Reputation: 4344
I have two rectangles a and b with their sides parallel to the axes of the coordinate system. I have their co-ordinates as x1,y1,x2,y2.
I'm trying to determine, not only do they overlap, but HOW MUCH do they overlap? I'm trying to figure out if they're really the same rectangle give or take a bit of wiggle room. So is their area 95% the same?
Any help in calculating the % of overlap?
Upvotes: 66
Views: 47467
Reputation: 4884
While the accepted answer is correct, I think it's worth exploring this answer in a way that will make the rationale for the answer completely obvious. This is too common an algorithm to have an incomplete (or worse, controversial) answer. Furthermore, with only a passing glance at the given formula, you may miss the beauty and extensibility of the algorithm, and the implicit decisions that are being made.
We're going to build our way up to making these formulas intuitive:
intersecting_area =
- max(orange.triangle.x, blue.triangle.x)
* max(0,
- max(orange.triangle.y, blue.triangle.y)
percent_coverage = intersecting_area
/ (orange_area + blue_area - intersecting_area)
First, consider one way to define a two dimensional box is with:
This might look like:
I indicate the top left with a triangle and the bottom right with a circle. This is to avoid opaque syntax like x1, x2
for this example.
Two overlapping rectangles might look like this:
Notice that to find the overlap you're looking for the place where the orange and the blue collide:
Once you recognize this, it becomes obvious that overlap is the result of finding and multiplying these two darkened lines:
The length of each line is the minimum value of the two circle points, minus the maximum value of the two triangle points.
Here, I'm using a two-toned triangle (and circle) to show that the orange and the blue points are compared with each other. The small letter 'y' after the two-toned triangle indicates that the triangles are compared along the y axis, the small 'x' means they are compared along the x axis.
For example, to find the length of the darkened blue line you can see the triangles are compared to look for the maximum value between the two. The attribute that is compared is the x attribute. The maximum x value between the triangles is 210.
Another way to say the same thing is: The length of the new line that fits onto both the orange and blue lines is found by subtracting the furthest point on the closest side of the line from the closest point on the furthest side of the line.
Finding those lines gives complete information about the overlapping areas.
Once you have this, finding the percentage of overlap is trivial:
But wait, if the orange rectangle does not overlap with the blue one then you're going to have a problem:
With this example, you get a -850 for our overlapping area, that can't be right. Even worse, if a detection doesn't overlap with either dimension (neither on the x or y axis) then you will still get a positive number because both dimensions are negative. This is why you see the Max(0, ...) * Max(0, ...)
as part of the solution; it ensures that if any of the overlaps are negative you'll get a 0 back from your function.
The final formula in keeping with our symbology:
It's worth noting that using the max(0, ...)
function may not be necessary. You may want to know if something overlaps along one of its dimensions rather than all of them; if you use max then you will obliterate that information. For that reason, consider how you want to deal with non-overlapping bounding boxes. Normally, the max function is fine to use, but it's worth being aware what it's doing.
Finally, notice that since this comparison is only concerned with linear measurements it can be scaled to arbitrary dimensions or arbitrary overlapping quadrilaterals.
To summarize:
intersecting_area =
- max(orange.triangle.x, blue.triangle.x)
* max(0,
- max(orange.triangle.y, blue.triangle.y)
percent_coverage = intersecting_area
/ (orange_area + blue_area - intersecting_area)
Upvotes: 59
Reputation: 31
Here is a working Function in C#:
public double calculateOverlapPercentage(Rectangle A, Rectangle B)
double result = 0.0;
//trivial cases
if (!A.IntersectsWith(B)) return 0.0;
if (A.X == B.X && A.Y == B.Y && A.Width == B.Width && A.Height == B.Height) return 100.0;
//# overlap between A and B
double SA = A.Width * A.Height;
double SB = B.Width * B.Height;
double SI = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(A.Right, B.Right) - Math.Max(A.Left, B.Left)) *
Math.Max(0, Math.Min(A.Bottom, B.Bottom) - Math.Max(A.Top, B.Top));
double SU = SA + SB - SI;
result = SI / SU; //ratio
result *= 100.0; //percentage
return result;
Upvotes: 3
Compute the area of the intersection, which is a rectangle too:
SI = Max(0, Min(XA2, XB2) - Max(XA1, XB1)) * Max(0, Min(YA2, YB2) - Max(YA1, YB1))
From there you compute the area of the union:
SU = SA + SB - SI
And you can consider the ratio
(100% in case of a perfect overlap, down to 0%).
Upvotes: 91
Reputation: 21
@User3025064 is correct and is the simplest solution, though, exclusivity must be checked first for rectangles that do not intersect e.g., for rectangles A & B (in Visual Basic):
If A.Top =< B.Bottom or A.Bottom => B.Top or A.Right =< B.Left or A.Left => B.Right then
Exit sub 'No intersection
width = ABS(Min(XA2, XB2) - Max(XA1, XB1))
height = ABS(Min(YA2, YB2) - Max(YA1, YB1))
Area = width * height 'Total intersection area.
