Reputation: 10905
Assume that I have a var std::string sourceCode;
where I have loaded a cpp source file. Now I want to remove all comments with the included regex classes from tr1 (now they are fully included as I use the Microsoft compiler) - single-line is easy but multi-line not. It is not about just replacing a comment with a space etc. it's about to keep the correct number of lines. Assume we remove a comment which is 5 lines long, this space should then be filled with 5 newlines so that I am able to backtrack code and compute with the correct line numbers.
My code so far:
std::regex singleLinedCommentReg("//.*");
sourceCode = std::regex_replace(sourceCode, singleLinedCommentReg, std::string(""));
std::regex multiLinedCommentReg("(/\\*([^*]|[\r\n]|(\\*+([^*/]|[\r\n])))*\\*+/)");
std::sregex_iterator(sourceCode.begin(), sourceCode.end(), multiLinedCommentReg),
[&](const std::match_results<std::string::const_iterator>& match) -> bool {
// TODO: Replace the current match with an appropriate number of newlines.
return true;
Can anyone give me some advice on that?
I do NOT want to provoke comments about the discussion whether it makes sense to use RegEx for this kind of doing! Please just assume the input is clean and as expected.
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Views: 3926
Reputation: 22422
Your approach using regex is way off and too complicated. You are trying to use a regular language (regex) to parse a situation that is at least as complex as a context-free grammar. If you split things up and do part of the processing in C++ you'll get it done but it'll look messy.
If your goal is to write a function that strips all of the comments out without losing the new line characters I suggest that you generate a parse using one of the many parsing tools available.
This took less than 5 minutes to create and is functionally what you are looking for. You can modify this to your hearts content. It will generate a lexer with flex 2.5.4 or flex 2.5.35
#include <stdio.h>
cbeg "/*"
cend "*/"
cppc "//"
nl "\n"|"\r\n"
%option noyywrap
%x mlc
{nl} { fputs(yytext, stdout); }
{cbeg} { BEGIN(mlc); }
{cend} { fprintf(stderr, "Error: found end of comment without a beginning\n"); return -1; }
{cppc}.* /* eat up the comment */
. { fputs(yytext, stdout); }
<mlc>{cend} { BEGIN(INITIAL); }
<mlc>{cbeg} { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Found /* inside another /* comment"); return -1; }
<mlc>. /* eat up everything else */
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
The above is a fully functional program. You can generate the .c using:
flex -t foo.l > foo.c
and you can compile it using
cc -o foo foo.c
Now something like
./foo < source.c > source-sans-comments.c
will generate the new source file.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 75160
The best approach would be to use two regexen. The first would remove all single-line comments (these would not affect the line numbers).
Then, use another regex for removing the multiline comments, and loop over each one until there are no more:
regex mlc("\\/\\*[^(\\/\\*)]*?\\*\\/");
string data = something;
match_results<std::string::const_iterator> searchresult;
while (regex_search(data, searchresult, mlc)) {
const string& match = searchresult.str();
auto newlinecount = std::count(match.begin(), match.end(), '\n');
data.replace(searchresult.position(), match.length(), newlinecount, '\n');
Upvotes: 0