Reputation: 36554
So I am trying to "build" twitter bootstrap from source git:// and I git clone it to my local machine.
Obviously, on my local machine, I have had nodejs and npm installed and the required node packages less and uglify-js installed as well. And all node modules are in my system path so "lessc" and "uglifyjs" commands are available in my terminal.
Going into bootstrap's root directory, I run "make" and this is the output:-
(luc)calvins-MacBook.local ttys002 Fri Feb 03 10:51:29 |~/work/luc/static/bootstrap|
calvin$ make
mkdir -p bootstrap/img
mkdir -p bootstrap/css
mkdir -p bootstrap/js
cp img/* bootstrap/img/
lessc ./less/bootstrap.less > bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css
lessc --compress ./less/bootstrap.less > bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css
lessc ./less/responsive.less > bootstrap/css/bootstrap.responsive
lessc --compress ./less/responsive.less > bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.responsive
cat js/bootstrap-transition.js js/bootstrap-alert.js js/bootstrap-button.js js/bootstrap-carousel.js js/bootstrap-collapse.js js/bootstrap-dropdown.js js/bootstrap-modal.js js/bootstrap-tooltip.js js/bootstrap-popover.js js/bootstrap-scrollspy.js js/bootstrap-tab.js js/bootstrap-typeahead.js > bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js
uglifyjs -nc bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js > bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js
zip -r docs/assets/ bootstrap
updating: bootstrap/ (stored 0%)
updating: bootstrap/css/ (stored 0%)
updating: bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css (deflated 85%)
updating: bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css (deflated 84%)
updating: bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.responsive (deflated 76%)
updating: bootstrap/css/bootstrap.responsive (deflated 79%)
updating: bootstrap/img/ (stored 0%)
updating: bootstrap/img/glyphicons-halflings-white.png (deflated 4%)
updating: bootstrap/img/glyphicons-halflings.png (deflated 4%)
updating: bootstrap/js/ (stored 0%)
updating: bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js (deflated 82%)
updating: bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js (deflated 74%)
rm -r bootstrap
lessc ./less/bootstrap.less > ./docs/assets/css/bootstrap.css
lessc ./less/responsive.less > ./docs/assets/css/bootstrap-responsive.css
node docs/build
cp img/* docs/assets/img/
cp js/*.js docs/assets/js/
cp js/tests/vendor/jquery.js docs/assets/js/
cp js/tests/vendor/jquery.js docs/assets/js/
What should I do next to include my css files in my html page? I don't see where the built/created bootstrap.min.css or bootstrap.min.responsive files are located. The only thing that seemed to have changed is that a "" was created, as seen by running git status above.
(luc)calvins-MacBook.local ttys002 Fri Feb 03 10:51:35 |~/work/luc/static/bootstrap|
calvin$ git status
# Not currently on any branch.
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
# modified: docs/assets/
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
Upvotes: 11
Views: 13471
Reputation: 11017
If anyone is looking for an alternative to make
for building Bootstrap (especially since make
is not Windows friendly), there's a build system for Bootstrap with Grunt.js
For the most part it produces the same results as the makefile
. The grunt-contrib-qunit task will add better support for qunit/phantomjs when grunt 0.4.0 is released (found here: . Until then you can still work with the built in Grunt tasks for testing.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1
You should download some node packages first
sudo npm install recess
and then
sudo npm install jshint
Then use
make bootstrap
in the directory of the MakeFile
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 749
This might be handy for some of you. See Readme for usage/options. Its a simple batch to compile up bootstrap from source on Windows. You can also just grab "make.bat" if you like and drop it in your downloaded source. It is forked here for convenience. Basic usage below
C:\projects\bootstrap>make (would create sub dir "build" with css, js, img dirs)
C:\projects\bootstrap>make -c (combines bootstrap/responsive to one file)
C:\projects\bootstrap>make -l (outputs source less files under css dir)
See additional options in readme on GitHub...
NOTE: requires UglifyJs and Less to be installed via npm globally so => npm install less -g. The batch will prompt you if these are missing. However you'll need to install them manually.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 27360
I have gnuwin32 installed and on my path, and I've npm install
-ed uglifyjs
, recess
, and jshint
. I then made the following additions to the top of the Makefile:
MKDIR=mkdir.exe -p
The first line (SHELL=) fixes this problem:
w:\github\bootstrap>make bootstrap
mkdir.exe -p bootstrap/js
make: Interrupt/Exception caught (code = 0xc00000fd, addr = 0x4227d3)
the second line (MKDIR=) is to prevent the dos mkdir command being used (which doesn't understand the -p
Then a global search/replace on all the executable references:
- mkdir -p bootstrap/js
+ $(MKDIR) bootstrap/js
cat js/bootstrap-transition.js js..
- ./node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs -nc...
+ $(UGLIFYJS) -nc bootstrap/js/boot..
Now make bootstrap
finishes without any problems.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 68742
Not an expert on this by any stretch of the imagination (just started to play around with Twitter bootstrap as well), but I get a similar output as you when I just run make
. However, if you run make bootstrap
it generates a folder entitled bootstrap
that contains the compiled css as far as I can tell:
make bootstrap
mkdir -p bootstrap/img
mkdir -p bootstrap/css
mkdir -p bootstrap/js
cp img/* bootstrap/img/
lessc ./less/bootstrap.less > bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css
lessc --compress ./less/bootstrap.less > bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css
lessc ./less/responsive.less > bootstrap/css/bootstrap-responsive.css
lessc --compress ./less/responsive.less > bootstrap/css/bootstrap-responsive.min.css
cat js/bootstrap-transition.js js/bootstrap-alert.js js/bootstrap-button.js js/bootstrap-carousel.js js/bootstrap-collapse.js js/bootstrap-dropdown.js js/bootstrap-modal.js js/bootstrap-tooltip.js js/bootstrap-popover.js js/bootstrap-scrollspy.js js/bootstrap-tab.js js/bootstrap-typeahead.js > bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js
uglifyjs -nc bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js > bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js
The new bootstrap
directory (bootstrap/bootstrap
) contains the following:
- bootstrap-responsive.css
- bootstrap-responsive.min.css
- bootstrap.css
- bootstrap.min.css
- glyphicons-halflings-white.png
- glyphicons-halflings.png
- bootstrap.js
- bootstrap.min.js
This might be an issue with the documentation, leaving out the correct command, but I'm not sure. My memory of how a Makefile
works is if you issue make
without a target, it defaults to the first target in the makefile. In this case, that target is docs
instead of bootstrap
I think you can then just copy the contents of the new bootstrap directory to wherever you would normally put the css/js assets for your project.
Upvotes: 20