End if
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 550
The answer of @user3025064 is the right answer. The accepted answer inadvertently flips the inner MAX and MIN calls. We also don't need to check first if they intersect or not if we use the presented formula, MAX(0,x) as opposed to ABS(x). If they do not intersect, MAX(0,x) returns zero which makes the intersection area 0 (i.e. disjoint).
I suggest that @Yves Daoust fixes his answer because it is the accepted one that pops up to anyone who searches for that problem. Once again, here is the right formula for intersection:
SI = Max(0, Min(XA2, XB2) - Max(XA1, XB1)) * Max(0, Min(YA2, YB2) - Max(YA1, YB1))
The rest as usual. Union:
SU = SA + SB - SI
and ratio:
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3621
[ymin_a, xmin_a, ymax_a, xmax_a] = list(bbox_a)
[ymin_b, xmin_b, ymax_b, xmax_b] = list(bbox_b)
x_intersection = min(xmax_a, xmax_b) - max(xmin_a, xmin_b) + 1
y_intersection = min(ymax_a, ymax_b) - max(ymin_a, ymin_b) + 1
if x_intersection <= 0 or y_intersection <= 0:
return 0
return x_intersection * y_intersection
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 353
Just fixing previous answers so that the ratio is between 0 and 1 (using Python):
# (x1,y1) top-left coord, (x2,y2) bottom-right coord, (w,h) size
A = {'x1': 0, 'y1': 0, 'x2': 99, 'y2': 99, 'w': 100, 'h': 100}
B = {'x1': 0, 'y1': 0, 'x2': 49, 'y2': 49, 'w': 50, 'h': 50}
# overlap between A and B
SA = A['w']*A['h']
SB = B['w']*B['h']
SI = np.max([ 0, 1 + np.min([A['x2'],B['x2']]) - np.max([A['x1'],B['x1']]) ]) * np.max([ 0, 1 + np.min([A['y2'],B['y2']]) - np.max([A['y1'],B['y1']]) ])
SU = SA + SB - SI
overlap_AB = float(SI) / float(SU)
print 'overlap between A and B: %f' % overlap_AB
# overlap between A and A
B = A
SB = B['w']*B['h']
SI = np.max([ 0, 1 + np.min([A['x2'],B['x2']]) - np.max([A['x1'],B['x1']]) ]) * np.max([ 0, 1 + np.min([A['y2'],B['y2']]) - np.max([A['y1'],B['y1']]) ])
SU = SA + SB - SI
overlap_AA = float(SI) / float(SU)
print 'overlap between A and A: %f' % overlap_AA
The output will be:
overlap between A and B: 0.250000
overlap between A and A: 1.000000
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 507
Assuming that the rectangle must be parallel to x
and y
axis as that seems to be the situation from the previous comments and answers.
I cannot post comment yet, but I would like to point out that both previous answers seem to ignore the case when one side rectangle is totally within the side of the other rectangle. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Consider the case
a: (1,1), (4,4)
b: (2,2), (5,3)
In this case, we see that for the intersection, height must be bTop - bBottom
because the vertical part of b
is wholly contained in a
We just need to add more cases as follows: (The code can be shorted if you treat top and bottom as the same thing as right and left, so that you do not need to duplicate the conditional chunk twice, but this should do.)
if aRight <= bLeft or bRight <= aLeft or aTop <= bBottom or bTop <= aBottom:
# There is no intersection in these cases
return 0
# There is some intersection
if aRight >= bRight and aLeft <= bLeft:
# From x axis point of view, b is wholly contained in a
width = bRight - bLeft
elif bRight >= aRight and bLeft <= aLeft:
# From x axis point of view, a is wholly contained in b
width = aRight - aLeft
elif aRight >= bRight:
width = bRight - aLeft
width = aRight - bLeft
if aTop >= bTop and aBottom <= bBottom:
# From y axis point of view, b is wholly contained in a
height = bTop - bBottom
elif bTop >= aTop and bBottom <= aBottom:
# From y axis point of view, a is wholly contained in b
height = aTop - aBottom
elif aTop >= bTop:
height = bTop - aBottom
height = aTop - bBottom
return width * height
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 173662
I recently ran into this problem as well and applied Yves' answer, but somehow that led to the wrong area size, so I rewrote it.
Assuming two rectangles A and B, find out how much they overlap and if so, return the area size:
IF A.right < B.left OR A.left > B.right
OR A.bottom < OR > B.bottom THEN RETURN 0
width := IF A.right > B.right THEN B.right - A.left ELSE A.right - B.left
height := IF A.bottom > B.bottom THEN B.bottom - ELSE A.bottom -
RETURN width * height
Upvotes: 9