Reputation: 53715
I've been inspired by the recent Haskell blog activity1 to try my hand at writing a Forth-like DSL in Haskell. The approach I have taken is simultaneously straightforward and confusing:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, RankNTypes, ImpredicativeTypes #-}
-- a :~> b represents a "stack transformation"
-- from stack type "a" to stack type "b"
-- a :> b represents a "stack" where the top element is of type "b"
-- and the "rest" of the stack has type "a"
type s :~> s' = forall r. s -> (s' -> r) -> r
data a :> b = a :> b deriving Show
infixl 4 :>
For doing simple things, this works quite nicely:
start :: (() -> r) -> r
start f = f ()
end :: (() :> a) -> a
end (() :> a) = a
stack x f = f x
runF s = s end
_1 = liftS0 1
neg = liftS1 negate
add = liftS2 (+)
-- aka "push"
liftS0 :: a -> (s :~> (s :> a))
liftS0 a s = stack $ s :> a
liftS1 :: (a -> b) -> ((s :> a) :~> (s :> b))
liftS1 f (s :> a) = stack $ s :> f a
liftS2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ((s :> a :> b) :~> (s :> c))
liftS2 f (s :> a :> b) = stack $ s :> f a b
Simple functions can trivially be transformed into their corresponding stack transformations. Some playing around yields pleasant results so far:
ghci> runF $ start _1 _1 neg add
The trouble comes when I try to extend this with higher-order functions.
-- this requires ImpredicativeTypes...not really sure what that means
-- also this implementation seems way too simple to be correct
-- though it does typecheck. I arrived at this after pouring over types
-- and finally eta-reducing the (s' -> r) function argument out of the equation
-- call (a :> f) h = f a h
call :: (s :> (s :~> s')) :~> s'
call (a :> f) = f a
is supposed to transform a stack of the form (s :> (s :~> s'))
to the form s
, by essentially "applying" the transformation (held at the tip of the stack) to the "rest" of it. I imagine it should work like this:
ghci> runF $ start _1 (liftS0 neg) call
But in actuality, it gives me a huge type mismatch error. What am I doing wrong? Can the "stack transformation" representation sufficiently handle higher-order functions, or do I need to adjust it?
1N.B. Unlike how these guys did it, instead of start push 1 push 2 add end
, I want it to be runF $ start (push 1) (push 2) add
, the idea being that maybe later I can work some typeclass magic to make the push
implicit for certain literals.
Upvotes: 9
Views: 1238
Reputation: 7148
Your :~>
type is not what you actually want (hence the ImpredicativeTypes
). If you just remove type annotation from call
then your last sample will work as expected. Another way to make it work is to use less fancy but more appropriate type with extra parameter:
type Tran s s' r = s -> (s' -> r) -> r
call :: Tran (s :> (Tran s s' r)) s' r
call (a :> f) = f a
But if what you are after is a nice DSL syntax and you are can tolerate OverlappingInstances
then you can even pretty much get rid of liftSx functions:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies,
FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts,
UndecidableInstances, IncoherentInstances #-}
data a :> b = a :> b deriving Show
infixl 4 :>
class Stackable s o r where
eval :: s -> o -> r
data End = End
instance (r1 ~ s) => Stackable s End r1 where
eval s End = s
instance (Stackable (s :> a) o r0, r ~ (o -> r0)) => Stackable s a r where
eval s a = eval (s :> a)
instance (a ~ b, Stackable s c r0, r ~ r0) => Stackable (s :> a) (b -> c) r where
eval (s :> a) f = eval s (f a)
-- Wrap in Box a function which should be just placed on stack without immediate application
data Box a = Box a
instance (Stackable (s :> a) o r0, r ~ (o -> r0)) => Stackable s (Box a) r where
eval s (Box a) = eval (s :> a)
runS :: (Stackable () a r) => a -> r
runS a = eval () a
-- tests
t1 = runS 1 negate End
t2 = runS 2 1 negate (+) End
t3 = runS 1 (Box negate) ($) End
t4 = runS [1..5] 0 (Box (+)) foldr End
t5 = runS not True (flip ($)) End
t6 = runS 1 (+) 2 (flip ($)) End
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 11064
The problem is that your type synonym is a polymorphic type
type s :~> s' = forall r. s -> (s' -> r) -> r
Using a polymorphic type as an argument to a type constructor other than ->
is called "impredicativity". For instance, the following would be an impredicative use
Maybe (forall a. a -> a)
For various reasons, type inference with impredicativity is hard, that's why GHC complains. (The name "impredicative" comes from logic and the Curry-Howards isomorphism.)
In your case, the solution is simply to use an algebraic data type with a constructor:
data s :~> s' = StackArr { runStackArr :: forall r. s -> (s' -> r) -> r}
Basically, the explicit constructor StackArr
supplies enough hints to the type checker.
Alternatively, you can try the ImpredicativeTypes
language extension.
Upvotes: 4