Reputation: 1475
Hi I have been working on this code today after attempting some of the solutions in: Dynamic column names in view (Postgres)
I am getting some errors which I can't seem to solve, I have fixed lots of problems with this but I can't solve this, bear in mind I am very new to this :)
This is the error I am receiving:
ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "r"
LINE 2: VALUES (r.country_name, r."Feb-2011", r."Mar-2011", r."Ap...
QUERY: INSERT INTO "avg_enroll_rate" (country, "Feb-2011", "Mar-2011", "Apr-2011", "May-2011", "Jun-2011", "Jul-2011", "Aug-2011", "Sep-2011", "Oct-2011", "Nov-2011", "Dec-2011", "Jan-2012")
VALUES (r.country_name, r."Feb-2011", r."Mar-2011", r."Apr-2011", r."May-2011", r."Jun-2011",
r."Jul-2011", r."Aug-2011", r."Sep-2011", r."Oct-2011", r."Nov-2011",
r."Dec-2011", r."Jan-2012")
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "test" line 83 at EXECUTE statement
And here is my code:
DROP FUNCTION public.test();
create or replace function public.test()
AS $proc$
month1 text;
month2 text;
month3 text;
month4 text;
month5 text;
month6 text;
month7 text;
month8 text;
month9 text;
month10 text;
month11 text;
month12 text;
sqlStr text;
sqlStr2 text;
insertStr text;
r record;
select to_char((current_date - interval '1 Month')::date,'Mon-YYYY') INTO month1;
select to_char((current_date - interval '2 Month')::date,'Mon-YYYY') INTO month2;
select to_char((current_date - interval '3 Month')::date,'Mon-YYYY') INTO month3;
select to_char((current_date - interval '4 Month')::date,'Mon-YYYY') INTO month4;
select to_char((current_date - interval '5 Month')::date,'Mon-YYYY') INTO month5;
select to_char((current_date - interval '6 Month')::date,'Mon-YYYY') INTO month6;
select to_char((current_date - interval '7 Month')::date,'Mon-YYYY') INTO month7;
select to_char((current_date - interval '8 Month')::date,'Mon-YYYY') INTO month8;
select to_char((current_date - interval '9 Month')::date,'Mon-YYYY') INTO month9;
select to_char((current_date - interval '10 Month')::date,'Mon-YYYY') INTO month10;
select to_char((current_date - interval '11 Month')::date,'Mon-YYYY') INTO month11;
select to_char((current_date - interval '12 Month')::date,'Mon-YYYY') INTO month12;
--RAISE NOTICE 'Month1: %', month1;
--RAISE NOTICE 'Month2: %', month2;
sqlStr := $$SELECT c.country_name,
SUM( CASE WHEN date_trunc('month', "C1".eldate::date) = date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '12 months' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS "$$ || month12 || $$",
SUM( CASE WHEN date_trunc('month', "C1".eldate::date) = date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '11 months' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS "$$ || month11 || $$",
SUM( CASE WHEN date_trunc('month', "C1".eldate::date) = date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '10 months' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS "$$ || month10 || $$",
SUM( CASE WHEN date_trunc('month', "C1".eldate::date) = date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '9 months' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS "$$ || month9 || $$",
SUM( CASE WHEN date_trunc('month', "C1".eldate::date) = date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '8 months' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS "$$ || month8 || $$",
SUM( CASE WHEN date_trunc('month', "C1".eldate::date) = date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '7 months' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS "$$ || month7 || $$",
SUM( CASE WHEN date_trunc('month', "C1".eldate::date) = date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '6 months' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS "$$ || month6 || $$",
SUM( CASE WHEN date_trunc('month', "C1".eldate::date) = date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '5 months' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS "$$ || month5 || $$",
SUM( CASE WHEN date_trunc('month', "C1".eldate::date) = date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '4 months' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS "$$ || month4 || $$",
SUM( CASE WHEN date_trunc('month', "C1".eldate::date) = date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '3 months' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS "$$ || month3 || $$",
SUM( CASE WHEN date_trunc('month', "C1".eldate::date) = date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '2 months' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS "$$ || month2 || $$",
SUM( CASE WHEN date_trunc('month', "C1".eldate::date) = date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '1 months' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS "$$ || month1 || $$"
FROM country AS c
INNER JOIN "site" AS s using (country_id)
INNER JOIN "subject_C1" AS "C1" ON "s"."site_id" = "C1"."site_id"
EXECUTE $$DROP TABLE avg_enroll_rate$$;
EXECUTE $$CREATE TABLE avg_enroll_rate (country VARCHAR(512), "$$ || month12 || $$" bigint, "$$ || month11 || $$" bigint, "$$
|| month10 || $$" bigint, "$$ || month9 || $$" bigint, "$$ || month8 || $$" bigint, "$$ || month7 || $$" bigint, "$$ || month6 || $$" bigint, "$$
|| month5 || $$" bigint, "$$ || month4 || $$" bigint, "$$ || month3 || $$" bigint, "$$ || month2 || $$" bigint, "$$ || month1 || $$" bigint)$$;
RAISE NOTICE 'Record 1: %', r;
sqlStr2 := $$INSERT INTO "avg_enroll_rate" (country, "$$ || month12 || $$", "$$ || month11 || $$", "$$ || month10 || $$", "$$ || month9 || $$", "$$ || month8 || $$", "$$ || month7 || $$", "$$ || month6 || $$", "$$ || month5 || $$", "$$ || month4 || $$", "$$ || month3 || $$", "$$ || month2 || $$", "$$ || month1 || $$")
VALUES ("r".country_name, r."$$ || month12 || $$", r."$$ || month11 || $$", r."$$ || month10 || $$", r."$$ || month9 || $$", r."$$ || month8 || $$",
r."$$ || month7 || $$", r."$$ || month6 || $$", r."$$ || month5 || $$", r."$$ || month4 || $$", r."$$ || month3 || $$",
r."$$ || month2 || $$", r."$$ || month1 || $$")$$;
RAISE NOTICE 'SQL = [%]', sqlStr2;
EXECUTE sqlStr2;
Upvotes: 0
Views: 754
Reputation: 658767
You are bumping into this restriction of executing dynamic SQL in plpgsql. I quote the manual:
No substitution of PL/pgSQL variables is done on the computed command string. Any required variable values must be inserted in the command string as it is constructed; or you can use parameters as described below.
So you have put the values into the SQL string as text literals (Careful about SQL injection! Use quote_literal()
) or you can utilize the USING clause - which is preferrable in most cases. You can find more about that at the same spot in the manual.
Upvotes: 1