Reputation: 465
I have VBA code that exports the active chart from Excel in PNG format.
I have some dots and lines, marking some important data overlaid on my Excel chart, and they are grouped (select all objects and chart, Right Click -> Group).
Is there anything that I can replace the ActiveChart with (like ActiveGroup or similar) to export the whole thing, not just the chart.
Sub ExportChartToPNG()
'Take ActiveChart and copy it as a GIF image to the same directory as the Workbook is in and name it with the Chart_Title with spaces replaced with underscores.
Dim chtCopyChart As Chart, sCurrentDirectory As String, sFileName As String
Dim x As Integer, CellCharacter As String
Dim sInteractive As Boolean
Set chtCopyChart = ActiveChart
sCurrentDirectory = ActiveWorkbook.Path
sFileName = chtCopyChart.ChartTitle.Text
sFileName = InputBox("Enter filename for export:", "Export object", sFileName)
For x = 1 To Len(sFileName)
CellCharacter = Mid(sFileName, x, 1)
If CellCharacter Like "[</*\?%]" Then
sFileName = Replace(sFileName, CellCharacter, "_", 1) ', Replaces all illegal filename characters with "_"
End If
If Asc(CellCharacter) <= 32 Then
sFileName = Replace(sFileName, CellCharacter, "_", 1) ' Replaces all non printable characters with "_"
End If
sFileName = sFileName & ".png"
sFileName = sCurrentDirectory & "\" & sFileName
sInteractive = True
chtCopyChart.Export Filename:=sFileName, FilterName:="PNG", Interactive:=sInteractive
MsgBox "Chart copied to " & sFileName, vbOKOnly, "Success!"
End Sub
Upvotes: 0
Views: 5389
Reputation: 23
Here is code that works to save an image of a group of shapes. It's a modification of Jeremy's answer, that finds a specific group (based on the [Alt Text] Title found under 'Format Shape'). The sub runs a specific macro first (to update the graph in the Group).
Global Const myFilePath = "C:\YourFolder\"
Public Sub saveChart(ByVal sheetName As String, ByVal macroName As String, _
ByVal fileName As String, exportType As Integer)
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = Sheets(sheetName)
Application.Run "'" & wb.Name & "'!VBAProject." & ws.CodeName & "." & macroName
Select Case exportType
Case 0 'standard chart
Set objChrt = Sheets(sheetName).ChartObjects(1)
Set myChart = objChrt.Chart
myChart.Export fileName:=myFilePath & fileName, Filtername:="JPEG"
Case 1 'Group of chart and other objects
Dim sh As Shape
Dim I As Integer
Dim groupedName As String
I = 1
'Find grouped shape in worksheet with Title of 'Export'
For Each sh In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If sh.Type = 6 Then '6 indicates it's a group
If sh.Title = "Export" Then
Set myshape = sh
groupedName = sh.Name
End If
End If
I = I + 1
'Select and copy group
'Create temporary chart
Set chtObj = ws.ChartObjects.Add( _
myshape.Left, myshape.Top, myshape.Width, myshape.Height)
'Select temporary chart and paste the Group
'Export the image
chtObj.Chart.Export fileName:=myFilePath & fileName, Filtername:="JPEG"
'Clean up
Set chtObj = Nothing
Case Else
End Select
Set wb = Nothing
Set ws = Nothing
End Sub
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 183
Old question I know, but the solution comes from the fact that a chart grouped with other shapes becomes a shape object in the worksheet. So what you actually need to do is get a reference to the shape object which is the group you've created.
However, there's no export method on shapes, so you need to create a temporary blank chart, copy the shape into it, export the new chart, then delete it.
The steps are:
Get the shape object and copy it as a picture
set myshape = Sheet24.Shapes("shapename")
Create a new chartobject with the same dimensions as the source shape
set chtObj = Sheets24.ChartObjects.Add(myshape.Left, myshape.Top, myshape.Width, myshape.height)
Paste the object from the clipboard to the new chart
Export the chart, deleting an existing file if needed
Kill fullpathandfilename
chtObj.Chart.Export filename:=fullpathandfilename, Filtername:="PNG"
Then delete the chart and clean up objects.
Set chtObj = nothing
Upvotes: 3