Ms. Molly Stewart-Gallus
Ms. Molly Stewart-Gallus

Reputation: 1168

How can I change my data types without causing a recompile in Haskell?

After watching a video of a talk by Bret Victor, I was inspired to write a quick hack that was somewhat similar to a development environment he demonstrated in the talk.

Basically the idea is, one has the app running in one window and whenever one saves a change in a source file the program changes.

This works great for small changes except that I can't change the type of the state in my code without shutting down the app and recompiling.

How can I solve the expression problem and have the data type of my state be able to change without causing a recompile?

P.S. Here's the code. I originally didn't want to post because it was really messy and quickly hacked together, but people wanted it so they can get it.

First the display and the idle module, (this was a quick hack so I didn't figure out how to do them as real modules).


\state -> do
    counter <- readIORef state
    writeIORef state ((counter + 1)`mod`3)
    postRedisplay Nothing


\state -> let
cube w = do 
    renderPrimitive Quads $ do
        vertex $ Vertex3 w w w
        vertex $ Vertex3 w w (-w)
        vertex $ Vertex3 w (-w) (-w)
        vertex $ Vertex3 w (-w) w
        vertex $ Vertex3 w w w
        vertex $ Vertex3 w w (-w)
        vertex $ Vertex3 (-w) w (-w)
        vertex $ Vertex3 (-w) w w
        vertex $ Vertex3 w w w
        vertex $ Vertex3 w (-w) w
        vertex $ Vertex3 (-w) (-w) w
        vertex $ Vertex3 (-w) w w
        vertex $ Vertex3 (-w) w w
        vertex $ Vertex3 (-w) w (-w)
        vertex $ Vertex3 (-w) (-w) (-w)
        vertex $ Vertex3 (-w) (-w) w
        vertex $ Vertex3 w (-w) w
        vertex $ Vertex3 w (-w) (-w)
        vertex $ Vertex3 (-w) (-w) (-w)
        vertex $ Vertex3 (-w) (-w) w
        vertex $ Vertex3 w w (-w)
        vertex $ Vertex3 w (-w) (-w)
        vertex $ Vertex3 (-w) (-w) (-w)
        vertex $ Vertex3 (-w) w (-w)

points :: Integer -> [(GLfloat,GLfloat,GLfloat)]
points n' = let n = fromIntegral n' in map (\k -> let t = 2*pi*k/n in (sin(t),cos(t),0.0))  [1..n]

in do
    clear [ ColorBuffer ]
    counter <- readIORef state
    mapM_ (\(x,y,z) -> preservingMatrix $ do
           color $ Color3 ((x+1.0)/2.0) ((y+1.0)/2.0) ((z+1.0)/2.0)
           translate $ Vector3 x y z
           cube (0.3::GLfloat)
           ) $ points (9 + counter)

The main module

module Main where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Typeable as Typeable

import System.IO

import Data.IORef

import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL
import Graphics.UI.GLUT

import Language.Haskell.Interpreter

main :: IO ()
main = do
    (_, _) <- getArgsAndInitialize
    createWindow "Hello World"

    action <- newIORef $ do
    clear [ ColorBuffer ]

    let imports = ["Prelude", "Data.IORef", "Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL", "Graphics.UI.GLUT"]
    let modules = ["State"]

    runFile (undefined :: IORef Integer -> IO ()) "Display.hs" imports $ \displayCode ->
    runFile (undefined :: IORef Integer -> IO ()) "Idle.hs" imports $ \idleCode -> do

    state <- newIORef 12

    displayCallback $= display displayCode state
    idleCallback $= Just (idle displayCode idleCode state)


display displayCode state = do
    f <- execute displayCode
    f state

idle displayCode idleCode state = do
    update displayCode
    update idleCode

    f <- execute idleCode
    f state

instance Eq GhcError where
    GhcError s == GhcError t = s == t

instance Eq InterpreterError where
    UnknownError s == UnknownError t = s == t
    WontCompile s == WontCompile t = s == t
    NotAllowed s == NotAllowed t = s == t
    GhcException s == GhcException t = s == t

data V a = V {
    update :: IO (),
    execute :: IO a

runFile :: Typeable a => a -> String -> [String] -> (V a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
runFile theType file imports f = do
    currentError <- newIORef Nothing
    currentAction <- newIORef Nothing

    let v = V {
        update = do
            fileContents <- readFile file

            result <- runInterpreter $ do
                setImports imports
                interpret fileContents theType

                oldError <- readIORef currentError

                case result of
                Right newAction -> do
                    when (oldError /= Nothing) $ do
                        writeIORef currentError Nothing
                        putStrLn (file ++ " Ok!")

                        writeIORef currentAction (Just newAction)

                        Left newError -> do

                            when ((Just newError) /= oldError) $ do
                                writeIORef currentError (Just newError)
                                print newError
                                , execute = do
                                    action <- readIORef currentAction
                                    case action of
                                    Nothing -> do
                                        err <- readIORef currentError
                                        return (error (show err))
                                        Just act -> return act

    update v 

    f v

Upvotes: 9

Views: 566

Answers (1)


Reputation: 704

I'm pretty sure it is impossible in GHC. When Haskell is compiled, the higher level language is desugared into Core, which is also typed. GHC will not initiate the transformation into Core until the program has been typed checked. There's a reason for this, too: as the program type checks it simultaneously proves itself. As jberryman noted, the only work around would be to have a flexible type for State which would allow polymorphism, so a type change might not register as one.

Upvotes: 2

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