Zachary Carter
Zachary Carter

Reputation: 373

Authenticating plain text password against md5 hash

Hello and thank you for reading,

I have a task to authenticate a un / pw pair against a password stored in a MySQL database which has joomla serving as the CMS / frontend.

The joomla web application supports storing usernames and passwords in said database and it would appear that it goes through the following steps when storing a new user -

$salt  = JUserHelper::genRandomPassword(32);
$crypt = JUserHelper::getCryptedPassword($array['password'], $salt);
$array['password'] = $crypt.':'.$salt;

genRandomPassword looks like -

 * Generate a random password
 * @static
 * @param   int     $length Length of the password to generate
 * @return  string          Random Password
 * @since   1.5
public static function genRandomPassword($length = 8)
    $salt = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
    $len = strlen($salt);
    $makepass = '';

    $stat = @stat(__FILE__);
    if (empty($stat) || !is_array($stat)) $stat = array(php_uname());

    mt_srand(crc32(microtime() . implode('|', $stat)));

    for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i ++) {
        $makepass .= $salt[mt_rand(0, $len -1)];

    return $makepass;

Finally, getCryptedPassword and getSalt look like -

 * Formats a password using the current encryption.
 * @access  public
 * @param   string  $plaintext  The plaintext password to encrypt.
 * @param   string  $salt       The salt to use to encrypt the password. []
 *                              If not present, a new salt will be
 *                              generated.
 * @param   string  $encryption The kind of pasword encryption to use.
 *                              Defaults to md5-hex.
 * @param   boolean $show_encrypt  Some password systems prepend the kind of
 *                              encryption to the crypted password ({SHA},
 *                              etc). Defaults to false.
 * @return string  The encrypted password.
public static function getCryptedPassword($plaintext, $salt = '', $encryption = 'md5-hex', $show_encrypt = false)
    // Get the salt to use.
    $salt = JUserHelper::getSalt($encryption, $salt, $plaintext);

    // Encrypt the password.
    switch ($encryption)
        case 'plain' :
            return $plaintext;

        case 'sha' :
            $encrypted = base64_encode(mhash(MHASH_SHA1, $plaintext));
            return ($show_encrypt) ? '{SHA}'.$encrypted : $encrypted;

        case 'crypt' :
        case 'crypt-des' :
        case 'crypt-md5' :
        case 'crypt-blowfish' :
            return ($show_encrypt ? '{crypt}' : '').crypt($plaintext, $salt);

        case 'md5-base64' :
            $encrypted = base64_encode(mhash(MHASH_MD5, $plaintext));
            return ($show_encrypt) ? '{MD5}'.$encrypted : $encrypted;

        case 'ssha' :
            $encrypted = base64_encode(mhash(MHASH_SHA1, $plaintext.$salt).$salt);
            return ($show_encrypt) ? '{SSHA}'.$encrypted : $encrypted;

        case 'smd5' :
            $encrypted = base64_encode(mhash(MHASH_MD5, $plaintext.$salt).$salt);
            return ($show_encrypt) ? '{SMD5}'.$encrypted : $encrypted;

        case 'aprmd5' :
            $length = strlen($plaintext);
            $context = $plaintext.'$apr1$'.$salt;
            $binary = JUserHelper::_bin(md5($plaintext.$salt.$plaintext));

            for ($i = $length; $i > 0; $i -= 16) {
                $context .= substr($binary, 0, ($i > 16 ? 16 : $i));
            for ($i = $length; $i > 0; $i >>= 1) {
                $context .= ($i & 1) ? chr(0) : $plaintext[0];

            $binary = JUserHelper::_bin(md5($context));

            for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i ++) {
                $new = ($i & 1) ? $plaintext : substr($binary, 0, 16);
                if ($i % 3) {
                    $new .= $salt;
                if ($i % 7) {
                    $new .= $plaintext;
                $new .= ($i & 1) ? substr($binary, 0, 16) : $plaintext;
                $binary = JUserHelper::_bin(md5($new));

            $p = array ();
            for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i ++) {
                $k = $i +6;
                $j = $i +12;
                if ($j == 16) {
                    $j = 5;
                $p[] = JUserHelper::_toAPRMD5((ord($binary[$i]) << 16) | (ord($binary[$k]) << 8) | (ord($binary[$j])), 5);

            return '$apr1$'.$salt.'$'.implode('', $p).JUserHelper::_toAPRMD5(ord($binary[11]), 3);

        case 'md5-hex' :
        default :
            $encrypted = ($salt) ? md5($plaintext.$salt) : md5($plaintext);
            return ($show_encrypt) ? '{MD5}'.$encrypted : $encrypted;

