Reputation: 2108
Such as I can use
:set nu
:set number
Where can I get the whole list of this kind of mapping (number -> nu)?
Or can I define new abbreviations?
Upvotes: 18
Views: 2208
Reputation: 79215
Grepping lines matching ^\s*\*'\w\+'\*
in options.txt
from vim help, and removing words not surrounded with quotes provides the following list.
It has to be tweaked a bit because for conceallevel
the help line is not like the others, for some options they span on two lines, etc so this list cannot, alas, be generated automatically.
You can reach the help section for any option with :help 'optionname'
Note for all options allowing the prefix no
(the boolean ones), the prefix inv
is also allowed.
What follows is therefore a list of all authorized spellings of options in vim. Options on the same line are shortcut or negative form or shortcut of negative form of the first form.
Sorry, table misses formatting because of the answer length limit.
long | short | bool | variants
form | form | | (negation and inversion)
aleph | al | |
allowrevins | ari | X | noallowrevins noari invallowrevins invari
altkeymap | akm | X | noaltkeymap noakm invaltkeymap invakm
ambiwidth | ambw | |
antialias | anti | X | noantialias noanti invantialias invanti
arabic | arab | X | noarabic noarab invarabic invarab
arabicshape | arshape | X | noarabicshape noarshape invarabicshape invarshape
autochdir | acd | X | noautochdir noacd invautochdir invacd
autoindent | ai | X | noautoindent noai invautoindent invai
autoread | ar | X | noautoread noar invautoread invar
autowrite | aw | X | noautowrite noaw invautowrite invaw
autowriteall | awa | X | noautowriteall noawa invautowriteall invawa
background | bg | |
backspace | bs | |
backup | bk | X | nobackup nobk invbackup invbk
backupcopy | bkc | |
backupdir | bdir | |
backupext | bex | |
backupskip | bsk | |
balloondelay | bdlay | |
ballooneval | beval | X | noballooneval nobeval invballooneval invbeval
balloonexpr | bexpr | |
belloff | bo | |
binary | bin | X | nobinary nobin invbinary invbin
bioskey | biosk | X | nobioskey nobiosk invbioskey invbiosk
bomb | | X | nobomb invbomb
breakat | brk | |
breakindent | bri | X | nobreakindent nobri invbreakindent invbri
breakindentopt | briopt | |
browsedir | bsdir | |
bufhidden | bh | |
buflisted | bl | X | nobuflisted nobl invbuflisted invbl
buftype | bt | |
casemap | cmp | |
cdpath | cd | |
cedit | | |
charconvert | ccv | |
cindent | cin | X | nocindent nocin invcindent invcin
cinkeys | cink | |
cinoptions | cino | |
cinwords | cinw | |
clipboard | cb | |
cmdheight | ch | |
cmdwinheight | cwh | |
colorcolumn | cc | |
columns | co | |
comments | com | |
commentstring | cms | |
compatible | cp | X | nocompatible nocp invcompatible invcp
complete | cpt | |
completefunc | cfu | |
completeopt | cot | |
concealcursor | cocu | |
conceallevel | cole | |
confirm | cf | X | noconfirm nocf invconfirm invcf
conskey | consk | X | noconskey noconsk invconskey invconsk
copyindent | ci | X | nocopyindent noci invcopyindent invci
cpoptions | cpo | |
cryptmethod | cm | |
cscopepathcomp | cspc | |
cscopeprg | csprg | |
cscopequickfix | csqf | |
cscoperelative | csre | X | nocscoperelative nocsre invcscoperelative invcsre
cscopetag | cst | X | nocscopetag nocst invcscopetag invcst
cscopetagorder | csto | |
cscopeverbose | csverb | X | nocscopeverbose nocsverb invcscopeverbose invcsverb
cursorbind | crb | X | nocursorbind nocrb invcursorbind invcrb
