Reputation: 147
I am writing a script to pull info/update a MsSQL server and i can get my one stored procedure call to work but not my second one in the updateDB function. here is my code the script runs fine no error codes
import pyodbc
import json
import argparse
import cgi, cgitb
deptCODE = 0
bldgCODE = " "
def getCodes(conn, building, department):
#just for testing
departmentt = 'COMPUTER SCIENCE'
buildingt = 'PEARCE HALL'
#geting the building code from db
cursorBuild = conn.cursor()
cursorBuild.execute("select * from dbo.building where name = '%s'" % buildingt)
bldgRow = cursorBuild.fetchall()
bldgCode = bldgRow.pop(0)
global bldgCODE
bldgCODE = bldgCode.code
#getting the dept code
cursorDept = conn.cursor()
cursorDept.execute("execute dbo.GetCode_ByDepartment @department = '%s'" % departmentt)
deptRow = cursorDept.fetchall()
deptCode = deptRow.pop(0)
global deptCODE
deptCODE = deptCode.code
print type(deptCODE)
print deptCODE
#returning the values
return (bldgCode, deptCode)
def updateDB(conn, tag, room, updater):
#updating the database
updateCursor = conn.cursor()
print deptCODE
print bldgCODE
#this will pass params just has them hard codded for testing
conn.execute("exec dbo.UpdateCheck_In @room = '400', @building = 'PE', @department = 307, @global_id = 'bacon', @tag = '120420'")
if __name__ == "__main__":
#connectin to the db with SQL Authentification
conn = pyodbc.connect(driver = '{SQL Server}', server = '(local)',
database = 'Inventory', uid = 'sa', pwd = 'p@$$w0rd123')
#checking to see if you connected to the db or not
if (conn == False):
print "Error, did not connect to the database"
#NEEDS THIS cgitb.enable
# Create instance of FieldStorage
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
#get the data from the url that called it
tag = form.getvalue('tagnum')
building = form.getvalue('build')
roomNum = form.getvalue('room')
department = form.getvalue('dept')
updater = form.getvalue('update')
#check to see if item is in the db
itemIsThere = conn.cursor()
itemIsThere.execute("select * from dbo.check_in where tag = '120420';")
print itemIsThere
#if the item in in the inventory
if (itemIsThere != None):
#getting the codes
getCodes(conn, building, department)
#calling the update function
updateDB(conn, tag, roomNum, updater)
else :
Upvotes: 11
Views: 69077
Reputation: 17703
Commit your changes after the update procedure is run:
#this will pass params just has them hard coded for testing
conn.execute("exec dbo.UpdateCheck_In @room = '400', @building = 'PE', @department = 307, @global_id = 'bacon', @tag = '120420'")
In pyodbc.connect()
autocommit is disabled by default
Upvotes: 12
Reputation: 147
found the answer everybody, it was because I specified the legacy driver instead of the newer one for MsSQL 2008 heres the code
conn = pyodbc.connect(driver = '{SQL Server Native Client 10.0}', server = '(local)', database = 'Inventory', uid = 'sa', pwd = 'p@$$w0rd123',autocommit=True)
Upvotes: 2