Reputation: 1356
Does anyone know how to pass a several bytes into a Binary (or varbinary) field using SQL and ideally in ADO (classic) & VBScript (or Visual Basic 6)?
I wish to encode 10-20 (maybe more) bytes of data and have this data stored in a SQL db field. (Its not MS-SQLSVR, but I'm hoping that a standard SQL supported format will work!)
The bytes are available as either a string of bytes obtained via AscB/ChrB, OR, an array of 'bytes' (actually variants of type byte obtained via 'cbyte') and stored in the array.
First option: using the string format I have had some (limited) success creating the SQL insert as:
x = ".>?hD-&91k[=" '<psuedo string of chars, some unprintable
Insert Into rawtest (byt) Values (CAST('" & x & "' as SQL_BINARY(12)))
But I am concerned that string nulls will truncate the data in the field and other non-printing control characters will get in the way of handling the data. Is there a way to avoid this?
Second Option: Byte Array I can put the data in a array easily enough, but cannot see how to pass to the SQL Insert statement. If I attempt to pass in 12 bytes, the insert fails due to the CAST attempting to store the data into a Integer (4bytes). If I pass in a single byte, it works, eg:
x = a(0)
And continues to work for 4 bytes, but fails when the Integer overflows. Also, it reorders the data
I've attempted to use various workarounds:
Insert Into rawtest (byt) Values (CAST('12,34,45' as SQL_BINARY(12)))
Insert Into rawtest (byt) Values (CAST(&h12&h34 as SQL_BINARY(12)))
Insert Into rawtest (byt) Values (CAST(0x123456789012 as SQL_BINARY(12)))
I've also tried similar combinations with:
Insert Into rawtest (byt) Values (CONVERT('" & x & "', SQL_BINARY)
But these all fail!
Ideally, I want a method, any method, that takes a small binary-array of upto 20 bytes(ideally full byte range 0-255, but could take less) and passes them thru to a plain, raw, binary SQL field.
Ideally I need to do this in VBScript/ADO, but can take a VB6 based solution if available. I want this as 'raw' binary, I don't want to use an ascii-encoding, like Base64.
I've googled till I'm numb and havn't not found much atall relevant to binary fields in SQL.
Can you help? Any answers appreciated. Many thx.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 22625
Reputation: 1356
Matt gave me a lead-in to the solution: Although the target is not a blob field and the bulk of the code indictaes how to pass a string into the db via ADO, the bit I needed was how to create the bytes to feed into the variable 'vntBlobData', by creating a VBS 'byte string' from the source bytes using charb/ascb I got my solution. I now have a VBS solution (and using a proper byte-array, a VB6 solution too!) Many thanks Matt.
'VBS $2Bin:
Function a2b(x)
For i = 1 To Len(x)+1 Step 2
d = Mid(x, i, 2)
a2b = a2b & chrb(CByte(d))
End Function
'VBS Bin2$
Function eb2s(c)
If IsNull(c) Then
eb2s = ""
For i = 1 To lenb(c)
eb2s = eb2s & ascb(Midb(c, i, 1))
End if
End Function
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 8384
Classic ADO can manipulate very large (>8000) varbinary and image (blob) fields directly without chunking. Below is a sample against MS SQL Server that inserts binary data into a table with an INT ID field and a varbinary(100) field. In this example a parameterized SQL query is inserting the binary data from a Variant. The Variant just needs to be populated with the binary data.
Dim vntBlobData As Variant
vntBlobData = "ReplaceThisWithBinaryData - A byte array will work"
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
cn.ConnectionString = "Provider = sqloledb; Data Source = DBServerName; Initial Catalog = DBName; User ID = UserID; Password = Password; Persist Security Info = False"
Dim strQry As String
strQry = "INSERT INTO TestBinaryTable (ID, BlobData) VALUES (?, ?)"
Dim cm As ADODB.Command
Set cm = New ADODB.Command
cm.ActiveConnection = cn
cm.CommandText = strQry
cm.Parameters.Append cm.CreateParameter("@ID", adInteger, adParamInput, , 1)
cm.Parameters.Append cm.CreateParameter("@BlobData", adVarBinary, adParamInput, 100, vntBlobData)
cm.CommandType = adCmdText
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 238076
VB6 can access binary columns with the GetChunk and AppendChunk methods of the ADO field class. See this KB article.
This blog post has a function to convert a hex string to a varbinary:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.HexStrToVarBinary(@hexstr varchar(8000))
RETURNS varbinary(8000)
DECLARE @hex char(1), @i int, @place bigint, @a bigint
SET @i = LEN(@hexstr)
set @place = convert(bigint,1)
SET @a = convert(bigint, 0)
WHILE (@i > 0 AND (substring(@hexstr, @i, 1) like '[0-9A-Fa-f]'))
SET @hex = SUBSTRING(@hexstr, @i, 1)
SET @a = @a +
convert(bigint, CASE WHEN @hex LIKE '[0-9]'
THEN CAST(@hex as int)
ELSE CAST(ASCII(UPPER(@hex))-55 as int) end * @place)
set @place = @place * convert(bigint,16)
SET @i = @i - 1
RETURN convert(varbinary(8000),@a)
Upvotes: 1