Reputation: 386
In my application my users can import files (pdf/xls/doc) to a table or export them to a folder. Now I want to directly open these files.
So far I'm able to : - get an unique name - save the blob file into the generated file - open it
The problem is that I don't know how to delete (or update) the file after that the file will be closed by the user.
I'll be very happy if someone can help me on this :)
Here is a snapshot of my code :
procedure OpenTemporaryFile(AFileExtension: String; AKey: Integer;
AMyConnection: TMyConnection);
qrDocuments : TMyQuery ;
TmpName,ExtName: string;
TempFileName: TFileStream;
//Generate an unique tmp file located into user temp folder
TmpName:= FileGetTempName('~SI');
ExtName:= ChangeFileExt(TmpName, AFileExtension);
//Change files extension so that Shellexecute will be able to open the file
RenameFile(TmpName,ExtName );
//Creating the FileStream (data is fetched from an blob field)
TempFileName := TFileStream.Create(ExtName, fmOpenReadWrite );
qrDocuments := TMyQuery.create(nil);
qrDocuments.Connection := AMyConnection;
qrDocuments.SQL.Text:='Select Id,FileName,Data from files where Id = :prId And Data IS NOT NULL';
qrDocuments.ParamByName('prId').AsInteger := AKey;;
ShellExecute(Application.Handle, 'open', Pchar(ExtName), '', '', SW_SHOWNORMAL);
DeleteFile( ExtName);
Upvotes: 4
Views: 5318
Reputation: 6848
Actually our application create de files in a especific temp folder. When the application Close the fies are deleted. If application not close correctly, the next execution (when close) all files are deleted.
Additionally, you can launch a background process to delete the files that are no longer open. ShellExecute return a Handle (internally associate this handle to a FileName). This background process must test the handle of process that not exist and Delete the associated files.
Excuse for bad english. ;-)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 32334
Unfortunately there are 4 upvotes right now for this answer by Remy Lebeau, when the technique simply won't work with most applications. Maybe one of the upvoters could post a code snippet that allows to open a PDF file with Acrobat Reader while the file is still open with the FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE
Anyway, you could combine some of the tips here for best results:
I'd prefer this approach to registering all files for deletion on reboot, because I'm not sure how many temporary files your application might open - maybe there is a limit for the number of files that can be registered with MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT
? It's a system-wide resource I would use only sparingly.
Upvotes: 9
Reputation: 11217
If I remember correctly, there is a flag for CreateFile that tells Windows that it should delete the file once the last handle to it has been closed. So, create the file normally, close and reopen it with share deny none and the flag mentioned above. Then let the external app open it and close it yourself. This should result in Windows deleting the file once the external app closes it.
(I have not tried this.)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 26830
One possibility would be to add each temporary file to the list of files that are deleted during the system startup.
On Windows NT platform (since Windows 2000), you can just call MoveFileEx function with a second parameter (destination) set to nil and with a flag MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT.
On Windows 9x, this is much more complicated. You have to edit file %WINDIR%\wininit.ini and write an entry into the [Rename] section.
MSDN entry How To Move Files That Are Currently in Use describes both techniques.
Function DSiMoveOnReboot (part of the free DSiWin32 library) handles both OSes. If you pass an empty string as the second parameter, it will delete the source file on reboot.
function DSiMoveOnReboot(const srcName, destName: string): boolean;
wfile: string;
winit: text;
wline: string;
cont : TStringList;
i : integer;
found: boolean;
dest : PChar;
if destName = '' then
dest := nil
dest := PChar(destName);
if DSiIsWinNT then
Result := MoveFileEx(PChar(srcName), dest, MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT)
Result := false;
if not Result then begin
// not NT, write a Rename entry to WININIT.INI
wfile := DSiGetWindowsFolder+'\wininit.ini';
if FileOpenSafe(wfile,winit,500,120{one minute}) then begin
cont := TStringList.Create;
while not Eof(winit) do begin
end; //while
if destName = '' then
wline := 'NUL='+srcName
wline := destName+'='+srcName;
found := false;
for i := 0 to cont.Count - 1 do begin
if UpperCase(cont[i]) = '[RENAME]' then begin
found := true;
end; //for
if not found then begin
for i := 0 to cont.Count - 1 do
Result := true;
finally cont.Free; end;
finally Close(winit); end;
end; { DSiMoveOnReboot }
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 595412
Use the Win32 API CreateFile() function to open the file, specifying the FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE
flag, and then pass the resulting handle to a THandleStream object so that you can still use SaveToStream().
Also, there is a bug in your code - you are passing the wrong kind of handle to ShellExecute(). It expects a window handle, but you are passing a file handle instead, and worse you are accessing the file handle after you have already freed the TFileStream, thus closing the handle.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 62573
in Unix-like OSs the usual trick is to open it and delete immediately. it won't appear on the directory, but the data is still allocated to the process(es) that hold it open. as soon as it is closed (either nicely of by the process dying), the filesystem would reclaim the space.
it's not a hack, it's documented and supported (a consequence of having the open file handles count as a 'reference' to the file, just like directory entries).
maybe there's some similar trick on windows? i seem to recall that NTFS supports multiple references to the same file (no, shortcuts aren't those). if so, deleting the file but still hanging on to the last reference as an ephemeral resource might work.
obviously, i'm just speculating here...
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2950
Maybe you can store them in some well-known for you folder (eg subfolder in TEMP folder with a name of your app) and clear contents of this folder whem user next time loads your app? Or you may install additional clear utility and set it to run in autostart.
One more idea about clearing files after reboot - you can clear everything in your subfolder on startup, or make a list of files you created with last modify time, last size, store this list in XML file and later delete or update comparing contents of your temp subfolder with file details from that list?
Upvotes: 1