cursorcolumn | cuc | X | nocursorcolumn nocuc invcursorcolumn invcuc
cursorline | cul | X | nocursorline nocul invcursorline invcul
debug | | |
define | def | |
delcombine | deco | X | nodelcombine nodeco invdelcombine invdeco
dictionary | dict | |
diff | | X | nodiff invdiff
diffexpr | dex | |
diffopt | dip | |
digraph | dg | X | nodigraph nodg invdigraph invdg
directory | dir | |
display | dy | |
eadirection | ead | |
edcompatible | ed | X | noedcompatible noed invedcompatible inved
emoji | emo | X | noemoji noemo invemoji invemo
encoding | enc | |
endofline | eol | X | noendofline noeol invendofline inveol
equalalways | ea | X | noequalalways noea invequalalways invea
equalprg | ep | |
errorbells | eb | X | noerrorbells noeb inverrorbells inveb
errorfile | ef | |
errorformat | efm | |
esckeys | ek | X | noesckeys noek invesckeys invek
eventignore | ei | |
expandtab | et | X | noexpandtab noet invexpandtab invet
exrc | ex | X | noexrc noex invexrc invex
fe | | |
fileencoding | fenc | |
fileencodings | fencs | |
fileformat | ff | |
fileformats | ffs | |
fileignorecase | fic | X | nofileignorecase nofic invfileignorecase invfic
filetype | ft | |
fillchars | fcs | |
fixendofline | fixeol | X | nofixendofline nofixeol invfixendofline invfixeol
fkmap | fk | X | nofkmap nofk invfkmap invfk
foldclose | fcl | |
foldcolumn | fdc | |
foldenable | fen | X | nofoldenable nofen invfoldenable invfen
foldexpr | fde | |
foldignore | fdi | |
foldlevel | fdl | |
foldlevelstart | fdls | |
foldmarker | fmr | |
foldmethod | fdm | |
foldminlines | fml | |
foldnestmax | fdn | |
foldopen | fdo | |
foldtext | fdt | |
formatexpr | fex | |
formatlistpat | flp | |
formatoptions | fo | |
formatprg | fp | |
fsync | fs | X | nofsync nofs invfsync invfs
gdefault | gd | X | nogdefault nogd invgdefault invgd
grepformat | gfm | |
grepprg | gp | |
guicursor | gcr | |
guifont | gfn | |
guifontset | gfs | |
guifontwide | gfw | |
guiheadroom | ghr | |
guioptions | go | |
guipty | | X | noguipty invguipty
guitablabel | gtl | |
guitabtooltip | gtt | |
helpfile | hf | |
helpheight | hh | |
helplang | hlg | |
hidden | hid | X | nohidden nohid invhidden invhid
highlight | hl | |
history | hi | |
hkmap | hk | X | nohkmap nohk invhkmap invhk
hkmapp | hkp | X | nohkmapp nohkp invhkmapp invhkp
hlsearch | hls | X | nohlsearch nohls invhlsearch invhls
icon | | X | noicon invicon
iconstring | | |
ignorecase | ic | X | noignorecase noic invignorecase invic
imactivatefunc | imaf | |
imactivatekey | imak | |
imcmdline | imc | X | noimcmdline noimc invimcmdline invimc
imdisable | imd | X | noimdisable noimd invimdisable invimd
iminsert | imi | |
imsearch | ims | |
imstatusfunc | imsf | |
include | inc | |
includeexpr | inex | |
incsearch | is | X | noincsearch nois invincsearch invis
indentexpr | inde | |
indentkeys | indk | |
infercase | inf | X | noinfercase noinf invinfercase invinf
insertmode | im | X | noinsertmode noim invinsertmode invim
isfname | isf | |
isident | isi | |
iskeyword | isk | |
isprint | isp | |
joinspaces | js | X | nojoinspaces nojs invjoinspaces invjs
key | | |
keymap | kmp | |
keymodel | km | |
keywordprg | kp | |
langmap | lmap | |
langmenu | lm | |
langnoremap | lnr | X | nolangnoremap nolnr invlangnoremap invlnr
langremap | lrm | X | nolangremap nolrm invlangremap invlrm
laststatus | ls | |
lazyredraw | lz | X | nolazyredraw nolz invlazyredraw invlz
linebreak | lbr | X | nolinebreak nolbr invlinebreak invlbr
lines | | |
linespace | lsp | |
