I'm trying to create a text editor like program for coding in mips assembly using java , the point i got mixed up alittle was the part i was trying to provide a Control-Space feature like that of eclipse's.For example when the user enters add $s1
, then presses ctrl+Space , i would replace this string:"add $s1 , $s2 , $s3"
with what he has typed! ( that's an example .. i know add can be of immediate type instructions :D ), I'm using a hashmap to bind key strokes to what will actually happen in my JTextPane , sth like :
InputMap inputMap = textPane.getInputMap();
KeyStroke key = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke('some keys') ;
inputMap.put(key, 'some action') ;
well the problem is , when i want to implement Ctrl+Space for my program , i am using this :
key = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(Event.CTRL_MASK , KeyEvent.VK_SPACE) ;
inputMap.put(key, DefaultEditorKit.insertContentAction);
but where can I select , what string should be inserted instead of the already typed part of the pattern ? other words , where does the insertContentAction bring it strings from ? how can i define what String should be replaced ? or even is there any other better ways for replacing , when Ctrl+Space has been pressed ?
(what im asking for is a way to insert the string pattern into a jTextPane , not the algorithm to implement the pattern matching )
Thanks in advance :)
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