Reputation: 914
I am working with some matlab code that processes data (in a Kalman Filter) and creates a series of contour plots. It has been running on a RHEL 4 server in matlab 2006a for a few years, but my boss recently requested that all servers be updated to RHEL 6...and at least matlab 2007a. I have worked out all the depreciations between these versions, but I am still having one major problem.
The code that creates and prints different contour plots is working for whichever of the three plots is created first. It looks like this:
Unfortunately the next two plots look like this:
The three figures are plotted independently in separate functions and I use clf("reset");
before and after creating each figure. Each function works in and of itself, but when all three are plotted the second and third figures are all messed up. Has anyone else had this problem? Here is the code that creates one of the figures.
function Crd = TEC_plot(ITEC,RT,Param,Input,t,OutPath,RxExtAll,Time)
% Generate TEC plot
Function_for_Spline_Smoothing = [.05 .1 .05; .1 .4 .1; .05 .1 .05];
ITEC = conv2(ITEC,Function_for_Spline_Smoothing,'same'); % add more of these lines to make contours smoother
ITEC = conv2(ITEC,Function_for_Spline_Smoothing,'same'); % add more of these lines to make contours smoother
% ITEC = conv2(ITEC,Function_for_Spline_Smoothing,'same'); % add more of these lines to make contours smoother
% ITEC = conv2(ITEC,Function_for_Spline_Smoothing,'same'); % add more of these lines to make contours smoother
warning off; hold on;
% Changed 13 February 2007 to make plots prettier
thinning_scale=2; % (1 to 10) increase this value to thin the density of the contour number labels
[cscale,hgt]=m_contour(Param.Grid.LonAxis,Param.Grid.LatAxis,ITEC, ...
hold on
shading flat
clabel(cscale,hgt,'labelspacing',72,'rotation',0,'fontsize',10 ...
axis([-.65 .6 .25 1.32]) % hardwiring axis length since the coastline runs off of the plot
% Changed 13 February 2007
% %-------------------- to include different station markers for different sources -------------------
if ~isempty(Input.Data) % Plot receivers used in this inversion
i1 = find( (Crd(:,3) > RT.Camera(3)).*(Crd(:,3) < RT.Camera(4)).*...
(Crd(:,2) > RT.Camera(1)).*(Crd(:,2) < RT.Camera(2)).*...
(RxType==1) );
i2 = find( (Crd(:,3) > RT.Camera(3)).*(Crd(:,3) < RT.Camera(4)).*...
(Crd(:,2) > RT.Camera(1)).*(Crd(:,2) < RT.Camera(2)).*...
(RxType==2) );
i3 = find( (Crd(:,3) > RT.Camera(3)).*(Crd(:,3) < RT.Camera(4)).*...
(Crd(:,2) > RT.Camera(1)).*(Crd(:,2) < RT.Camera(2)).*...
(RxType==3) );
% m_plot(Crd(i1,3),Crd(i1,2),'r.','markersize',6,'LineWidth',2);
% m_plot(Crd(i2,3),Crd(i2,2),'r.','markersize',6,'LineWidth',2);
% % -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
hold off; warning on;axis off;
% caxis([RT.Levels(1),(RT.Levels(length(RT.Levels)))/2]); colorbar('vert'); %Color bar from 0 to 50 --- for Low Solar Activity
caxis([RT.Levels(1),(RT.Levels(length(RT.Levels)))]); colorbar('vert'); %Color bar from 0 to 100 --- for High Solar Activity
title(sprintf('Total Electron Content Units x 10^1^6 m^-^2'),'Fontsize',11)
if size(Crd,1)==0,
title(sprintf('Total Electron Content Units x 10^1^6 m^-^2 Caution: No Data Available, IRI95 Only'),'Fontsize',10)
text(-0.6,0.22,sprintf('%s from %s to %s UT NOAA/SWPC Boulder, CO USA (op.ver. 1.0)',datestr(Time(t)+1E-8,1),datestr(Time(t)+1E-8,15),datestr(Time(t)+1E-7+15/1440,15)),'Fontsize',11)
% This option print to a file
% set(gcf, 'Position', [0,0,1950,1467]);
% print('-f1','-dpng','-painters',filename([OutPath,'{YYYY}{MM}{DD}{HRMN}_TEC'],Time(t)));
% system(['convert ', filename([OutPath,'{YYYY}{MM}{DD}{HRMN}_TEC.png'],Time(t)),' -scale 650x489 ',' -colors 256 ', filename([OutPath,'{YYYY}{MM}{DD}{HRMN}_TEC.png'],Time(t))]);
% Printing a postscript file because requirements for the automatic reboot
print('-f1','-dpsc','-r1000','-painters', filename([OutPath,'{YYYY}{MM}{DD}{HRMN}_TEC'],Time(t)));
% Convert the postscript file to jpg using ghostscripts
system(['gs -q -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -r300 -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=',filename([OutPath,'{YYYY}{MM}{DD}{HRMN}_TEC.jpg'],Time(t)),' ', filename([OutPath,'{YYYY}{MM}{DD}{HRMN}'],Time(t))]);
% Converting from jpg to png and reducing the size of the figure.
system(['convert ',filename([OutPath,'{YYYY}{MM}{DD}{HRMN}_TEC.jpg'],Time(t)),' -crop 2050x1675+325+775 ',' -scale 650x489 ',' -colors 256 ', filename([OutPath,'{YYYY}{MM}{DD}{HRMN}_TEC.png'],Time(t))]);
% Removing the jpg and ps files (ask Cliff how can we put both files in just one command)
%system(['rm ',filename([OutPath,'*.jpg'],Time(t))]);
%system(['rm ',filename([OutPath,'*.ps'],Time(t))]);
Upvotes: 2
Views: 3042
Reputation: 8290
One guess might be with the code that generates your final PNG file. Your second figure appears to be incorrectly cropped when converting from JPG to PNG.
First the print
command is fixed to use whatever is in figure 1. So, to ensure that you are plotting using figure 1 use the command figure(1)
to specify this. Alternatively, change the print command to to read print(gcf ...
to print the current figure.
Also, note you could generate the PNG file directly with print
as in
and skip the conversion from PS to JPG to PNG step.
The hard-coding the figure window in the print
might explain why things work independently but not together if the you have multiple figure windows available. Just a guess.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 10186
Try to not use clf
which will clear your whole figure but use the figure
in between to open three independant figures. See it it'll work :)
Edit: That's just guessing without actually seeing your code
Upvotes: 2