lisp | | X | nolisp invlisp
lispwords | lw | |
list | | X | nolist invlist
listchars | lcs | |
loadplugins | lpl | X | noloadplugins nolpl invloadplugins invlpl
luadll | | |
macatsui | | X | nomacatsui invmacatsui
magic | | X | nomagic invmagic
makeef | mef | |
makeprg | mp | |
matchpairs | mps | |
matchtime | mat | |
maxcombine | mco | |
maxfuncdepth | mfd | |
maxmapdepth | mmd | |
maxmem | mm | |
maxmempattern | mmp | |
maxmemtot | mmt | |
menuitems | mis | |
mkspellmem | msm | |
modeline | ml | X | nomodeline noml invmodeline invml
modelines | mls | |
modifiable | ma | X | nomodifiable noma invmodifiable invma
modified | mod | X | nomodified nomod invmodified invmod
more | | X | nomore invmore
mouse | | |
mousefocus | mousef | X | nomousefocus nomousef invmousefocus invmousef
mousehide | mh | X | nomousehide nomh invmousehide invmh
mousemodel | mousem | |
mouseshape | mouses | |
mousetime | mouset | |
mzquantum | mzq | |
nrformats | nf | |
number | nu | X | nonumber nonu invnumber invnu
numberwidth | nuw | |
omnifunc | ofu | |
opendevice | odev | X | noopendevice noodev invopendevice invodev
operatorfunc | opfunc | |
osfiletype | oft | |
packpath | pp | |
paragraphs | para | |
paste | | X | nopaste invpaste
pastetoggle | pt | |
patchexpr | pex | |
patchmode | pm | |
path | pa | |
perldll | | |
preserveindent | pi | X | nopreserveindent nopi invpreserveindent invpi
previewheight | pvh | |
previewwindow | | X | nopreviewwindow invpreviewwindow
printdevice | pdev | |
printencoding | penc | |
printexpr | pexpr | |
printfont | pfn | |
printheader | pheader | |
printmbcharset | pmbcs | |
printmbfont | pmbfn | |
printoptions | popt | |
prompt | | X | noprompt invprompt
pumheight | ph | |
pvw | | X | nopvw invpvw
pythondll | | |
pythonthreedll | | |
quoteescape | qe | |
readonly | ro | X | noreadonly noro invreadonly invro
redrawtime | rdt | |
regexpengine | re | |
relativenumber | rnu | X | norelativenumber nornu invrelativenumber invrnu
remap | | X | noremap invremap
renderoptions | rop | |
report | | |
restorescreen | rs | X | norestorescreen nors invrestorescreen invrs
revins | ri | X | norevins nori invrevins invri
rightleft | rl | X | norightleft norl invrightleft invrl
rightleftcmd | rlc | |
rubydll | | |
ruler | ru | X | noruler noru invruler invru
rulerformat | ruf | |
runtimepath | rtp | |
scroll | scr | |
scrollbind | scb | X | noscrollbind noscb invscrollbind invscb
scrolljump | sj | |
scrolloff | so | |
scrollopt | sbo | |
sections | sect | |
secure | | X | nosecure invsecure
selection | sel | |
selectmode | slm | |
sessionoptions | ssop | |
shell | sh | |
shellcmdflag | shcf | |
shellpipe | sp | |
shellquote | shq | |
shellredir | srr | |
shellslash | ssl | X | noshellslash nossl invshellslash invssl
shelltemp | stmp | X | noshelltemp nostmp invshelltemp invstmp
shelltype | st | |
shellxescape | sxe | |
shellxquote | sxq | |
shiftround | sr | X | noshiftround nosr invshiftround invsr
shiftwidth | sw | |
shortmess | shm | |
shortname | sn | X | noshortname nosn invshortname invsn
showbreak | sbr | |
showcmd | sc | X | noshowcmd nosc invshowcmd invsc
showfulltag | sft | X | noshowfulltag nosft invshowfulltag invsft
showmatch | sm | X | noshowmatch nosm invshowmatch invsm
showmode | smd | X | noshowmode nosmd invshowmode invsmd
showtabline | stal | |
sidescroll | ss | |
sidescrolloff | siso | |
signcolumn | scl | |
smartcase | scs | X | nosmartcase noscs invsmartcase invscs
