
Reputation: 3274

Getting all messages from InnerException(s)?

Is there any way to write a LINQ style "short hand" code for walking to all levels of InnerException(s) of Exception thrown? I would prefer to write it in place instead of calling an extension function (as below) or inheriting the Exception class.

static class Extensions
    public static string GetaAllMessages(this Exception exp)
        string message = string.Empty;
        Exception innerException = exp;

            message = message + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(innerException.Message) ? string.Empty : innerException.Message);
            innerException = innerException.InnerException;
        while (innerException != null);

        return message;

Upvotes: 110

Views: 76523

Answers (16)

Vlad Gonchar
Vlad Gonchar

Reputation: 505

How about this code:

private static string GetExceptionMessages(this Exception e, string msgs = "")
  if (e == null) return string.Empty;
  if (msgs == "") msgs = e.Message;
  if (e.InnerException != null)
    msgs += "\r\nInnerException: " + GetExceptionMessages(e.InnerException);
  return msgs;



Example of output:

There was no endpoint listening at http://nnn.mmm.kkk.ppp:8000/routingservice/router that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.

InnerException: Unable to connect to the remote server

InnerException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

Upvotes: 36


Reputation: 238

With AggregateException

public static List<Exception> GetInnerExceptions(this Exception e)
    List<Exception> eList = new List<Exception>();
    if (e is AggregateException)
        eList.AddRange((e as AggregateException).InnerExceptions);

    List<Exception> ieList = eList
        .Where(i => i.InnerException != null)
        .SelectMany(i => i.InnerException.GetInnerExceptions())


    return eList;

enter image description here

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 3797

I used combination of Select and Join:

Unit test:

    public void FirendlyErrorMessage_Tests()
        // Arrange
        Exception ex = new AggregateException(new Exception("MY_ERROR_MESSAGE_FROM_DCE_1"), new Exception("MY_ERROR_MESSAGE_FROM_DCE_2"), new Exception("MY_ERROR_MESSAGE_FROM_DCE_3"));

        // Assert
        var e = Assert.Throws<Exception>(() => ErrorHandler.RaiseFirendlyErrorMessage(ex));

        Assert.AreEqual(e.Message, "One or more errors occurred. Possible reasons: MY_ERROR_MESSAGE_1, MY_ERROR_MESSAGE_2, MY_ERROR_MESSAGE_3");

ErrorHandler class:

    public void RaiseFirendlyErrorMessage(Exception ex)
        if (ex is AggregateException)
            var aggrEx = ex as AggregateException;
            string aggregateExcMessage = ex.Message + $" Possible reasons: { string.Join(", ", aggrEx.InnerExceptions.Select(s => s.Message)) }";
            throw new Exception(aggregateExcMessage);

Final message will be:

"One or more errors occurred. Possible reasons: MY_ERROR_MESSAGE_1, MY_ERROR_MESSAGE_2, MY_ERROR_MESSAGE_3"

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 11

After 9+ years the original question still begs for an answer.

Not exactly short, but yes, it can be done LINQ-style in a single statement:

var ex1 = new NullReferenceException("EX1");
var ex2 = new InvalidCastException("EX2", ex1);
var ex3 = new InvalidOperationException("EX3", ex2);
const int maxDepth = 10;

var message = Enumerable.Range(1, maxDepth).Aggregate(
  new { s = $"{ex3.GetType().Name} - {ex3.Message}", ex = ex3.InnerException },
  (v, i) => v.ex != null
            ? new { s = v.s + $"\nInner exception {i}: {v.ex.GetType().Name} - {v.ex.Message}",
                    ex = v.ex.InnerException }
            : new { s = v.s, ex = (Exception)null },
  v => v.s);

/* message is:
InvalidOperationException - EX3
Inner exception 1: InvalidCastException - EX2
Inner exception 2: NullReferenceException - EX1

The key is to use Enumerable.Range().Aggregate() for iteration and a value v of anonymous type (introduced in C# 3.0) holding both

  • the result v.s being built up, as well as
  • the current exception v.ex as we're walking down the list.

(StringBuilder left out to reduce clutter.)

Upvotes: 0

Joshua Folivi
Joshua Folivi

Reputation: 19

Just use the following code.

catch(Exception ex)
    Exception currentEx = ex;
    while (currentEx.InnerException != null)
        currentEx = currentEx.InnerException;

    return currentEx;

Upvotes: 1

Jiř&#237; Hern&#237;k
Jiř&#237; Hern&#237;k

Reputation: 2477

For those, who are waiting for a one-liner.


This will go through all your inner exceptions and return all messages, the downside is that it will also contain stack traces, etc.

Upvotes: 37


Reputation: 7792

Most solutions presended here have the following implementation errors:

  • handle null exceptions
  • handle the inner exceptions of AggregateException
  • define a max depth for recurse inner exceptions (ie. with circular dependencies)

A better implementation is this here:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

public static string AggregateMessages(this Exception ex) =>
            new StringBuilder(),
            (sb, e) => sb.AppendLine(e.Message),
            sb => sb.ToString());

public static IEnumerable<Exception> GetInnerExceptions(this Exception ex, int maxDepth = 5)
    if (ex == null || maxDepth <= 0)
        yield break;

    yield return ex;

    if (ex is AggregateException ax)
        foreach(var i in ax.InnerExceptions.SelectMany(ie => GetInnerExceptions(ie, maxDepth - 1)))
            yield return i;

    foreach (var i in GetInnerExceptions(ex.InnerException, maxDepth - 1))
        yield return i;

Example usage:

