Reputation: 1682
I'm writing a Clojure wrapper for the Braintree Java library to provide a more concise and idiomatic interface. I'd like to provide functions to instantiate the Java objects quickly and concisely, like:
(transaction-request :amount 10.00 :order-id "user42")
I know I can do this explicitly, as shown in this question:
(defn transaction-request [& {:keys [amount order-id]}]
(doto (TransactionRequest.)
(.amount amount)
(.orderId order-id)))
But this is repetitive for many classes and becomes more complex when parameters are optional. Using reflection, it's possible to define these functions much more concisely:
(defn set-obj-from-map [obj m]
(doseq [[k v] m]
obj (name k) (into-array Object [v])))
(defn transaction-request [& {:as m}]
(set-obj-from-map (TransactionRequest.) m))
(defn transaction-options-request [tr & {:as m}]
(set-obj-from-map (TransactionOptionsRequest. tr) m))
Obviously, I'd like to avoid reflection if at all possible. I tried defining a macro version of set-obj-from-map
but my macro-fu isn't strong enough. It probably requires eval
as explained here.
Is there a way to call a Java method specified at runtime, without using reflection?
Thanks in advance!
Updated solution:
Following the advice from Joost, I was able to solve the problem using a similar technique. A macro uses reflection at compile-time to identify which setter methods the class has and then spits out forms to check for the param in a map and call the method with it's value.
Here's the macro and an example use:
; Find only setter methods that we care about
(defn find-methods [class-sym]
(let [cls (eval class-sym)
methods (.getMethods cls)
to-sym #(symbol (.getName %))
setter? #(and (= cls (.getReturnType %))
(= 1 (count (.getParameterTypes %))))]
(map to-sym (filter setter? methods))))
; Convert a Java camelCase method name into a Clojure :key-word
(defn meth-to-kw [method-sym]
(-> (str method-sym)
(str/replace #"([A-Z])"
#(str "-" (.toLowerCase (second %))))
; Returns a function taking an instance of klass and a map of params
(defmacro builder [klass]
(let [obj (gensym "obj-")
m (gensym "map-")
methods (find-methods klass)]
`(fn [~obj ~m]
~@(map (fn [meth]
`(if-let [v# (get ~m ~(meth-to-kw meth))] (. ~obj ~meth v#)))
; Example usage
(defn transaction-request [& {:as params}]
(-> (TransactionRequest.)
((builder TransactionRequest) params)
; some further use of the object
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Views: 1456
Reputation: 33637
The macro could be as simple as:
(defmacro set-obj-map [a & r] `(doto (~a) ~@(partition 2 r)))
But this would make your code look like:
(set-obj-map TransactionRequest. .amount 10.00 .orderId "user42")
Which I guess is not what you would prefer :)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 17773
You can use reflection at compile time ~ as long as you know the class you're dealing with by then ~ to figure out the field names, and generate "static" setters from that. I wrote some code that does pretty much this for getters a while ago that you might find interesting. See (especially, the def-fields macro in
Upvotes: 8