think this is a big question, as there are many recommender approaches that I think could be called "incremental SVD". To answer your specific question: kNN is run on the projected item space, not the original space, so should be quite fast.
Upvotes: 0