Federico J.
Federico J.

Reputation: 15912

How to easily import multiple sql files into a MySQL database?

I have several sql files and I want to import all of them at once into a MySQL database.

I go to PHPMyAdmin, access the database, click import, select a file and import it. When I have more than a couple of files it takes a long time.

I would like to know if there is a better way to import multiple files, something like one file which will import the other files or similar.

I'm using WAMP and I would like a solution that does not require installing additional programs on my computer.

Upvotes: 99

Views: 163146

Answers (14)


Reputation: 982

puts multiple sql file into one file named as data.sql

cat /path/to/**/*.sql > data.sql

enter into database(I will take a example Postgres, because I'm not so familar with Mysql)

psql -U postgres
\l # list all database
\c database_name # connect database
\i /path/to/data.sql; # insert the data

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 1

for windows users,

You can select the database in the phpMyadmin interface on the left, drag and drop all your files from your windows folder onto the web UI of phpMyadmin.

Upvotes: 0

Praveen Patel
Praveen Patel

Reputation: 1309

Import From multiple SQL files into one Database.

Step 1: Goto to the folder and create file 'import-script.sh' with execute permission (give Permission to file is chmod u+x import-script.sh )

for i in *.sql
    echo "Importing: $i"
    mysql -u USERNAME -pPASSWORD DBNAME < $i

The main thing is -p and PASSWORD didn't add any space.

Step 2: then in your terminal run this command ./import-script.sh

Upvotes: 3

Seshu Noolu
Seshu Noolu

Reputation: 11

in windows open windows powershell and go to the folder where sql files are then run this command

cat *.sql |  C:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysql.exe -u username -p databasename

Upvotes: 1

Bobby Iliev
Bobby Iliev

Reputation: 316

You could also a for loop to do so:

for i in *.sql
    echo "Importing: $i"
    mysql your_db_name < $i


Upvotes: 6


Reputation: 1541

just type:

cat *.sql |mysql -uroot -p

and mysql will import all the sql file in sequence

Upvotes: 9

Federico J.
Federico J.

Reputation: 15912

In Windows, open a terminal, go to the content folder and write:

copy /b *.sql all_files.sql

This concate all files in only one, making it really quick to import with PhpMyAdmin.

In Linux and macOS, as @BlackCharly pointed out, this will do the trick:

cat *.sql  > .all_files.sql

Important Note: Doing it directly should go well, but it could end up with you stuck in a loop with a massive output file getting bigger and bigger due to the system adding the file to itself. To avoid it, two possible solutions.

A) Put the result in a separate directory to be safe (Thanks @mosh):

mkdir concatSql
cat *.sql  > ./concatSql/all_files.sql

B) Concat them in a file with a different extension and then change it the name. (Thanks @William Turrell)

cat *.sql  > all_files.sql1
mv all_files.sql1 all_files.sql

Upvotes: 200

Ajay Singh
Ajay Singh

Reputation: 1

Just type below command on your command prompt & it will bind all sql file into single sql file,

c:/xampp/mysql/bin/sql/ type *.sql > OneFile.sql;

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 2368

This is the easiest way that I have found.

In Windows (powershell):

cat *.sql | C:\wamp64\bin\mysql\mysql5.7.21\bin\mysql.exe -u user -p database

You will need to insert the path to your WAMP - MySQL above, I have used my systems path.

In Linux (Bash):

cat *.sql | mysql -u user -p database

Upvotes: 76


Reputation: 3798

Save this file as .bat and run it , change variables inside parenthesis ...

@echo off
title Mysql Import Script
cd (Folder Name)
 for %%a in (*) do (
     echo Importing File  : %%a 
     mysql -u(username) -p(password)  %%~na < %%a

if it's only one database modify (%%~na) with the database name .

Upvotes: 3

PHP Kishan
PHP Kishan

Reputation: 323

  1. Goto cmd

  2. Type in command prompt C:\users\Usersname>cd [.sql tables folder path ]
    Press Enter
    Ex: C:\users\Usersname>cd E:\project\database

  3. Type command prompt
    C:\users\Usersname>[.sql folder's drive (directory)name]
    Press Enter
    Ex: C:\users\Usersname>E:

  4. Type command prompt for marge all .sql file(table) in a single file
    copy /b *.sql newdatabase.sql
    Press Enter
    EX: E:\project\database>copy /b *.sql newdatabase.sql

  5. You can see Merge Multiple .sql(file) tables Files Into A Single File in your directory folder
    Ex: E:\project\database

Upvotes: 16

Markus Zeller
Markus Zeller

Reputation: 9145

Enter the mysql shell like this.

mysql --host=localhost --user=username --password --database=db

Then use the source command and a semicolon to seperate the commands.

source file1.sql; source file2; source file3;

Upvotes: 4


Reputation: 968

I know it's been a little over two years... but I was looking for a way to do this, and wasn't overly happy with the solution posted (it works fine, but I wanted a little more information as the import happens). When combining all the SQL files in to one, you don't get any sort of progress updates.

So I kept digging for an answer and thought this might be a good place to post what I found for future people looking for the same answer. Here's a command line in Windows that will import multiple SQL files from a folder. You run this from the command line while in the directory where mysql.exe is located.

for /f %f in ('dir /b <dir>\<mask>') do mysql --user=<user> --password=<password> <dbname> < <dir>\%f

With some assumed values (as an example):

for /f %f in ('dir /b c:\sqlbackup\*.sql') do mysql --user=mylogin --password=mypass mydb < c:\sqlbackup\%f

If you had two sets of SQL backups in the folder, you could change the *.sql to something more specific (like mydb_*.sql).

Upvotes: 9


Reputation: 649

The easiest solution is to copy/paste every sql files in one.

You can't add some sql markup for file importation (the imported files will be in your computer, not in the server, and I don't think MySQL manage some import markup for external sql files).

Upvotes: 2

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