
Reputation: 455

The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller

I've a container called mc, inside of him I generate a grid of movieclips in order to make a wall of options. When I select one of this option, this message appears:

Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller..

The code is:

  In the Class iniciarApp I've this:

       var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
       var grilla:Grilla = new Grilla();

    mc.x = 0;
    mc.y = 0;
    mc.name = "square";

    grilla.name = "grilla";
    grilla.x = mc.x;
    grilla.y = mc.y;


   in Grilla.as:

     public class Grilla extends MovieClip  {

        private var boxNum:int = 48;
    private var cols:int = 6;
    private var rows:int = Math.ceil(boxNum / cols);
    private var boxCount:int = 0;

    public function Grilla(){

           for (var py:int = 0; py < rows; py++) {

        for (var px:int = 0; px < cols; px++)    {

            var caja:clip = new clip();

            caja.x = -115 + caja.width * px;
            caja.y = -150 + caja.height * py;
            caja.name = "opcion" + (py + 1);
            caja.mouseChildren = false;

            var contentText = new TextField();
            var formato = new TextFormat();
            formato.size = 14;
            contentText.defaultTextFormat = formato;

            contentText.width = 36;
            contentText.height = 34;
            contentText.x = -10;
            contentText.y = -10;

            for (var u:uint = 0; u < boxNum; u++)    {
                contentText.text = "" + u;


            if (boxCount < boxNum)   {

            caja.buttonMode = true;
            caja.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, seleccionarOpcion);





            var barra:score = new score();
            barra.x = 80;
            barra.y = -200;
            barra.puntajeTXT.text = "hola";


        private function seleccionarOpcion(m:MouseEvent):void
            TweenMax.to(MovieClip(m.target), 0.5, {scaleY: -1});
            m.target.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, seleccionarOpcion);
            m.target.buttonMode = false;

            var opcionABuscar:String;
            opcionABuscar = m.currentTarget.name;

            var opt:String = opcionABuscar.substring(6);

     **[HERE] i need to remove the instance of grilla created in the other class**

        **m.currentTarget.parent.parent.removeChild(grilla);**  << this is not working    

    var trivia:generarTrivia = new generarTrivia(opt);

    trivia.x = 0;
    trivia.y = 0;
    trivia.name = "trivia";



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Views: 685

Answers (2)


Reputation: 793

It's not clear from the code above what the object "grilla" actually is referring to.

If you are trying to remove grilla, you could just write:


I'm not sure if that's what you're trying to do. If you're trying to remove the object you just clicked, try:


Update: Ok, I see what you are trying to do now.

You'll want to use the keyword "this" to refer to the current instance of "grilla".

Try this:


Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 111

Try parent.removeChild(this);

Although it's not the most clean way to do it. You'd be better off dispatching an event that iniciarApp will listen to.

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