    // ...
catch(Exception e)
    Log.Error(e, e.AggregateMessages());

Upvotes: 6


Reputation: 1166

You don't need extension methods or recursive calls:

try {
  // Code that throws exception
catch (Exception e)
  var messages = new List<string>();
    e = e.InnerException;
  while (e != null) ;
  var message = string.Join(" - ", messages);

Upvotes: 31

Dmitry Karpenko
Dmitry Karpenko

Reputation: 592

I'm just going to leave the most concise version here:

public static class ExceptionExtensions
    public static string GetMessageWithInner(this Exception ex) =>
        string.Join($";{ Environment.NewLine }caused by: ",
            GetInnerExceptions(ex).Select(e => $"'{ e.Message }'"));

    public static IEnumerable<Exception> GetInnerExceptions(this Exception ex)
        while (ex != null)
            yield return ex;
            ex = ex.InnerException;

Upvotes: 3

    public static string GetExceptionMessage(Exception ex)
        if (ex.InnerException == null)
            return string.Concat(ex.Message, System.Environment.NewLine, ex.StackTrace);
            // Retira a última mensagem da pilha que já foi retornada na recursividade anterior
            // (senão a última exceção - que não tem InnerException - vai cair no último else, retornando a mesma mensagem já retornada na passagem anterior)
            if (ex.InnerException.InnerException == null)
                return ex.InnerException.Message;
                return string.Concat(string.Concat(ex.InnerException.Message, System.Environment.NewLine, ex.StackTrace), System.Environment.NewLine, GetExceptionMessage(ex.InnerException));

Upvotes: 5


Reputation: 31484

You mean something like this?

public static class Extensions
    public static IEnumerable<Exception> GetInnerExceptions(this Exception ex)
        if (ex == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("ex");

        var innerException = ex;
            yield return innerException;
            innerException = innerException.InnerException;
        while (innerException != null);

This way you could LINQ over your entire exceptions hierarchy, like this:

exception.GetInnerExceptions().Where(e => e.Message == "Oops!");

Upvotes: 102


Reputation: 59

To add to others, you may want to let the user decide on how to separate the messages:

    public static string GetAllMessages(this Exception ex, string separator = "\r\nInnerException: ")
        if (ex.InnerException == null)
            return ex.Message;

        return ex.Message + separator + GetAllMessages(ex.InnerException, separator);

Upvotes: 5

Jeff Mercado
Jeff Mercado

Reputation: 134611

Unfortunately LINQ doesn't offer methods that could process hierarchical structures, only collections.

I actually have some extension methods that could help do this. I don't have the exact code in hand but they're something like this:

// all error checking left out for brevity

// a.k.a., linked list style enumerator
public static IEnumerable<TSource> FromHierarchy<TSource>(
    this TSource source,
    Func<TSource, TSource> nextItem,
    Func<TSource, bool> canContinue)
    for (var current = source; canContinue(current); current = nextItem(current))
        yield return current;

public static IEnumerable<TSource> FromHierarchy<TSource>(
    this TSource source,
    Func<TSource, TSource> nextItem)
    where TSource : class
    return FromHierarchy(source, nextItem, s => s != null);

Then in this case you could do this to enumerate through the exceptions:

public static string GetaAllMessages(this Exception exception)
    var messages = exception.FromHierarchy(ex => ex.InnerException)
        .Select(ex => ex.Message);
    return String.Join(Environment.NewLine, messages);

Upvotes: 107

Kishore Kumar
Kishore Kumar

Reputation: 12884

public static class ExceptionExtensions
    public static IEnumerable<Exception> GetAllExceptions(this Exception ex)
        Exception currentEx = ex;
        yield return currentEx;
        while (currentEx.InnerException != null)
            currentEx = currentEx.InnerException;
            yield return currentEx;

    public static IEnumerable<string> GetAllExceptionAsString(this Exception ex)
        Exception currentEx = ex;
        yield return currentEx.ToString();
        while (currentEx.InnerException != null)
            currentEx = currentEx.InnerException;
            yield return currentEx.ToString();

    public static IEnumerable<string> GetAllExceptionMessages(this Exception ex)
        Exception currentEx = ex;
        yield return currentEx.Message;
        while (currentEx.InnerException != null)
            currentEx = currentEx.InnerException;
            yield return currentEx.Message;

Upvotes: 2

Trevor Pilley
Trevor Pilley

Reputation: 16423

I don't think so, exception is not an IEnumerable so you can't perform a linq query against one on its own.

An extension method to return the inner exceptions would work like this

public static class ExceptionExtensions
    public static IEnumerable<Exception> InnerExceptions(this Exception exception)
        Exception ex = exception;

        while (ex != null)
            yield return ex;
            ex = ex.InnerException;

you could then append all the messages using a linq query like this:

var allMessageText = string.Concat(exception.InnerExceptions().Select(e => e.Message + ","));

Upvotes: 8


Reputation: 49310

LINQ is generally used to work with collections of objects. However, arguably, in your case there is no collection of objects (but a graph). So even though some LINQ code might be possible, IMHO it would be rather convoluted or artificial.

On the other hand, your example looks like a prime example where extension methods are actually reasonable. Not to speak of issues like reuse, encapsulation, etc.

I would stay with an extension method, although I might have implemented it that way:

public static string GetAllMessages(this Exception ex)
   if (ex == null)
     throw new ArgumentNullException("ex");

   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

   while (ex != null)
      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ex.Message))
         if (sb.Length > 0)
           sb.Append(" ");


      ex = ex.InnerException;

   return sb.ToString();

But that is largely an issue of taste.

Upvotes: 11

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