smartindent | si | X | nosmartindent nosi invsmartindent invsi
smarttab | sta | X | nosmarttab nosta invsmarttab invsta
softtabstop | sts | |
spell | | X | nospell invspell
spellcapcheck | spc | |
spellfile | spf | |
spelllang | spl | |
spellsuggest | sps | |
splitbelow | sb | X | nosplitbelow nosb invsplitbelow invsb
splitright | spr | X | nosplitright nospr invsplitright invspr
startofline | sol | X | nostartofline nosol invstartofline invsol
statusline | stl | |
suffixes | su | |
suffixesadd | sua | |
swapfile | swf | X | noswapfile noswf invswapfile invswf
swapsync | sws | |
switchbuf | swb | |
synmaxcol | smc | |
syntax | syn | |
tabline | tal | |
tabpagemax | tpm | |
tabstop | ts | |
tagbsearch | tbs | X | notagbsearch notbs invtagbsearch invtbs
tagcase | tc | |
taglength | tl | |
tagrelative | tr | X | notagrelative notr invtagrelative invtr
tags | tag | |
tagstack | tgst | X | notagstack notgst invtagstack invtgst
tcldll | | |
term | | |
termbidi | tbidi | X | notermbidi notbidi invtermbidi invtbidi
termencoding | tenc | |
termguicolors | tgc | |
terse | | X | noterse invterse
textauto | ta | X | notextauto nota invtextauto invta
textmode | tx | X | notextmode notx invtextmode invtx
textwidth | tw | |
thesaurus | tsr | |
tildeop | top | X | notildeop notop invtildeop invtop
timeout | to | X | notimeout noto invtimeout invto
timeoutlen | tm | |
title | | X | notitle invtitle
titlelen | | |
titleold | | |
titlestring | | |
toolbar | tb | |
toolbariconsize| tbis | |
ttimeout | | X | nottimeout invttimeout
ttimeoutlen | ttm | |
ttybuiltin | tbi | X | nottybuiltin notbi invttybuiltin invtbi
ttyfast | tf | X | nottyfast notf invttyfast invtf
ttymouse | ttym | |
ttyscroll | tsl | |
ttytype | tty | |
undodir | udir | |
undofile | udf | X | noundofile noudf invundofile invudf
undolevels | ul | |
undoreload | ur | |
updatecount | uc | |
updatetime | ut | |
verbose | vbs | |
verbosefile | vfile | |
viewdir | vdir | |
viewoptions | vop | |
viminfo | vi | |
virtualedit | ve | |
visualbell | vb | X | novisualbell novb invvisualbell invvb
warn | | X | nowarn invwarn
weirdinvert | wiv | X | noweirdinvert nowiv invweirdinvert invwiv
whichwrap | ww | |
wildchar | wc | |
wildcharm | wcm | |
wildignore | wig | |
wildignorecase | wic | X | nowildignorecase nowic invwildignorecase invwic
wildmenu | wmnu | X | nowildmenu nowmnu invwildmenu invwmnu
wildmode | wim | |
wildoptions | wop | |
winaltkeys | wak | |
window | wi | |
winfixheight | wfh | X | nowinfixheight nowfh invwinfixheight invwfh
winfixwidth | wfw | X | nowinfixwidth nowfw invwinfixwidth invwfw
winheight | wh | |
winminheight | wmh | |
winminwidth | wmw | |
winwidth | wiw | |
wrap | | X | nowrap invwrap
wrapmargin | wm | |
wrapscan | ws | X | nowrapscan nows invwrapscan invws
write | | X | nowrite invwrite
writeany | wa | X | nowriteany nowa invwriteany invwa
writebackup | wb | X | nowritebackup nowb invwritebackup invwb
writedelay | wd | |
Upvotes: 22
Reputation: 132327
In the help it shows you the minimum amount required. But in general, you only need enough to be unique. So :set numb
is fine too.
See in the help how the [mber]
is in square brackets? That means it's not necessary.
:[range]nu[mber] [count] [flags]
Same as :print, but precede each line with its line
number. (See also 'highlight' and 'numberwidth'
See |ex-flags| for [flags].
Note: vim thinks of 'abbreviations' as something different - see :help abbreviations
which describes how you can save time entering words.
Upvotes: 2