
Reputation: 9611

How can I loop through all the routes?

From inside a mvc (2) user control, I want to loop through all the route values.

So if I have controllers like:


I need a collection of the values that will appear in the url like:


i.e. the values user, account.

How can I get this?

I tried RouteTables but couldn't figure it out.

Upvotes: 13

Views: 3791

Answers (1)


Reputation: 2542

Oh, really a good question to keep my self busy for an hour. To achieve the required functionality , we need to hook into MVC source and little bit of reflections.

  1. By default Route names are not available , so we need to write a Route collection extension to save Route Name in RouteData tokens.

    public static Route MapRouteWithName(this RouteCollection routes,string name, string   url, object defaults=null, object constraints=null)
    Route route = routes.MapRoute(name, url, defaults, constraints);
    route.DataTokens = new RouteValueDictionary();
    route.DataTokens.Add("RouteName", name);
    return route;
  2. Modify the global.asax maproute call to invoke previous extension

                "Default", // Route name
                "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
                new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults
  3. Modified the MVC PathHelper a little bit.(Include this helper in the project)

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Specialized;
    using System.Web;
    public static class PathHelpers
    // this method can accept an app-relative path or an absolute path for contentPath
    public static string GenerateClientUrl(HttpContextBase httpContext, string contentPath)
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(contentPath))
            return contentPath;
        // many of the methods we call internally can't handle query strings properly, so just strip it out for
        // the time being
        string query;
        contentPath = StripQuery(contentPath, out query);
        return GenerateClientUrlInternal(httpContext, contentPath) + query;
    private static string GenerateClientUrlInternal(HttpContextBase httpContext, string contentPath)
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(contentPath))
            return contentPath;
        // can't call VirtualPathUtility.IsAppRelative since it throws on some inputs
        bool isAppRelative = contentPath[0] == '~';
        if (isAppRelative)
            string absoluteContentPath = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(contentPath, httpContext.Request.ApplicationPath);
            string modifiedAbsoluteContentPath = httpContext.Response.ApplyAppPathModifier(absoluteContentPath);
            return GenerateClientUrlInternal(httpContext, modifiedAbsoluteContentPath);
        string relativeUrlToDestination = MakeRelative(httpContext.Request.Path, contentPath);
        string absoluteUrlToDestination = MakeAbsolute(httpContext.Request.RawUrl, relativeUrlToDestination);
        return absoluteUrlToDestination;
    public static string MakeAbsolute(string basePath, string relativePath)
        // The Combine() method can't handle query strings on the base path, so we trim it off.
        string query;
        basePath = StripQuery(basePath, out query);
        return VirtualPathUtility.Combine(basePath, relativePath);
    public static string MakeRelative(string fromPath, string toPath)
        string relativeUrl = VirtualPathUtility.MakeRelative(fromPath, toPath);
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(relativeUrl) || relativeUrl[0] == '?')
            // Sometimes VirtualPathUtility.MakeRelative() will return an empty string when it meant to return '.',
            // but links to {empty string} are browser dependent. We replace it with an explicit path to force
            // consistency across browsers.
            relativeUrl = "./" + relativeUrl;
        return relativeUrl;
    private static string StripQuery(string path, out string query)
        int queryIndex = path.IndexOf('?');
        if (queryIndex >= 0)
            query = path.Substring(queryIndex);
            return path.Substring(0, queryIndex);
            query = null;
            return path;
  4. Add few Helper methods in controller

    public static string GenerateUrl(string routeName, string actionName, string controllerName, RouteCollection routeCollection, RequestContext requestContext)
        RouteValueDictionary mergedRouteValues = MergeRouteValues(actionName, controllerName);
        VirtualPathData vpd = routeCollection.GetVirtualPathForArea(requestContext, routeName, mergedRouteValues);
        if (vpd == null)
            return null;
        string modifiedUrl = PathHelpers.GenerateClientUrl(requestContext.HttpContext, vpd.VirtualPath);
        return modifiedUrl;
    public static RouteValueDictionary MergeRouteValues(string actionName, string controllerName)
        // Create a new dictionary containing implicit and auto-generated values
        RouteValueDictionary mergedRouteValues = new RouteValueDictionary();
        // Merge explicit parameters when not null
        if (actionName != null)
            mergedRouteValues["action"] = actionName;
        if (controllerName != null)
            mergedRouteValues["controller"] = controllerName;
        return mergedRouteValues;
  5. Now we can write some reflection logics to read controllers, actions and routenames.

    Dictionary<string, List<string>> controllersAndActions = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
    // Get all the controllers
    var controllers = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes().Where(t => typeof(Controller).IsAssignableFrom(t));
    foreach (var controller in controllers)
        List<string> actions = new List<string>();
        //Get all methods without HttpPost and with return type action result
        var methods = controller.GetMethods().Where(m => typeof(ActionResult).IsAssignableFrom(m.ReturnType)).Where(a=>!a.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HttpPostAttribute),true).Any());
        methods.ToList().ForEach(a => {
        var controllerName = controller.Name;
        if (controllerName.EndsWith("Controller"))
            var nameLength = controllerName.Length - "Controller".Length;
            controllerName = controllerName.Substring(0, nameLength);
        controllersAndActions.Add(controllerName, actions);
    List<string> allowedRoutes = new List<string>();
    var routeNames = RouteTable.Routes.Where(o=>o.GetRouteData(this.HttpContext)!=null).Select(r=>r.GetRouteData(this.HttpContext).DataTokens["RouteName"].ToString());
    foreach (var cName in controllersAndActions)
        foreach (var aName in cName.Value)
            foreach (var item in routeNames)
                allowedRoutes.Add(GenerateUrl(item, aName, cName.Key, RouteTable.Routes, this.Request.RequestContext));
  6. Points to remember :If in the route you have defined any default parameters, then url for those controller and action will be empty. e.g. in above example "/Home/Index" will be shown as "/"

  7. Download the sample application Link To Download

    List item

Upvotes: 16

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