 * Returns a salt for the appropriate kind of password encryption.
 * Optionally takes a seed and a plaintext password, to extract the seed
 * of an existing password, or for encryption types that use the plaintext
 * in the generation of the salt.
 * @access public
 * @param string $encryption  The kind of pasword encryption to use.
 *                          Defaults to md5-hex.
 * @param string $seed      The seed to get the salt from (probably a
 *                          previously generated password). Defaults to
 *                          generating a new seed.
 * @param string $plaintext The plaintext password that we're generating
 *                          a salt for. Defaults to none.
 * @return string  The generated or extracted salt.
public static function getSalt($encryption = 'md5-hex', $seed = '', $plaintext = '')
    // Encrypt the password.
    switch ($encryption)
        case 'crypt' :
        case 'crypt-des' :
            if ($seed) {
                return substr(preg_replace('|^{crypt}|i', '', $seed), 0, 2);
            } else {
                return substr(md5(mt_rand()), 0, 2);

        case 'crypt-md5' :
            if ($seed) {
                return substr(preg_replace('|^{crypt}|i', '', $seed), 0, 12);
            } else {
                return '$1$'.substr(md5(mt_rand()), 0, 8).'$';

        case 'crypt-blowfish' :
            if ($seed) {
                return substr(preg_replace('|^{crypt}|i', '', $seed), 0, 16);
            } else {
                return '$2$'.substr(md5(mt_rand()), 0, 12).'$';

        case 'ssha' :
            if ($seed) {
                return substr(preg_replace('|^{SSHA}|', '', $seed), -20);
            } else {
                return mhash_keygen_s2k(MHASH_SHA1, $plaintext, substr(pack('h*', md5(mt_rand())), 0, 8), 4);

        case 'smd5' :
            if ($seed) {
                return substr(preg_replace('|^{SMD5}|', '', $seed), -16);
            } else {
                return mhash_keygen_s2k(MHASH_MD5, $plaintext, substr(pack('h*', md5(mt_rand())), 0, 8), 4);

        case 'aprmd5' :
            /* 64 characters that are valid for APRMD5 passwords. */
            $APRMD5 = './0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';

            if ($seed) {
                return substr(preg_replace('/^\$apr1\$(.{8}).*/', '\\1', $seed), 0, 8);
            } else {
                $salt = '';
                for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i ++) {
                    $salt .= $APRMD5 {
                        rand(0, 63)
                return $salt;

        default :
            $salt = '';
            if ($seed) {
                $salt = $seed;
            return $salt;

I'm no PHP or Joomla expert but I understand to a certain extent what is going on. I believe as far as an encryption algorithm goes, md5 is being used.

My question is -

What do I need to do to authenticate a un / pw combo against a password stored like this? Presently the salt isn't being stored along with the PW so what do I need to do here exactly? I don't need any code or pseudo-code I just need a clear list of steps to take. If you do feel like providing code I'm writing my application in Java.


Okay I've gotten further supplying the salt / crypto password to the authentication library I'm using however it is saying that they don't matched even after going through all the hasing / decryption. I guess I'll have to play around with this a bit more.

Using that example PW I supplied in the comment below, here's what my java code looks like :

SimpleAuthenticationInfo info = new SimpleAuthenticationInfo("TestUser",
            "564c6d2c10a7135fe0ddf0b21d1a1226", getName());
    info.setCredentialsSalt(new SimpleByteSource("B9YEkhvnV8pZ8BU7fvVlIVTbEux5N17J"));

    return info;

And this is the response I get -

Submitted credentials for token [org.apache.shiro.authc.UsernamePasswordToken - TestUser, rememberMe=false] did not match the expected credentials.

I guess I'm close but I'm still not there. Since we're not passing an algorithm name into the getCryptedPassword PHP function, I'm guessing that it's using the default which appears to be MD5. I wonder why this isn't working.

Thank you,

-Zachary Carter

Upvotes: 1

Views: 2358

Answers (2)

Zachary Carter
Zachary Carter

Reputation: 373

Joomla was building the hash as plain-text pw + salt but when Shiro is authenticating it builds the hash as salt + plain-text pw. The solution was subclassing SimpleCredentialsMatcher and AbstractHash. I couldn't override the methods in the existing subclasses because they were all protected.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 6026

Try this.

Given a user name $un and a plain text password $pw:

jimport( 'joomla.user.helper' );
$userId = JUserHelper::getUserId( $un );
$user = JUser::getInstance( $userId );

$existingPasswordParts = explode( ':', $user->password );
$salt = $existingPasswordParts[1];
$crypt = JUserHelper::getCryptedPassword( $pw, $salt );
$password = $crypt . ':' . $salt;

if ( $user->password == $password )
  /* match */

The user is fetched, and the used salt is re-used to encrypt the plain text password. After that, both encrypted passwords can be compared against each other. This should work on J1.6, J1.7 and J2.5.

Upvotes: 1

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