Reputation: 803
I am running logistic regression in R (glm). I then manage to plot the result. My code is as follow:
temperature.glm = glm(Response~Temperature, data=mydata,family=binomial)
plot(mydata$Temperature,mydata$Response, ,xlab="Temperature",ylab="Probability of Response")
curve(predict(temperature.glm,data.frame(Temperature=x),type="resp"),add=TRUE, col="red")
title(main="Response-Temperature with Fitted GLM Logistic Regression Line")
My questions are:
The models:
(Intercept) -88.4505
Temperature 2.9677
(Intercept) -88.585533
Temperature 2.972168
is in 2 columns and ~ 700 rows.
Response Temperature
1 29.33
1 30.37
1 29.52
1 29.66
1 29.57
1 30.04
1 30.58
1 30.41
1 29.61
1 30.51
1 30.91
1 30.74
1 29.91
1 29.99
1 29.99
1 29.99
1 29.99
1 29.99
1 29.99
1 30.71
0 29.56
0 29.56
0 29.56
0 29.56
0 29.56
0 29.57
0 29.51
Upvotes: 4
Views: 27270
Reputation: 27398
To plot a curve, you just need to define the relationship between response and predictor, and specify the range of the predictor value for which you'd like that curve plotted. e.g.:
dat <- structure(list(Response = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L,
0L, 0L), Temperature = c(29.33, 30.37, 29.52, 29.66, 29.57, 30.04,
30.58, 30.41, 29.61, 30.51, 30.91, 30.74, 29.91, 29.99, 29.99,
29.99, 29.99, 29.99, 29.99, 30.71, 29.56, 29.56, 29.56, 29.56,
29.56, 29.57, 29.51)), .Names = c("Response", "Temperature"),
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -27L))
temperature.glm <- glm(Response ~ Temperature, data=dat, family=binomial)
plot(dat$Temperature, dat$Response, xlab="Temperature",
ylab="Probability of Response")
curve(predict(temperature.glm, data.frame(Temperature=x), type="resp"),
add=TRUE, col="red")
# To add an additional curve, e.g. that which corresponds to 'Set 1':
curve(plogis(-88.4505 + 2.9677*x), min(dat$Temperature),
max(dat$Temperature), add=TRUE, lwd=2, lty=3)
legend('bottomright', c('temp.glm', 'Set 1'), lty=c(1, 3),
col=2:1, lwd=1:2, bty='n', cex=0.8)
In the second curve
call above, we are saying that the logistic function defines the relationship between x
and y
. The result of plogis(z)
is equivalent to that obtained when evaluating 1/(1+exp(-z))
. The min(dat$Temperature)
and max(dat$Temperature)
arguments define the range of x
for which y
should be evaluated. We don't need to tell the function that x
refers to temperature; this is implicit when we specify that the response should be evaluated for that range of predictor values.
As you can see, the curve
function allows you to plot a curve without needing to simulate predictor (e.g. temperature) data. If you still need to do this, e.g. to plot some simulated outcomes of Bernoulli trials that conform to a particular model, then you can try the following:
n <- 100 # size of random sample
# generate random temperature data (n draws, uniform b/w 27 and 33)
temp <- runif(n, 27, 33)
# Define a function to perform a Bernoulli trial for each value of temp,
# with probability of success for each trial determined by the logistic
# model with intercept = alpha and coef for temperature = beta.
# The function also plots the outcomes of these Bernoulli trials against the
# random temp data, and overlays the curve that corresponds to the model
# used to simulate the response data.
sim.response <- function(alpha, beta) {
y <- sapply(temp, function(x) rbinom(1, 1, plogis(alpha + beta*x)))
plot(y ~ temp, pch=20, xlab='Temperature', ylab='Response')
curve(plogis(alpha + beta*x), min(temp), max(temp), add=TRUE, lwd=2)
# Simulate response data for your model 'Set 1'
y <- sim.response(-88.4505, 2.9677)
# Simulate response data for your model 'Set 2'
y <- sim.response(-88.585533, 2.972168)
# Simulate response data for your model temperature.glm
# Here, coef(temperature.glm)[1] and coef(temperature.glm)[2] refer to
# the intercept and slope, respectively
y <- sim.response(coef(temperature.glm)[1], coef(temperature.glm)[2])
The figure below shows the plot produced by the first example above, i.e. results of a single Bernoulli trial for each value of the random vector of temperature, and the curve that describes the model from which the data were simulated.
Upvotes: 16